Forum posts

Posted 20 years ago2004-08-24 05:38:48 UTC
in Favourite THREE bands Post #53473
1)Devil Driver
2)coal chamber

Go the hardCore Metal FanZ!..
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-23 05:22:21 UTC
in GUI editing Post #53110
ahh...sexellent. thank you Jaardsi
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-22 04:37:16 UTC
in GUI editing Post #52763
what i did was extracted the HUD sprites so i could redraw over the ones i wanted to changes. Do you mean for me to resave over the ones in the PAK file.. or over the sprites that i extracted. Cause i saved over them, using the originals as a template and made back up originals. and wat exaclty is a HPK file?.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-22 03:51:36 UTC
in GUI editing Post #52750
ok... wat the hell?.. i created the Sprites, using all the proper programs and didnt cut corners. Now when i place it in my /valve/sprites folder and start up the game it gives me a ton of errors about being unable to create a HPK file, and when i check, its created one. Whats goin on?..
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-20 05:02:17 UTC
in GUI editing Post #52258
thanks guys i wasnt expecting an answer so soon.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-20 03:23:46 UTC
in GUI editing Post #52241
How does one go about editing the GUI on the screen, not the menus, but the Armor and Health Symbols, the little flash light etc. Are they graphics or Sprites or wat?. i read somewhere how to do it but i lost the site...
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-29 21:51:41 UTC
in "see through" wall textures. Post #46511
Hmm..interesting. It seems that the effect also was happening to HL itself. I uninstalled it and now it works fine. but thanks for the help. it would seem that if this problem happens again to anyone they should uninstall HL then reinstall it.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-29 05:02:42 UTC
in "see through" wall textures. Post #46283
ok the wall is 3.5 squares big, on the smallest grid size. it could be my GFX card, better bloody not be, if i made a wall any bigger the player would feel about the size of a an ant. If it is a graphics bug in the Hamr engine is there a patch to fix it, such as sledge hammer to my goddamned pc. :badass:
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-29 04:31:57 UTC
in "see through" wall textures. Post #46274
ok what the hell?..i've partially completed some of my map and added enemies to test how well lighting, desing, etc works and when i kill the entity on one side its blood can be seen through the wall, however the entity itself is not. The blood is only visible from certain angles and certain distances and isnt visible when i stand right up close to the wall. i have no idea what is goin on.. so i need some help.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-26 23:41:05 UTC
in mod_numforname error Post #45260
heya guys, i get this error when trying to implement a Key using the Key tutorial in my maps. I've looked everywhere and i cant seem to find a solution. if someone could possibly tell me what im doing wrong (im using Milkshape and yes the key is in MDL form) that would be most appreciated.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-24 21:30:18 UTC
in what do i need Post #44557
thanks guys. Steve im sorry if i sounded rude, but i'm a member of a number of forums, some not even having anything to do with HL or mapping and people NEVER want to answer questions to people who have only been there for a few days. I was using an Old Quake modeler, but i forget what it was, very basic, hard to animate, then i discovered Quark but i didnt have Quake anymore. ahwell. Im relativly new to HL modeling though. As far as maps go...i get good ideas, work them, then i have another idea and that map sits on my HD until i delete it. i have trouble staying focused. BTW i dont think the database for the general mapping questions is working properly.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-24 04:04:55 UTC
in what do i need Post #44268
geez....well...ahhh..i feel like a real dick now. I've moddeled and coded before, for Q2, but that was a while ago. i guess you guys a right.....i'll stick with the levels, but about submitting maps, i got a 56ker.. i aint gonna be submitting anything on this piece of @@@@. oh Btw ministeve perhaps you should try to be abit more constructive with your comments. i realise it would take me a long time, im not a complete moron. i was askin about wat tools to use so i could get a feel for 'em. Gaugeing someones skill by the amount of time someone is a member on a Forum is pretty low..great way to make someone feel like they have the skill....
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-23 01:39:13 UTC
in what do i need Post #43902
Hiyya to all...just a quite question: im gathering all my resources before i start modding my first (hopefully of many )and i was just wondering what file/tools/apps would be required. I got HL (duh), the SDk (without a compiler), Milkshape, the MDL viewer, hammer. is there anything else i would need. many thanks from a first time modder....
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-21 06:17:31 UTC
in good diagrams for models Post #43396
does any know of a good site to find Front/Side/Top views of weapons so i can use em to make models....
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-20 04:32:41 UTC
in textured lighting dont work Post #43095 hammer came with a lights.rad file. and Ztools came with the valve rad....i'll rename the valve to lights and see if it works. Your a champ man :cool:
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-20 02:28:53 UTC
in textured lighting dont work Post #43077
Text lighting dosnt seem to work when i create maps. it worked for previous versions of WC but for hammer (and im using Zonners tools btw) it doesnt. anyone wanna put some light on the subject for me...
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-20 02:25:09 UTC
in Another question Post #43075
hehe..never mind....false alarm..
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-20 02:23:25 UTC
in Another question Post #43073
can some one direct me to a location where i can download a new lights.rad file..mine seems to be missing and my text lights wont play.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-20 00:48:56 UTC
in Another question Post #43055
thanks guys.... :D
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-19 23:46:16 UTC
in Another question Post #43026
ok i got anotherquestion now, i dont know if it goes here so im sorry if it doesnt. Can the HL engine support "swaying" lights, ya know like a light bulb hanging from the ceiling swaying in the wind that sends a spot light from one side to the other?. if so how would it be done. Also, is it possible to add a random sound, like a piece of speech like in DUke3d, after an enemy is killed?.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-19 08:33:16 UTC
in newb Question time Post #42779
hello peoples!!... just a quick question; could anyone please direct me to a DESCENT guide to modeling (weapons, enemies, players etc) that a newb will understand. i am in desperate need of one.