Forum posts

Posted 20 years ago2004-08-11 22:17:35 UTC
in New Map: cs_bank Post #50270
62 Direct light's really isn't as many as it seems.
If you are releasing a map for people to comment, it helps if you put forward your best work....

Good Luck with it...
You will find some good layout ideas for CS mapping at this site: Dave johnston
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-11 08:19:57 UTC
in Sky Post #50102
whit that way i can see the sky whit worldcraft.
You can't see sky in Hammer...
It will only show up as a blue texture.

Skies only appear in the compiled map.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-11 08:06:52 UTC
in Seeing models before compile Post #50097
All you need to do is add the Studio references to the FGD you have.
There is more information on this in the Halflife.fdg April 03
studio("models/xxxxxx.mdl") to the base class of the entity to display the model.
Not the easiest way to get things done, but if you can't find the FGD it might help...
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-11 07:51:06 UTC
in Brush Outside world Post #50089
Deadline is in three day's...
Well two now.
Read: Read Me
I am going to add to it this weekend to include an example of why it isn't such a good idea to make huge maps without compiling as you build...
Good Luck,
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-09 08:05:07 UTC
in Ingame Text Post #49325
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-09 07:22:52 UTC
in Zap!! Post #49314
Ok Guy's and Girls....
Time you all read the Entity Guide.
Use a Game_player_hurt.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-09 07:13:49 UTC
in Traps! Post #49311
Be careful killtargeting func entities, that can lead to problems.
make sure you test it before going any further... but it should be Ok.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-09 07:03:20 UTC
in Jedi Clan Mod- help wanted! Post #49305
Glad to see someone is planning....
Best of luck
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-09 07:00:00 UTC
in My new mod Post #49304
So I haven't read every single word of every post... Shoot me.
What I wanted to say is that I monitor all HL SP/MP Mods on ModDb and I would like to share some stuff.

Most Mod's take more than a year to complete.
Most Mod's never get released because it is hard to stay focused for such a long time.

Everyone has a good story, some even have a few good maps....
But the only Mod's that get released are the one's that have a Team that is really focused on the final product.

The people that put the Mod together are the single most important asset of any Mod. They require a good leader and realistic direction.

We tried and failed with the Project, but we all learnt a lot (I did :-))
I am not saying "Don't do it"...
What I am trying to say is get ready!
Read all the articles about Game design you can find.
Read everything written by anyone that has actually produced something that has been released.
Read reviews on other Mod's.... (If they have not been released.. don't bother.)

Be sure you have everything ready to go before you assemble your team.
Lead it yourself and if all else fails.... go it alone.
That way you only have one person to Blame.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-06 19:42:56 UTC
in Signature Post #48576
Do you mean adding your signature so it is visible when you play a map?
If so you need to create a new texture and include that.
Read all the Texture tutorials first...
Then ask if it still doesn't work.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-06 19:38:01 UTC
in Getting the camera to move Post #48572
Try this:
Trigger_camera Tutorial
I will be posting this as soon as I get an example map.... Anthony??
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-06 18:58:25 UTC
in TWHL SHOULD BE #1!!!!! Post #48550
HalfLife Top 200 isn't a good indicator of popular sites because they allowed personal pages to be included instead of community sites.
The fact that you guy's keep voting, keeps our profile high... but how many people actually find TWHL from that site?
I think that it would be a small number compared to the amount of hit's we get from Google and Yahoo, not to mention the 200 or so links I recently managed to add to one of the biggest HL game editing sites.

Considering you joined TWHL this year... I think it is a bit unfair to ask people to stop attracting new members.
After all, New members to our community are the reason we continue to thrive. Seventh and Terrel's comments are spot on... most people drop in for a look find what they want and move on.

I have said this more than once,
Most members find what they need and get on with the reason they are visited in the first place...
"Mapping, Editing and Creating"
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-06 18:42:26 UTC
in mario mod Post #48548
I think we are getting a bit off topic here...
Try to keep on track, I don't want to have to kill this off.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-05 03:59:28 UTC
in Twhl is becoming concious again! Post #48055
Atom owns the site and is the Primary administrator.

I look after day to day operations, monitor the content and post News.

