Hi! I'm new here!

I wanted to know what does these entities attributes below. I visited the entity guide of TWHL, but there was no descriptions available for these entities:
- aiscripted_sequence -> AI Schedule when done -> Ambush
- light, light_environment and light_spot -> ZHLT Fade
- light, light_environment and light_spot -> ZHLT Falloff -> Default, Inverse Linear and Inverse Square
- monster_apache -> Flag: NoWreckage
- scripted_sentence -> Flag: Followers Only
- scripted_sentence -> Flag: Interrupt Speech
- scripted_sentence -> Flag: Concurrent
- All the entities for blocks -> ZHLT Lightflags -> Default,Embedded Fix, Opaque (blocks light), Opaque + Embedded Fix and Opaque + Concave Fix
- All the entities for blocks -> Light Origin Target
- func_door, func_door_rotating, func_water and momentary_door -> Flag: Don't link
- func_door, func_door_rotating, func_water and momentary_door -> Flag: Toggle
- func_rotating -> X Y Z - Move here after lighting
- func_tank, func_tanklaser, func_tankmortar and func_tankrocket -> Yaw tolerance
- func_tank, funk_tanklaser, func_tankmortar and func_tankrocket -> Pitch tolerance
- func_trackautochange and func_trackchange -> Flag: Relink track
- func_train -> Contents
- trigger_changelevel -> Change Target
- trigger_changelevel -> Delay before change target
- trigger_changelevel -> Flag: No Intermission
- trigger_... -> Target Path
Can someone help me, please? :