Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2005-05-14 23:28:58 UTC
in Never do this [closed] Post #109459
dont stick any body part in acid

dont look into a loaded gun's barrel

dont fall into a pit with spikes at the bottom

dont shoot at water or a solid surface or richochet could kill someone

dont stick hand into anything spinning really fast
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-12 23:56:29 UTC
in Sky...HELP!!! Post #109121
#1 Search First

#2 As discussed before, its not the cubes fault, you need to change the skyname, in texture editor, type sky, find the name you want, remember it, dont apply it, go map, map properties, click on map sky, and enter the name, without the letters at the end, ex sky_dust

#3 Welcome....had nothing else to put :P
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-08 22:51:43 UTC
in Hammer Units? Post #108427
never heard of them :D
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-08 18:02:47 UTC
in Any recommendations? Post #108408
try fy_dustworld, a quick but fun map
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-08 01:02:19 UTC
in Map Ideas Post #108171
yeah, Ive decided to experiment with some physics first, so im making a single player level with a bunch of physics things, like ropes, machines, ect.. based off of black mesa, then I might try a css map of some sort, or expand on the hl2 sp map and make a mini saga out of it...
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-05 19:52:33 UTC
in Map Ideas Post #107678
I have been wanting to make a map for awhile, I know how and everything, but my imagination is lacking, any ideas of what I should do for a map would be greatfully appreciated, and for what game, css, hl2, hl2dm, not hl1. Thanks Guys! :D
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-03 22:24:04 UTC
in Run??? Post #107177
There are some good prefab sites, they have everything, look on planethalflife, not sure about the dog question though.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-03 21:21:28 UTC
in teleport problem Post #107171
I only used a teleport for one map, It was inactive, I followed a tutorial on this site, I had it so it was triggered, it didnt start till then, check out the tuts on this site :D
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-03 21:20:10 UTC
in Tutorials? Post #107169
Im trying to make some beginner ones, on my new site . Not many yet, but I usually write one a day, not for intermediates though...
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-03 21:18:27 UTC
in Run??? Post #107168
Try making the "new train speed" a higher number, dont use them much, but give that a go
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-03 21:14:52 UTC
in downloading music Post #107166
I would get Emule, its open source so you wont get any spyware, watch out for what you download, if your not dumb you wont get viruses, good searching, fare downloading rates, and its free, got music,movies,programs, everything. Bit Torrent is a good one to use also, works best if you have linux though.

Posted 19 years ago2005-05-03 00:19:56 UTC
in Mod Help Post #107033
I have a mod being made (Rebel Alliance), we have a mapper (lazy though) and could use another, we have a couple modellers, concept artist, and we need a coder, does anyone know of a coder? Or where to find one? We have asked for one on moddb but no luck, we also need a skinner, our website is http://

Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

BTW - This isnt a Star Was mod
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-02 17:21:17 UTC
in Half-Life 3? Post #106979
well, Half life 3 will be happening, you will have the same crowbar as well, at the end of half life you its there, big boom, but, somehow, aftermath will be coming out and youll have a crowbar there, all your belongings will be taken with you and itll be the same...
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-27 23:39:10 UTC
in Free webspace, no ads offer Post #106211
I just use for all my quick hosting needs, websites i use
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-26 18:15:28 UTC
in The Hunter Award Post #106006
User posted image

A suggestion...
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-24 21:45:08 UTC
in what part of a zombie is the head? Post #105766
... ok, so lets see-- Lets say the default head damage is 3, when you raised it it would be 3+, so it could be 4,5,6,7,8 or more shots needed, when you lower head damage, you would have 2 or 1, see? Lower is better :D
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-24 11:32:47 UTC
in 3d skybox problem Post #105644
ok, well, i assume you'r making a box, and on the sides your adding the skybox texture?

if you are doing that then thats fine, but, what you need to do is to copy your map, all of it, and place it beside itsself, then, make it smaller, and in the middle add a sky_camera, or something along that line.

Anyways, after that youll have a 3dskybox that will work, thats what I did for mine, didnt work right at first, but keep trying and you should get it.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-20 21:07:43 UTC
in Sentences.txt Post #92142
I found a good tutorial for faceposer, thanks guys! Too bad faceposer is buggy...
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-19 13:06:54 UTC
in Sentences.txt Post #91812
How do you make custom sentences in Half Life 2? Is it the same as in HL1?
Thanks :)
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-15 22:07:58 UTC
in Music Post #90946
check out - they have a whole database of half life 2 tutorials, including yours, I think its under mp3
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-03 19:27:07 UTC
in No draw Post #88026
And I still cant select the pannels...
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-03 11:20:59 UTC
in No draw Post #87936
Ok, ill try the dynamic_overide but How do I select the panels without selecting the whole thing? Sorry if thats a n00b question.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-03 11:20:06 UTC
in cubemap's don't work!!! Post #87934
Oh I'd notice the difference, I run on dx9 and have a geforce 6600GT. I would notice but for some reason I dont
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-02 22:58:45 UTC
in cubemap's don't work!!! Post #87869
I havnt used them and my models looked fine. I put them in like you described and I dont see anychange. Ill put them in just in case though
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-02 22:55:56 UTC
in No draw Post #87868
Ok, thanks, so how do I select the glass panels to parent them? Also what should I use? prop_static prop_physics or prop_physics_overide to make the hev suit holder
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-02 20:12:13 UTC
in cubemap's don't work!!! Post #87847
Oh ok, thanks, I wont notice a big difference if I dont include them though?
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-02 19:41:11 UTC
in cubemap's don't work!!! Post #87842
so what would happen if you didnt place cubemaps in your map? How do we know where to put them?
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-02 19:39:21 UTC
in No draw Post #87840
What does a nodraw texture do and when would you use it?