The rest of the team have admin access to the forums and Map Vault.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-05 03:56:10 UTC
in TFC Entity Guide Post #48054
The reason we didn't link the TFC Entity guide is that we really didn't have that many members mapping for it. I wrote it back in the early days of TWHL when we really didn't know where we were going.

The fdg is insane and the goal setting is mad.

I hold a deep respect for Successful TFC mappers.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-05 03:47:00 UTC
in NS map screenies! Post #48053
Love NS textures...
This looks good.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-03 07:28:31 UTC
in ToDo Post #47687
Hey I want to be an Admin... where do I sign up..
Oh, I forgot I already was one? Doh!

We have discussed having more Moderators for the forums.
We are still undecided.

If I had to choose a new Forum Moderator from all the members, I could count the people I would consider on one hand (I have four fingers and a thumb!)

Those people are:

Always helpful,
Always provide Full answers with links to even the dumbest question.
Never post for the sake of posting.
Never abuse or flame anyone.
Always know what they are talking about and use common sense when problem solving.

Think about it people....
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-03 07:16:53 UTC
in Twhl is becoming concious again! Post #47685
The moderating of the forums continuesas does the monitoring of the Vault, and things are in the pipeline for general change but to say that the site was dead is a bit harsh.

The funny thing about it being "dead" is that we got more members while it was dying that we normally do? Go figure.

As for the forums...
The majority of posts that are deleted are from Older members who should know better.

Most of the people that said they were leaving or wanted 'change' now, haven't actually left TWHL and continue to post.
Strange really, since the things they wanted changed.... haven't.

As long as we have a community and people get the information they are after.... that is all that matters.

It is up to each of you to decide if you want to provide a bit of help to newbies, the same way that consideration was shown to you not that long ago.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-03 06:46:07 UTC
in Flock Problem ;) Post #47682
Flock Flyer's follow path_corners.
Weird I know, but I don't think they were ever meant to do anymore than their coded AI. If you set up a series of PC's then they will floow them (Target the first one) and perfom their sequences as they go.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-03 01:20:10 UTC
in need some sugjestions for my mod Post #47650
Please repost this in the Maps and Mods forum.

It does not belong here.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-03 01:11:43 UTC
in HELP PLZ!!!! I CANT MOVE Post #47649
If you slowly freeze and die, then there is a good chance that your spawn points are solid.
This can be caused by forgetting to hollow your Skybox.

All Members....Please do NOT continue this thread by saying how bad skyboxes are... we know. I am only millustrating an example of how this might have occured.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-31 19:30:26 UTC
in !Sounds For Scientists! Post #47240
Add a scripted_sentence
And read how to add the sentence listed above.

Sorry, Haz... posted same time
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-31 19:24:41 UTC
in my mod's training level is screwy! Post #47234

NOT trainingmap
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-31 18:59:17 UTC
in my mod's training level is screwy! Post #47223
Things to consider:
Name you Hazard course something different, like Haz1

make sure you Liblist looks something like:

game "My Mod"
startmap "Startmap"
trainmap "Haz1"
url_info ""
version "1.03b"
size ""
svonly "0"
hlversion "1110"
type "SP"
gamedll "..valvedllshl.dll"

Make sure Haz1 is in your Mod's Map file.

Have you done this?
I forgot to ask WHICH Mod are you mapping for and are you using Steam?
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-31 18:42:05 UTC
in hl .fgd in cs?? Post #47208
I know this has been answered, but I thought it might be important to add this:
Any FGD is only a tool for the Hammer editor.

An FGD lists all the game specific coded items that are available for use by Hammer.
Changing the FGD doesn't have any effect on the Game, it only changes how things are viewed in Hammer.
So if you want to add something to your FGD, then it must already be in the Game code for it to take effect.

Many of the original HL coded entities were indeed carried over to CS, but not all of them. Some of them were enhanced, some were not.

And as it has been mentioned above, You might be able to take a single entity and add it to an FGD, but it will only work in game, if it was coded into the gamein the first place.

Remember, it stands for Forge Game Data - Seventh
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-30 06:30:58 UTC
in Another compo please Post #46618
I will be sending Atom the rules and Outline for the new compo (Compo 11) tonight.
So you should expect to see it up next week some time.

I am aware that there have only been 9 compo's... please stop reminding me!! It's just the way the site saves the files...

