Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2004-08-26 20:33:48 UTC
in anyway to reset entities ingame? Post #54372
hmmm most I can do is get it to reset. ie if its on and the map resets its off but if the map resets and its off it goes on :| this is by using a door as a triiger for a multimanager and having the entities i want reset in smart edit set as "1" on the multimanager. now how do i get it so that the entity(triiger_hurt) stays off if it was off? :confused:
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-26 01:42:46 UTC
in My Hammer is InSaNe!! help! Post #54123
make sure u have the uptodate drivers for ur gfx notice u got an ati summit or the other, had problems a while ago both with steam and hammer a back up and a format fixed it.
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-25 23:33:47 UTC
in anyway to reset entities ingame? Post #54121
help :| trying to get a func_button to turn on and off a triiger_hurt. i can get this to work the only thing is when the round restarts the trigger_hurt is still going. how do i turn this off? any help gratefuly recieved :)