Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2005-01-17 14:32:39 UTC
in Rimrook, put your maps back up Post #84295
seriously, to a noob they might have been great... but they were really nothing special... at all. just some custom textures on blocky architecture. he would use graphics and text on his screens so the noobs were like OMGZORS HES SO 1333337!!!!!!!1 i guess it went to his head...
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-17 14:20:36 UTC
in Rimrook, put your maps back up Post #84293
i always thought kasperg's (and others) maps were way better than rimroks (whose maps i never understood why anyone liked) blocky maps. i think some people must have confused making cool screens with making cool maps. and the reflective floor trick is nothing new, and it's far from being rimrock's creation. there are tuts everywhere for it.

let him think he's some great mapper... one day he'll realize he's just an advanced noob. good riddance...