For those interested, there will be Three Judges.
Me... by default
Seventh, cause he won the last one.
and a Mystery judge who's identity will be divulged at a later date.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-30 06:25:21 UTC
in Hint Brush Help Post #46616
Sorry, but all the work I have done with Hints normally end's exactly the same way you mentioned...
The Speeds go up!
To understand this a little better, you also have to understand that the initial bsp split of the map is different every time you compile. Normally it is only slightly, but it can throw all the good work out the window.

I haven't seen the map, but did you give Horizontal Hints a really good try?.
Best way to use them is to think of a ceiling. Can the player see above a certain height, if not then Horizontal hint that plane. It can save the poly count, but it can also raise it.

The work looks good.
If you manage 1000 wpoly in a few non/ minimal combat areas, I think you will be ok... My machine would have a heart attack, but thankfully not everyone is as technologically challenged as me :-)
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-30 05:28:48 UTC
in Swinging Rope Post #46600
From: Rope, Waterfalls and Dripping Water
What about swinging rope?
We know that you can't have two entities assigned to the same brush, so how are we going to get a rope to swing, and be climbable at the same time? Your guess is as good as mine.... They did it in OpFor so it should be easy? Well after hours of testing the func_pendulum and reading everything to do with rope in HL, I couldn't do it.
KingNic came good and provided the answer:
The ropes in Opposing force were a specially coded entity which used models to make the rope and had simple physics applied. You can't recreate the same effect in normal HL without coding.
As you can see...
It is amazing what you find when you read our tutorials!
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-30 05:20:33 UTC
in Timed monster spawning Post #46590
Lot's of info_nodes.
But basically, if the player isn't spotted, then the grunts won't attack. This is a bit of a bug, but if you change the angle (compass setting to align in top view 2D) of the monstermaker so that it faces the player then they should see him and attack.
Info_nodes will help them track the player down.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-30 05:07:38 UTC
in sentences.txt Post #46587
There is a brilliant tutorial at Wavelength that goes into this in detail.
(They don't encourage linking, and I will respect that, but to point you in the right direction....)

Open Google and type this:
Wavelength "Sentence Scripting"
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-28 23:47:18 UTC
in Half-Life disk too scratched! Post #46197
Did anyone consider that if his version of HL wasn't patched, then he might need it in to run HL??
Do you have the latest HL (non Steam) Patch installed?
Sorry, I can't remember the number but I think it is v46 HL
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-28 04:39:54 UTC
in ToDo Post #45758
Fair Comment BL..
I think a thread recycling bin is a good idea.
I also think Map Vault moderation is a good idea as long as I don't have to do it :-)

First things First...
We have started aggressively moderating the General Mapping and Maps and Mod's forums. So far so good.

I have started Renaming posts in those forums, so they reflect the actual question...
For example: Instead of "HELP!! llwwp gnarrr ling bot" you now see "CS entity help required"

Slay is looking at the Vault and possible modifications to it.
I have posted News today to allow members to make front page posts.

I will be leaving the Stuff, and this forum alone... But I do read the posts and will delete anything that is not appropriate.

The Change has started, and will continue.
The only problem I forsee is Time. Each of these new activities takes time to impliment... So can you help us out here by being a little patient?
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-27 23:44:11 UTC
in hammer 3.5 Animations Post #45733
Are you using the updated fdg.
halflife.fgd apr 15 2003, revision includes the Animation and studio string that is required for Hammer 3.5.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-27 23:37:53 UTC
in What files do I need to Make a Mod? Post #45732
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-27 23:02:58 UTC
in Hint Brush Help Post #45728
Hint brushes can be used on almost any plane, but Horizontal and vertical produce the best results.
Have you read:Pyramid Hints by NinjaGrinch ?
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-27 22:48:26 UTC
in CS questions... Post #45722
All the answers to these questions and more can be found:
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-27 22:41:49 UTC
in Compile Problem Post #45719
Feel free to post the error.log here in this forum.
If you can't find the error.log, then the compile log is Ok..
I will edit it.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-26 22:35:02 UTC
in ToDo Post #45241
Good thinking BL,
We discussed this today.
Atom has some ideas and we will just have to see how those go.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-26 22:30:59 UTC
in Say goodbye Post #45238
I must agree with Merl, ever since VOX announced his departure I have been wondering when he is actually going to depart!

