Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2005-04-06 12:08:45 UTC
in Smart Far Cry Post #102033
Wow HrnyGoat, for someone whos maps look like utter shit you certainly have a keen insight into a company that has released the greatest FPS of all time.
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-04 15:18:45 UTC
in SnarkPit down Post #101550
I've heard rumors that Valver ERC my be ressurected someday. Maybe even this year. If not the whole site then just he Pixel Reviews. I hope they actually do begin updating the place again. The Pixel Reviews had some of the best TFC maps back in the day.
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-04 12:38:20 UTC
in SnarkPit down Post #101503
The Snarkpit is still running strong and as for VERC I never visit that place so I'm not sure of its condition. I don't know why people would think that Snarkpit is dying. I think its got some healthy competition against Interlopers though. I hope to see 69th Vlatitude get some more content and maybe even the ressurection of Valve ERC sometime in the future.
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-03 18:17:23 UTC
in The Pope's Passing Post #101257
Saribous you are a stupid douche.

Now as for the Pope wouldn't that be the funny if his death was actually an April Fools joke? Don't get me wrong I respect the man greatly even though the Catholic Church is corrupt IMO. I just think that would be the greatest April Fools joke ever.
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-03 18:13:59 UTC
in SnarkPit down Post #101256
Geez Satchmo. Just go to Interlopers or 69th Vlatitude. If you want to talk about something.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-28 23:27:09 UTC
in SnarkPit down Post #99792
So this is where you all come when the Pit is down... traiters!
Posted 20 years ago2004-11-27 02:08:48 UTC
in Certain types of maps should be banned Post #75038
Anyway, who cares if someone makes a map in 3 days? With mapping, it's not quantity that counts it's quality
I didn't say I made every map in three days. I only stated that because it was the fast mapping I had ever done and I thought it was awesome that I could get that much done that fast.
Posted 20 years ago2004-11-27 01:23:14 UTC
in Certain types of maps should be banned Post #75030
Why would one of the members go about posting without logging in?
Posted 20 years ago2004-11-27 01:12:07 UTC
in Certain types of maps should be banned Post #75026
What started this all was when I said that I managed to finish half a map in three 3 days and then it carried on from there. This arguing is getting really old and I don't believe I have my foot in my mouth. I am just getting tired of aguing with you over something that everyone misinturprated as me being egotitistical when I made my statement. THis is the last thing I want you guys to think. This is getting really fucking old though and I agree to quit if you do and set this thread back on course.
Posted 20 years ago2004-11-27 00:24:16 UTC
in Certain types of maps should be banned Post #75012
This really isn't going anywhere. Aren't the moderators suppose to being doing something on these forums?
Posted 20 years ago2004-11-27 00:21:08 UTC
in Certain types of maps should be banned Post #75011
Satchmo at the beginning of this thread I thought you were a jerk but now I see your a pretty nice guy. I wrongly judged you at the beginning of this thread and I'd like to apolagize for that. In return I'd like for you not to judge me. Today was a good day for me and I was happy so I thought it there would be no harm in expressing it but obviously it did. I am not a person to go about bragging about anything and I'd like to keep my good name because no one likes assholes. It's a rarety for me to take a step back and look at my work and get the chance to say "hey maybe this is good." Even the NS map on Snarkpit which I think is currently my favorite map I've made needs a lot of improvement. I hate how I textured thing in it and it still needs a lot of improvement with lighting texturing. I hate it though when I get to enjoy the work I've done once in a while only to have some little asswipe jump in and say I''ve got a huge ego and I think I'm better than everyone else.

