hey i read on hl source and the collective that the asshole who stole it first said he had a gold version of hl 2 wich he waned to release then he said the game wasnt finishd more then 1/3 so i dont believe that guy and what about if we all go smash his head because hestole our favorite game ever!!
yeha a lof of money at least 30$ a month so why should we. and what game then?? i think it should be hl cause thats what this site is based on isnt it??
i played ab it of deliverance before i lost it. the story goes about blackmesa where still scienitst are disapprearing to make a weapon for the governement but hten there are aeperign alines in new york and people starting to aks question and ten you have to save you buddies from blackmesa and again there is a grunt cleanup team send in, but still a good mod
iam going to write a tutorial on how to use the camera in haf-life only it will take a while cause there are more then 4 ways to use it so i have to write a tutorial on that
right time or me to tell the truth.... we all have only 7 outs to live we will all die because of a big astroid wich will colaps with the earth.whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. oh the wrong thing wright?? al right go here:..jsut found out doe closed there doors from the site. they already closed there test server. i think the manual on verc is very easy
i made a truck with in it a func tank as a machine gun and a door that you can open. i gave the func tank a sound and when you start to shoot the sound start to but i wont stop when you stop shooting
nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnoooooooooooooooooooloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo you cnat use spirt cause those poor 56kers should have to download spirit first to see the entrys lwell oke make some spirit maps
i lvoe wizwars you now its very fun to see a wizard on a dragon and when oyu aim at hinm with a fire spell he burns lol!! and offcourse the specialist i love the map ts_lobby and then superjump on man that rocks
i got ideas form everything what happens on the moment around me, i woekd up once in the middle of the night and i got a great idea the day after istarted with the idea
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-04 03:33:03 UTC
in FIREPost #2127
all the files are pakced in a pak. file so it saves space and the game loads them very handy.. like if you wanna se moleds in hammer you also need to extract them all(yes i did extract all the modles)
erm if ima right it are light texture so you hsould a light texture wich is off and i think you should make it a func wall ore a func wall toggle iam not sure