Very clever marketing strategy that...
Say the site is dying, threaten to leave and the site hit's go through the roof...
We now have more members than we did last week.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-26 22:27:45 UTC
in Compo 10 Post #45237
Atom was looking at listing all the entries, but for some reason got sidetracked by a bunch of members who wanted to leave the site?
Go figure....

I have the new compo ideas and will be looking at them tonight. I expect the new compo will be announced on the weekend.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-26 22:22:11 UTC
in I got an idea(remade) Post #45236
Guy's and Girls.
I have deleted posts from this topic that were WAY off topic.
Try to stay on the topic...

Have you considered spliting your members into two groups building two maps?
It might move faster that way.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-24 20:09:36 UTC
in Mass attacking! Post #44540
Monster don't attack locations.
You can get them to walk to a location as Floater mentions... but they won't attack when they get their unless...

"Monsters attack Players, Sci's, Barneys and Grunts. Sometimes they attack each other...."

Think outside the square...
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-24 20:00:32 UTC
in Camera Question Post #44539
Trigger_camera tutorial is still a work in progress. I am waiting on an Example map, but feel free to read it.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-24 19:53:25 UTC
in light question Post #44536
Have a read of the xen_plantlight entity in the Entity Guide it explains how to make it turn on and off.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-24 19:40:23 UTC
in Say goodbye Post #44530
Sticks and Stones...
Before you all get way to emotional about this, consider a few home truths.
I posted a reply in My journal to a similar e-mail I recieved from a respected friend.
I will outline a few more specific details here:
1. You were all NooB's once (That includes 'The Wise one's')
2. For every crap post, there is someone who actually read the tutorials and found what they were looking for and didn't need to post!!!
3. People come and go, that is life.
4. If you honestly believe that we have lost the "best" mappers... then you are in dreamworld.
5. Actually answering forum posts with a 'Link' to obvious solutions might help.
6. Posting a reply "READ THE F'ING TUTORIAL" doesn't actually help.

Consider this:
You ask you Mum what time dinner is.

How do you feel?
Especially since you never knew there was a timetable....

So, if you feel the quality of the forums has declined (and I tend to agree with you) then do something about it.
Hassle spammers by IGNORING THEM, but answer the real questions. After all, a person that asks a question only does so because he or she believe's that it is important.
It might not be important to you... but this isn't about you.

27 replies to a post that really only requires 1 reply and a link, shows me that most of the people answering posts are more interested in getting their post count up or seeing their name on a page, instead of actually adding Value.

Don't let this site become an elite group of fools who think they know it all and have nothing to add to the community, far too many other HL sites have died because of that.

Make this a first stop place for people new to mapping, and help them out.
Don't flame them, Link them to the right place.

Posted 20 years ago2004-07-24 19:15:20 UTC
in what do i need Post #44517
Q2 modeling and coding, cool.
Did you use QuArk or are you a Hammer user?

Ignore all the lame stuff above, We have had a spate of questions like "Help fix my box, it doesn't work" and the 'old members' are getting a bit frustrated. So please don't take offence, they mean well :-)

For a really general idea of what you need to get mapping (and ultimately produce your own Mod) have a look at Where to start.
And for app's try Links

Don't listen to SilentGunz...
Quake celibrated it's 8th Birthday last month as I am sure you are aware, while everyone rushes off to be part of HL2 (or DooM3 even) there will still be people Modding and Mapping for HL1.....
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-19 05:10:11 UTC
in Scripted sentence (help requested) Post #42738
Nearly but not quite...
Have a look at Custom Sounds you should find what your looking for there.
Also, someone is currently writing a tut on this very subject...
Stay tuned.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-19 05:01:27 UTC
in How to get an NPC to teleport somewhere Post #42733
Good advice MrXBob.
Using trigger_teleporters for NPC's is problematic. You can get them to walk into one, but wether they teleport or not depends on the NPC.
The only way I have found to get Sci's and Grunts to teleport properly has been covered by MrXBob...
You can however drop the NPC onto a trigger_teleport and they will indeed teleport... Go Figure.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-19 04:54:53 UTC
in How Do U post a screenie on the Forums? Post #42732
You might want to read this Forum Help
Just remember to keep the size of your screenie to about 400 wide, 300 is better.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-19 04:50:26 UTC
in Check out my new site. Post #42731
Pimping in this forum is allowed and encouraged.
Nice site.