Can you understand where I'm coming from?
Posted 20 years ago2004-11-26 23:28:06 UTC
in Certain types of maps should be banned Post #75007
Hmm, you seemed to have neglected to comment on Nightwatch (which is made with the half-life engine)
Nightwatch was made by a team of many very skilled mappers, coders, animators, modelers, and texture artists. I am a single mapper. I said already that I'm not the best mapper but I'm very good at what I do. You took something that I said and tried to make me an ass outa of it. I called myself an expert mapper because I know how to use the entities and create fun and original maps. I didn't say I was the best mapper. There is a difference. An expert is someone who know's the ins and outs of there trade. Like I have said already I'm not the best but I do know alot about hammer and still learn more. I enjoy mapping and some punk isn't going to persuade me into thinking that I'm some kind of egotistical asshole simply because I said I'm an expert at mapping.
Posted 20 years ago2004-11-26 23:06:56 UTC
in Certain types of maps should be banned Post #75004
LOl. Nice theories J.C. I'm sure one of those has to be correct.
Posted 20 years ago2004-11-26 22:45:08 UTC
in Certain types of maps should be banned Post #74998
The others I have not posted because they are either not compiled yet or have not gotten around to playing them and taking screenshots.
Good is relative. Compared to some of the crap maps and noob cubes in this vault, I'd say your maps look very good. Compared to Half-life2, Doom3, Nightwatch, and a whole lot of other maps both professionaly made and made by hobbyists, I'd say your maps look very bad.
Ok buddy. I'd sure as hell love to see some pics of your maps. Also how in god's name can you even compare my maps to the noob cubes. Obviously HL2 and Doom 3 maps will look better than mine becuase I have to make my maps on an older engine and due to the limitations I also have to be careful about how I make my maps. I'm not a proffesional either. I'd say that in the short time I've been mapping I've accomplished a lot. I enjoy all my maps and treat them like a peice of art work. I like to give them a certain atmosphereric feeling that obviously you could never understand.
Posted 20 years ago2004-11-26 21:59:13 UTC
in Certain types of maps should be banned Post #74980
The DoD map you looked at Satchmo is not the one I'm working on right now. I also clearly stated that not all of my maps are at The Snarkpit. I should have a bsp of my current DoD by tonight and then I'll post some pics of what I've finished in 3 days.
Posted 20 years ago2004-11-26 21:05:39 UTC
in Certain types of maps should be banned Post #74963
I'm no KFS yet but I'm not a noob either. I haven't worked on any mods. An expert mapper I think is someone who has mastered 95% of all the entities. Completed some maps. Almost never runs into leaks or other noob errors. Can complete on average a map every two months. Doesn't make box maps. I know I;m not the best mapper but I can say I am a very good mapper and know I'm not just bullshitting. I work to become a better map though and I hope that eventually my maps will become very well known. The only map I have on this site is dpb_bootcamp which was just a one day experiment to create a paintball field dressed up like a basic training camp for grunts.
Posted 20 years ago2004-11-26 20:42:20 UTC
in Need Suggestions for Road way Post #74947
Whatever you want. I suggest using examples from a construction site.
Posted 20 years ago2004-11-26 20:37:40 UTC
in Certain types of maps should be banned Post #74942
No joke. I have some of my maps at Snarkpit if you want to see them. Not all of them are finished though. I am working on a DoD map right now and have 50% of the map done in just 3 days. I'll show some pics tonight when I do a compile.
Posted 20 years ago2004-11-26 19:13:20 UTC
in Certain types of maps should be banned Post #74932
Lol, I sure no one is going to work on a map for 15 years. As for J.C. I'd like to know why it is taking you so long to make a map with 3 people? Even with all new original material that is quite a long work process. I could only think that NS maps might take that long.

P.S. If there were more people like you guys on TWHL I might visit these forums more often and have some nice things to say. ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-11-26 18:16:58 UTC
in Certain types of maps should be banned Post #74925
Satchmo I can honestly say I agree with you when you express your mood towards box maps. I get tired of seeing 5 box maps in a row and then one that might be of good quality. What pissed me off was that you presented yourself almost as if you didn't want noobs to post anything at all. I think that It should be made clear that if they post a box map then their map will be severly ridiculed. I did a flame comment on one of the most recent box maps because of the reason that I have already stated. There are many very good mappers on this site who spend the time to create unique and well designed maps. I applaud those people.
Posted 20 years ago2004-11-26 15:43:56 UTC
in Certain types of maps should be banned Post #74895
Everyone once started off as a noob and I get tired of seeing box maps but at the same time I hate it even more to see people who think they have the right to decide who's map stays and who's goes. I have been mapping for nine months and have made about 7 maps. I can honestly say that I am an expert at mapping now and thanks to the help of people on other forums I improved my skills. I never tried spamming anything with a pic of everymap I made whether it was good or not. I think you should just make it clear that noobs should not post maps that are simply boxes but wait for their skills to improve and then release something that is good. It's better to spend months making an awesome map than to release a box every week.
Posted 20 years ago2004-11-26 14:34:20 UTC
in Certain types of maps should be banned Post #74889
These types of maps (and many other ones that completely lack any imagination) should be strongly discouraged and perhaps banned from the vault.

Any opinion on this proposal?