I looked in one of the maps that comes with hammer because I wanted to know how they made the hev suit holder, I have the model but I dont know how to make the door, I saw they had nodraw textures all over it and wondered what they did and how to help me to make this hev suit holder.
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-31 20:55:35 UTC
in Prefabs Post #87388
Well, sorry if it had, I looked and looked and couldnt find anything. I got it working, had to set the distance to about 1500, thats what the guys at valve did and it seems to have worked fine. Once and for all.

***Thread Solved***
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-31 20:53:43 UTC
in Node Graph Out Of Date Post #87387
No it flashes and then goes away. It flashes it everytime I play it though, not just once after I compile it. I thought maybe you had to wait for it to "rebuild" the node graph. Then it would leave you alone. But no it keeps on "rebuilding"
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-31 11:11:07 UTC
in Prefabs Post #87250
Ok, fixed it 100% now. Have to use prop_physics overide. Thanks for all your help minus blackravent. Oh and by the way, I think I know that this has hl1 tutorials on it. Last time I checked this was a Hammer community and it has HL2 editing forums so if you dont feel like answering HL2 editing questions stick with HL1 and dont wast a forum post!
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-31 11:06:13 UTC
in Node Graph Out Of Date Post #87249
I've tried and it doesnt seem to work. Do I have to sit there and wait for it to "rebuld" it do you think? If so how long should I wait?
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-30 22:57:56 UTC
in Node Graph Out Of Date Post #87130
Ive tried it again without recompiling and it keeps doing it, everytime I load the map, not just once. Ive checked the maps folder and it has a graph file in it that is 1k. What should I do now? I dont even have any nodes in my map
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-30 22:30:23 UTC
in Node Graph Out Of Date Post #87119
Ok, Ill give that a try, thanks!
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-30 17:09:52 UTC
in Node Graph Out Of Date Post #87034
Ok, so how do I stop it from rebuilding the nodes each time it starts the level? Also, I have no nodes in my map, just a room, a turret, a citizen and some props.
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-30 16:53:15 UTC
in Node Graph Out Of Date Post #87030
When I start my level it writes Node Graph Out Of Date...Rebuilding on the screen and then it goes away. This is really annoying and makes the map look *rapy. Anyways, does anyone know what is causing this and how do I go about fixing it? Thanks
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-30 13:27:04 UTC
in Prefabs Post #86998
Ok, the props are gone again!?! I dont know that I'm doing wrong so I uploaded it to the problem map's part of the map vault, its called ra_s_1. Hope you guys can help me out! Thanks
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-30 02:14:01 UTC
in Prefabs Post #86874
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-29 21:51:03 UTC
in Prefabs Post #86797
I got it to work, just fiddled with the distance settings, they were defaulted at -1 and 1 so i just set them to 0 and it worked. Thanks!
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-29 21:32:24 UTC
in Prefabs Post #86790
ok, what should the draw distance be on the models?
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-29 19:06:27 UTC
in Prefabs Post #86755
Ok, another problem but I'll post it in the same topic, I inserted the prop_physics, inserted lights,bed,matress, ect into a room. When I got and play the level I dont see any of the props, I can run intothem ect but I cant see them, whats the problem here?
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-29 18:28:08 UTC
in Prefabs Post #86737
ok, found the frame in c17 under furnature_bed, now to find the matress. TWHL should start a section where you can post where this stuff is :D
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-29 18:19:54 UTC
in Prefabs Post #86731
anyway I can seach for what Im looking for? Cause I cant find bed or bed frame anywhere
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-29 18:06:25 UTC
in Prefabs Post #86721
Where could I get some half life 2 prefabs? Im looking for anything, bedframes,tables, the works, I cant seem to find them in hammer.
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-27 11:03:22 UTC
in Cant make my map dark Post #86061
well, I know that skyboxes are bad but I searched for 2 days using the pointfile. I fixed up holes everywhere and I finally just gave up, I fixed one hole and another one appeared, it was in the sky everywhere so I made a box around the map, or just that area of the map, and It worked good.
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-26 21:40:09 UTC
in Cant make my map dark Post #86003
I had that problem too. I found some information to help my out. Its a pain but I ended up just making a big hollow box around my map. The problem is that your map has a leak somewhere in it and when there is a leak VIS and RAD dont run causing light to not be rendered making your map fullbright.
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-26 21:38:35 UTC
in Scripting stuff Post #86002
Ok, I looked at soco's post and downloaded that map. I figured out what I was doing wrong. Thanks guys! :D
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-26 21:26:18 UTC
in Scripting stuff Post #86000
Saco ill check that out. Ministeve, that would allow the player to use the scanner too right? I want it so that when he uses it it says access denied. Like in Half life 1 before you go into the test chamber. The scanners wont accept you but they will the scientists. Another example is in half life 2 before you get teleported, you cant use the scanner but the npc can.

This map is for half life 1 but Ill be doing a half life 2 one also, Im just practicing with Half life 1 before I get the hl2 sdk.
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-26 15:20:50 UTC
in Scripting stuff Post #85913
yes, Ive got it so the npcs open the door for me, using scripts and multimanagers. I want it so that the scanners they use, cant be used by the player to open the door.
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-26 14:12:42 UTC
in Scripting stuff Post #85876
ok, so if the door is locked then the scanners need to be used. How can I lock the scanners so they cant be used by the player?