Forum posts

Posted 18 years ago2006-05-08 17:05:30 UTC
in Is the Jaffa Cake a cake or a biscuit? Post #179105
It was decided in court by people much smarter than me that it was a cake, so I vote cake.

Now I want a a jaffacake, too bad i've never seen one on store shelves in my life :( .
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-06 23:21:27 UTC
in free counter-strike lessons from cheese Post #178791
Oh. God.

I'm not sure wether to laugh or to cry...
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-03 23:44:42 UTC
in Avatar Contest Post #178321
There better not be...
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-01 23:13:12 UTC
in Osama bin Laden uses Linux! Post #177822
Jobabob wrote: American satire is 'say the exact opposite of what we mean and dont even give a subtle hint that we dont mean it'

Nah, thats just a form of satire, and sounds way better when your hear it rather then read it.

British people are way better at it then we are though.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-01 23:04:55 UTC
in Valve with XBox 360 Post #177820
I think it would be interesting if valve actually built a game around the console, rather then simply porting a game from the PC. HL2 sucked on Xbox because Xbox just wasn't built to run it, they're probably wouldn't even be as many painstakingly long load times if they hadn't used the source engine.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-29 00:18:19 UTC
in Dunce Americans Post #177280
Jesus, are you people still going on about this? I'd have thought you pretty much covered everything...
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-28 00:18:11 UTC
in Wii ? Post #177141
I don't think renaming it wii killed their chances but still, what the hell?

Heres an interveiw:
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-27 23:03:02 UTC
in Take the Quiz Post #177130
Arg, my computer did something...

anyway my answers are:

1 A
2 E
3 E
4 C
5 A

I swear I didn't look these up.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-27 23:02:54 UTC
in Take the Quiz Post #177129
Don't post em yet! I just started.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-27 22:27:56 UTC
in Airsoft vs Paintball Post #177127
Yeah, when your playing with friends you know the honor system will hold up (Airsoft only, obviously).
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-16 12:20:36 UTC
in So, you think you can hear? Post #174633
it seems the same to me ether way as well.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-16 11:53:19 UTC
in CS:S The Movie! Post #174627
Alone in the dark was a movie as well.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-12 20:52:00 UTC
in CS:S The Movie! Post #173869
If they got the right actor for Gordon, and it was well written, I think a Half-Life movie would rock.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-12 20:35:01 UTC
in Internet Explorer's faults Post #173862
I mean, no one would spontaneously self-combust if we don't.
You'd be surprised Satchmo...
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-10 23:03:45 UTC
in Bunny Hopping is not Dead! Post #173410
WTF is bunny hopping?

Don't tell me to watch the video, i have 56k.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-10 20:53:28 UTC
in Something I whipped together Post #173396
try texturing it onto that lovely pig
texturing what on to my equally god aweful pig?
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-10 20:44:20 UTC
in Really cool Building photos Post #173394
Hmmm, xyos does that first building have a title? I want to look up more pictures.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-10 00:10:01 UTC
in Something I whipped together Post #173211
Gawd awfull indeed.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-09 23:19:03 UTC
in Dunce Americans Post #173208
No, that's totaly wrong, because people are generally stupid (I say ALL people here, not just americans)
Yeah, that reminds me of a bunch of quotes i found on stupidity...

"The American people are very generous people and will forgive almost any weakness, with the possible exception of stupidity." --Will Rogers

"Out! Out! You demons of stupidity!" --Dogbert

"Never give advice--a wise man won't need it, a fool won't heed it."--Unknown

"Being stupid is its own reward." --Unknown

"Aristotle taught that the brain exists merely to cool the blood and is not involved in the process of thinking. This is true only of certain persons." ~ Will Cuppy

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." -Albert Einstein.

"Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain." - Friedrich von Schiller

And thats just a sample.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-09 13:16:28 UTC
in TWHL3 Post #173133
TWHL3 is going to rock.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-09 12:34:57 UTC
in Dunce Americans Post #173128
The americans think that they are above everone else, it makes me
...Do you watch the news or do actually know an american? Or perhaps you watch late night television...
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-08 19:42:22 UTC
in Dunce Americans Post #173058
More of that dry wit a suppose.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-08 19:40:10 UTC
in Episode One site Post #173057
I can't wait, I wish they were offering a retail version of Sin: episodes though :cry: .
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-08 19:19:19 UTC
in Dunce Americans Post #173047
WOw gunter dont think I wont flame you because your American. They dont over-generalize. THere is no "they" Its people living somewhere else. OMG THATS OBSURD!

Coming to conclusions from forum boards is fuckin retarted! YOU CANT JUDGE COUNTRIES BY OTHERS ON FORUMS! Nothing anyone said was that bad here. Its good to hear opinions from around the world. (no matter what they are) GOD you seem like one of those Americans who are ignorant and foolish. zonked - :zonked: aghast - :aghast: furious - :furious: the finger - :thefinger:
Dude, calm down. I was kidding.

See, the author of this thread thought that all Americans were stupid because of a few people he saw on late night TV. So i mocked him (wich i admit was kinda mean).
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-08 19:11:26 UTC
in Dunce Americans Post #173042
Due to the dozen or so foreign people who have posted here, I have come to the conclusion that all people from other countreis over generalize! :|
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-08 18:46:45 UTC
in Dunce Americans Post #173020
Oh yeah, and civilians grin - :D
But they're the same, they wear turbans. Lousy muslims.
Bah, they got in the way!

ok i'm sorry, that was stupid. I hate our government, I hate the war, I hate politics, but i don't think were all idiots.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-08 18:43:18 UTC
in Dunce Americans Post #173015
We dont really hold power over anyone else.

oh yeah, thats totally true... rolls eyes - :roll:

america always tries to help everyone killing people...
Ok, i want you to name who were holding power over.

Also, who are we killing again? Oh yeah, TERRORISTS.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-08 18:38:30 UTC
in Dunce Americans Post #173005
I think the best way to end this thread would be -

If the majority of Americans aren't dumbfucks, how the hell is Bush in power?
Simple, he was running agaonst cheney, and the majority of americans are conservative. In their eyes, Bush was the best bet for the consevative party.
They don't seem quite so sure anymore anyway, have you seen Bushes approval ratings?
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-08 18:30:09 UTC
in Dunce Americans Post #172989
I think this thread needs to degenerate into a flame war rapidly else we're all **expletive deleted**
Oh oh, maybie you just think that because your losing! Ohhh, you just got served, your face foo'.

How was that?
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-08 14:52:09 UTC
in Dunce Americans Post #172923
I hate it when people generalize. I knew the answer to all of those questions, and guess what? I'm a tipical 13 year old american. The people that were interveiwed can't reprisent the entire population of a country. Maybie the population of that city, but the educational standards change depending on state. All of the people I know could answer those questions.
Even Dr. Breen is more sane than Bush.
How ever hard that made me laugh, at least Bush isn't keeping us from reproducing. I do hate him though.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-06 22:44:59 UTC
in Something I whipped together Post #172761
It looks like the five-seven. Am I right?
I'm not sure what you mean by that, but if you look close it says 5.7 x 28 close tho the barrel.

Well, its a heck of a lot better then what i can do with blender.

its a piggie!
User posted image
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-06 22:13:23 UTC
in RIP inc. A MOVIE LIKE TIM BURTON Post #172758
Actually bob, that was one of the easyer things to understand, not that I mind. I can understand the fact that your english isn't the greatest thing in the world. Heck, just getting people to understand you when speaking your seconed language is no mean feat in itself. Give him a break guys! He's obviously still learning. :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-06 18:35:11 UTC
in RIP inc. A MOVIE LIKE TIM BURTON Post #172732
lol I already saw 2 of these movies, but me i wanna try with backgrounds and everything, the thins is that you don't know how should be my movie, I'll continu checking the website, but I'll still need info!
Yeah, I didn't really expect the idea you've had to resemble Knox's movies. But I think theres some info on that site as to what equipment he uses. Stop motion is still stop motion, even two things as diffrent as Dr. bob saves the day and the nighmare before christmas.