Nice one asshole. ;) Ever heard of freedom of speech. I wouldn't be talking if I were you either. Your maps aren't exactly made of gold and served to us on a silver platter. Also who the hell made you the all mighty judge of maps? What one person might think is a good design another might think is crap. Beh people like you think after you've made 3 maps your are all of a sudden an expert and have some kind of mighty power over all noobs. Go play with some legos you hypocrite.
Posted 20 years ago2004-11-24 01:47:27 UTC
in yet another newb question Post #74437
Lighting preview will be available with the release of the full SDK.
Posted 20 years ago2004-11-20 01:30:27 UTC
in HL2 has a DM available Post #73927
I saw those pics of your map at Snarkpit. They look good so far.
Posted 20 years ago2004-11-19 19:48:05 UTC
in HL2 has a DM available Post #73897
It's still more than what most people were complaining about before. It also pours in the concrete for the idea that a HL2 DM will be available soon, so this news should make all you HLDM addicts very very happy.
Posted 20 years ago2004-11-19 16:26:57 UTC
in HL2 has a DM available Post #73879
HL2 does have a multiplayer DM available right now to play on. You must activate it through the console. There are no maps for it so you will have to make your own. This is not a lie. Check out Valve ERC and Planet Half Life for more information.
Posted 20 years ago2004-11-17 17:11:16 UTC
in Why does everyone hate Halo2??? Post #73632
You are absolutely right ministeve. It was orginally suppose to be an RTS for mac but then things changed and it became and FPS for Mac and then Bungie began running outa money so Microsoft helped them out and they made it an Xbox exclusive. Halo had change a lot over the years of its development. You can see some of the original screens of the game at Bungie's website.
Posted 20 years ago2004-11-17 16:43:05 UTC
in Question about rights. Post #73628
It should be alright to use the logo as long as you note that Valve is the owner of the logo and you don't try to make money off of it.
Posted 20 years ago2004-11-17 16:42:14 UTC
in Why does everyone hate Halo2??? Post #73627
Halo sucks because it was created for XBox which is created by microsoft which is shit.
Yeah this only further proves your stupid ignorance.
Posted 20 years ago2004-11-16 22:06:46 UTC
in question for a web designer Post #73511
ieatmonkeychow have you ever thought that maybe your avatar wasn't created by God either?
Posted 20 years ago2004-11-16 22:04:11 UTC
in Why does everyone hate Halo2??? Post #73510
Read the books if you want to learn a lot lot more about the Halo story.
Posted 20 years ago2004-11-16 18:01:37 UTC
in Why does everyone hate Halo2??? Post #73465
Geez can no one get the damn story right. The covenent are not Christians you dope. They have their own religion and believe that the prophets shall find them salvation through the power of the rings. They believe the humans are the infidels and that it is their mission to rid the galaxy of all human life. While the human military planet Reach is underattack the Pillar of Autumn launches through space to the cordinates that Master Chief had previously found. A couple of large Covenent ships follow the Pillar of Autumn to the ring and then that is where the game Halo starts.
Posted 20 years ago2004-11-16 16:35:33 UTC
in Why does everyone hate Halo2??? Post #73452
Neither game copied off the other one so just leave it at that. Godly made a very very stupid mistake and he isn't the only one. Halo 2's story line was great. You say it was just another alien vs human story. You obviously haven't played all the way through both games and you have a simple mind to conclude. Half Life's story and Halo's both have some details in common but Halo is certainly not a rip off. They are both going after different audiences so for every 5 people that hate Halo there will be 5 people that hate Half Life. That's how it is and it is a useless argument. Also why would you want to close this thread? It's not like he jumped in here and started flaming everyone. He simply asked a question. I have been reading many of your threads for a while but rarely post. I can tell you that If I was a moderator. There would be many of your guy's threads that would be locked due to the vast stupidity and immaturaty that many of you have expressed. So don't go off on someone else when you yourself act worse.
Posted 20 years ago2004-11-13 22:20:21 UTC
in console Post #72981
Lol, I thought how he was asking to get back his gaming console.
Posted 20 years ago2004-11-13 15:28:44 UTC
in console Post #72916
Useless spam.
Posted 20 years ago2004-11-05 08:16:01 UTC
in Halo 2 WOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Post #71673
How do you know that. Have you actually played the games or do you have some kind of magical powers that allow you to judgements on things that haven't occured yet.
Posted 20 years ago2004-11-04 23:12:07 UTC
in Halo 2 WOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Post #71590
Hell yeah it will be out this tuesday. Here is a download for the commercial for any of you who haven't seen it yet.
Posted 20 years ago2004-10-30 15:02:58 UTC
in Avatars Post #70643
I drew my avatar.
Posted 20 years ago2004-10-26 19:46:48 UTC
in Maps other than HL & CS Post #69638
Hello I am new to these forums and I will be finishing a very large NS map in either December or January. Unfortunatly I currently do not have my own website and I will be posting the map later on at The SnarkPit. I want to know if you guys allow maps other than CS and HL. If you expect my map for download I will be very grateful.