Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2004-09-25 16:11:48 UTC
in Leaf Threads? Have a small problem. Post #61989
Yes, I do use zhlt's tools and never tried cageys tools, also I have never tried to use -estimate but it made no diference when I just tried, normal compile works just fine but expert still freezes and program crashes. Map is not too big and it is also made up of a box and a light, shouldnt be anything in the map. maybe something to do with the .rmf or .map file?
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-25 14:55:05 UTC
in Leaf Threads? Have a small problem. Post #61970
Well my computer isnt slow in the least bit, I left it all night (14 hrs) and it still wasnt done, all I get is "Not Responding". I also have a much larger map that compiles in 8 min or so. Still stuck here... :(
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-25 13:34:50 UTC
in Leaf Threads? Have a small problem. Post #61956
Hey guys, I accidently posted as Anonymous. It's just that im trying to compile a new map in expert mode, and when it gets to the leafthreads part it just freezes. What did I do wrong?
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-17 15:13:36 UTC
in Texture Alignment - Hmmm... Post #60197
Very Nice CP.
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-17 14:30:58 UTC
in Texture Alignment - Hmmm... Post #60185
LMFAO!!! I knew there was something fishy about Cp. I see you on alot too G_KID. Msg me if ya have MSN,
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-17 14:17:53 UTC
in Texture Alignment - Hmmm... Post #60177
Thanks for the quick responses guys, and super big thanks Captain P. That answer was extreamly detailed, did you design Hammer or what? LOL! Seems all I needed to do was Shift+A and Center the textures that were off.

Captain, I would really like to see a map or two that you made. I'm sure there awsome since ya seem to know everything about the damn program. :lol:
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-17 13:59:46 UTC
in Texture Alignment - Hmmm... Post #60163
Oh, I forgot to mention that when I move the actual vent, the texture doesnt move. I can align it by moving the vent but that kinda doesnt help because thats not where I want it.
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-17 13:55:34 UTC
in Texture Alignment - Hmmm... Post #60162
Well, I tried clicking that button that says texture alignment (second to last on the right, red and green) but it doesnt seem to do anything, I have the entire portion of the vent highlighted. Still Lost... :(
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-17 13:46:56 UTC
in Texture Alignment - Hmmm... Post #60158
I think my question is rather noobish but if you answered any of my other posts, ya know im still learning. :)

Texture Alignment, I cant seem to get it right. I read something about align to face or align to world? I dont know. My vent system textures are out of wack and I think the solution is very simple. Just cant figure it out without you guys! LOL. Help me out? ;)
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-16 15:00:58 UTC
in Elevator Mystery Post #59870
Thanks Alot! LoL, I'm learning... ;)
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-14 17:15:24 UTC
in Elevator Mystery Post #59464
Well I made my first elevator and it works fine, the only problem is that the button I made is invisible after I compile and test, but is still useable.

I made the button a trigger_multiple and the style is 1, these are the only settings im not sure about. Again, the elevator works fine.

I can see the button just fine while im making the map, when it comes to testing the map, nothin.

What did I do wrong? :confused:
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-14 14:45:13 UTC
in Easy Grouping Post #59357
Man, thank you guys soo much. This solves my problem bigtime! You Guys Rock! :D
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-14 13:52:45 UTC
in The TWHL Popularity Test Post #59336
I'm Abs0lute11! Thats Who! And guess what! I WON LAST! MUHAHAH :nuts:

I just wanna say thanks to all the people who got me here, mom, dad, and GOD. ViVa HLWC! lol snicker
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-13 13:04:50 UTC
in Easy Grouping Post #58980
Well I've been making my first map, I've built a few buildings and they are made of many brushes, I am trying to Group all sides of the building, all floors, lights, etc. Basiclly so I can clone the building.

I usually just try to hold ctrl and click on every side, but its tedious and sometimes i cant get every side. After everything is highlighted i know to push the group button at the top. Then I can hold shift to clone the building.

Isnt there an easier way to group all brushes that make up my buildingso I can clone it?

Maybe some way to drag a cube around the building i want and select all? I'm not sure of any other way then simply clicking on each and every brush. Please Help
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-13 12:56:27 UTC
in I'm Sorry, I'm Lost, Will someon Post #58979
Eh, figured it out. Thanks tho seventh. And Rad Brad (lol) naw, I never knew that. Geee ure sharp. But thanks for trying smartazz.
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-12 22:22:33 UTC
in I'm Sorry, I'm Lost, Will someon Post #58804
I have been at this for hours and I cannot stand it anylonger. Please Please Help me somebody.

All I have installed is the Regular Condition Zero Bought from best buy, I installed hammer, made a map, pressed F9, and im in trouble. Just Errors.

Can someone please tell me what the normal factory CZ paths for options in hammer: THAT IS ALL I NEED

Game Executable Directory?

Mod Directory?

Game Directory?

And under the Build Programs tab, Game executable?

All I need is the paths for these 4, please i beg of you help a noob!

Posted 19 years ago2004-09-07 23:50:54 UTC
in Test map, asks for key and crash. Post #57409
Well the example for Game Directory is C:Half-Lifevalve so i figured that the valve folder was what it wanted. My friend that also just started making maps can test his, and he said he set the game dir to valve too. I will try it your way and see what happens Rabid. I also do not have 1.5 installed and the only half-life folder i have is in C:Program FilesValve Hammer Editorfgd. And as for the game excutable path, the example is C:half-life. HRMMM. I thought that its supposed to point to the folder where hl.exe is. And like I said, no half-life folder except the one specified above. Where should I set it to in that case. Could someone show me their paths? Someone without 1.5, all I have is the 1.6 games.
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-07 23:04:05 UTC
in Steam caused.... Post #57372
I have to agree with you ZombieLoffe. Steam has never given me any problems at all, except for the friends list. I think they dont take care of it because most people use an instant messenger or ventrilo and they spend their time on much more important things. Like smoking Pot!
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-07 21:57:42 UTC
in Test map, asks for key and crash. Post #57357
I'm rather new to making maps. I'm trying to test a little box map with one spawn point and one light. When I press F9, it begins to load condition zero, asks me to enter my cd key, then crashes before you can even get the first number of the key entered. These are my option settings.

Game Excutable Directory
C:ValveSteamSteamAppsabs0lute1condition zero

Mod Directory
C:ValveSteamSteamAppsabs0lute1condition zero

Game Directory

RMF Directory
C:Program FilesValve Hammer Editormaps

Please help me out guys. Thanks alot for any input at all.