As for making backrounds, thats just a matter of craftsmenship. Have you had any experience with model making? What materials you use depends on what your trying to make, heck even computer graphics could replace an actual enviornment if you knoew what you were doing. Hehe, I just imagined clay people shooting eachother in a level from Half-Life 2 :nuts:.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-05 21:26:31 UTC
in Now Playing Post #172600
The klezmatics - shvagin = toyt
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-05 21:12:48 UTC
in RIP inc. A MOVIE LIKE TIM BURTON Post #172597
Stop-motion animation is incredibly time consuming. It took Aardman Studios over 3 years to create the Wallace and Gromit film. They basically shoot a second of film a day (24 frames per second is the standard for film). So 24 individual cuts for each second of footage. Amazing, isn't it?
yeah, it can take a long time. But Wallace and Gromit had some amazingly complex scenes in it. If you do something smaller, like with only a few characters on screen at once, you go at around a minute of footage for every one to three hours.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-05 21:00:01 UTC
in RIP inc. A MOVIE LIKE TIM BURTON Post #172593
Hm, i'm pretty sure that if you looked in online software stores, or something like that, you could find a decent program for making stop motion animations. It might also be interesting to visit [link][/link], the guy there is Robert Benfer. Its amazing how far he has come seince 03. He started out making really crappy clamations, and now he has a member of "The Matrix" special effects team working with him on his new movie!
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-05 15:38:49 UTC
in April Fools Day Jokes! Post #172537
I put baking soda in the ketchup at my mom's place.

It blew up on my brother's burger and splatted ketchup in a 18 inch circular blast radius around his meal.
That is the coolest thing ever.
The only thing i've ever done on april fools day was give warm water to my brother instead of cold :| . I don't dare try anything else though; he gets ticked off really easy.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-05 12:51:01 UTC
in Check this out! Post #172510
I wouldn't mind a sudden influx of germans. For some strange reason I love all thing that have to do with germany (not including some of the nastyer history connected with the country).
Congrats playbus, now i have to go play Day 14.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-05 12:37:26 UTC
in Condemned Criminal Origins Post #172507
I don't get it.
nether do I actually, the term noob is to loosely defined. I don't think Habboi is a noob, even if I i'm not really sure what exactly the term "noob" means. Although i have been called a noob before in less freindly communities, for commiting seemingly simple mistakes.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-05 12:22:28 UTC
in Condemned Criminal Origins Post #172503
Well, Habboi might sound like a forum noob even if he is a brilliant mapper.

I've read reveiws for Condemned and it sounds like a decent game. I'm pretty sure theres no multiplayer though.
It had a few faults, like poor character models, compared to the enviorments anyway wich are supposed to be really pretty in how ugly and dilapidated they are. Plus its supposed to pretty freaky and intense so i wouldn't recommend picking it up if you don't enjoy horror games. It might be worth a rent rather then a buy if you own an Xbox360, as it has very little replay value.

EDIT:I just checked on gamepot and the PC version is due out on the 11th of this month. I think thats just the american release date, and i'm not sure if you all live in America.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-04 23:53:36 UTC
in Chinese mappers Post #172404
???? HL2 ???????? ?????? mappack ????????

???? OMG PWN ????? ?? ????? ???????? ? ???????!
They seem quite confused dont they? :P

So anyway, do they have place to keep the maps they've made? If so, could someone tell me how to get there? I'm always inerested in looking at user created content.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-04 23:18:43 UTC
in I'm back, but need your help! Post #172403
I don't know much about coding for Half-Life 2, but this sounds like it could use a good amount of it. I would make it so your health would drop faster, wich would force you to think more carefully.
Welcome back, I can't wait untill you make something.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-04 22:47:09 UTC
in PS3 - What are YOU looking forward to? Post #172399
Ok, breath sniiiifffff hoooooo ingnore m0p. Ignore m0p.

I'm most likely going to get an Xbox 360, but if i do get a ps3 i'm buying the next metal gear game right away. looks pretty awesome.

Oh, and about console gaming not being serious, guess who won $1,000 for winning a Halo 2 tournament :glad: (not me by the way)
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-03 00:09:30 UTC
in PS3 - What are YOU looking forward to? Post #172151
yeah, psychonauts isn't a hardcore game I agree with you there. I was just sitting some of games major accomplishments so m0p would shut up. It didn't work though : .
Consoles may not be hardcore gaming for you m0p, but if "hardcore gaming is all about sitting in a dark room for days on end" then there are thousands of people out there who will disagree with you. The total hours that people have spent on Xbox live add up to over five thousand years. if your just going to sit there and spout single sentences affirming you illogical and idiotic beliefs, then I?m leaving this thread. For a second, I thought I might actually have a well rounded and intelligent argument, but I was wrong.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-02 23:40:39 UTC
in PS3 - What are YOU looking forward to? Post #172147
Consoles are a joke.

Oh god my face hurts. Not.
You didn't even bother to play any of those games did you? :zonked: I give up. You go on bashing consoles, ether because you can't use a controller or you think power is all that matters or whatever. If you don't think consoles can be hardcore gaming, you know nothing about at least 50% of the gaming population.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-02 22:55:06 UTC
in PS3 - What are YOU looking forward to? Post #172144
Hah, this forum is the most fanboy ridden place I have ever been to.
Revolution is gonna suck so much dick, its gonna put Nintendo out of buisness.
What? Did you see what the DS did in Japan?
PS3 is due for a WORLDWIDE launch this November - and is expected to WHOOP that pants of the XBOX 360
Expected by whom exactly?
and Crash Bandicoot!
Oh god, that franchise killed itself long ago (Sorry, just had to say that).
Console gaming is fun, but not hardcore gaming. Hardcore gaming is all about siting in a dark room for days on end. Console gaming is more of a joke than a serious gaming platform.
This is the single comment that really annoyed me. Console gaming a joke huh? Go play shadow of the collosus, or ico, or xenosaga, or ninja gaiden, or Psychonauts, or oddworld: strangers wrath, or kingdom harts, or indigo prophecy, or Dead or Alive 4. If you play any of those games and then come back here telling me that consoles are a joke i will punch your face in :furious: :furious: :furious: .

its not power that defines a game, it is innovation and enjoyability that make them outstanding.

on the other side, i do love computers very much, i wouldn't be posting here if it wasn't for that.

ok, i'm done. I apologize if i came across as a prick.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-16 04:35:13 UTC
in overkill? Post #168594
What? Crap... i'm going to go to my shock therapy now, i need to stop doing things like this. Sorry, 'bout that.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-16 03:43:49 UTC
in overkill? Post #168588
huh, i might like it better if it wasn't so... messy. It looks out of place with the uniform-looking concrete and all. It might be better if it was the center of a sewer system in a city made out of scrap metal or something like that.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-16 03:14:49 UTC
in E.Y.E Hl? total conversion recruiting Post #168579
Your right habboi, you know what kind of mod we need? Um... one second... I got it! Two words "Digestive tract" It will usher a new era in PC gaming.
Anyway, your mod looks cool (if a tad generic). I would offer help, but... i suck. So, maybie i'll just play this thing and learn from it in some way.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-21 02:17:14 UTC
in Recreating HL1 maps Post #164206
Looks pretty good, but if i did this i would try to make the levels a little more detailed, and change some of the gameplay to take advantage of of the source engine.