Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2005-06-19 13:41:46 UTC
in Just out of interest. Post #115367
Just out of interest is it posable to convert an RMF into a VMF? or at least copy the map but not the entities. just wondering as it would save alot of time if you had a cool map on Hammer but wanted to redo it on source.
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-29 11:40:26 UTC
in Ladder: light spots? Post #106370
yep that worked fine Chickenfist, no more light spots,

thanks loads,

Posted 19 years ago2005-04-29 10:03:55 UTC
in Ladder: light spots? Post #106357
forgot to mention something... i used a func_ladder over the func_wall and textured it white... but that should'nt make a difference should it as the func_ladders invisable anyway...

just thought i'd mention it just in case ;).
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-29 09:59:57 UTC
in Ladder: light spots? Post #106354
I'm trying to make my first ladder in HL1 i've got it working ok, par from one problem, i have little white spots of light behind the ladder. I used a func_wall, setting the FXmode to solid and the FXamount to 255 to get rid of the blue texture. The ladder starts in a blue lit room and then goes up to a white lit room above which i guess is where its taking the light from but i cant seem to fix it.

I tried to put a screenshot.jpeg on to this message to show you what i mean but i cant seem to do it... sorry.

hope someone elses has had this problem and knows what i'm on about and how to fix it.

Posted 19 years ago2005-04-21 16:05:10 UTC
in need to hide rappeling enemy Post #105177
cheers blackravent:), thats how i found this site. Googles always my first port of call ;).
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-20 19:23:05 UTC
in need to hide rappeling enemy Post #105044
Nice to know that i can come here for help when needed though. I'm sure this wont be the last time i'll ask for assistance, thanking TWHL for a place to go when i'm stuck on hammer and banging my head against a brick wall ;).

Posted 19 years ago2005-04-20 17:42:29 UTC
in need to hide rappeling enemy Post #105030
Dont worry solved it :)... create a npc_metropolice setting him to rappel and flagging him as a template, then make a npc_template_maker below him and set it as disabled. use a trigger_once to enable the maker and then set an output on the npc_maker to tell the npc_metropolice to onspawnnpc - beginrappel.

could'nt wait for you guys, had to solve it, it was bugging me ;)

Posted 19 years ago2005-04-20 12:16:56 UTC
in Rappelling combine Post #104941
thanks monkey, i've done it.
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-20 12:14:31 UTC
in need to hide rappeling enemy Post #104940
I'm trying to make three guards rappel out of thin air, but i want them to be invisable until i trigger them, how do i hide them from veiw?

tried to use npc_maker, disabled it and set the trigger_once to spawn the maker using the rappel guard i created as a template. this solved the problem of making him invisable but when he spawns he drops to the ground with out rappeling. have even added an output to the maker to rappel the guard on spawn but still he does'nt do it. Any ideas would be very helpful coz this is bugging me silly... might be the way i've got it configured as i am new to this.

Anyone here map editing in there dreams, keep on coming up with great ideas for rooms and stuff in my sleep. am i the only one???
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-20 08:58:35 UTC
in Rappelling combine Post #104906
tried to use npc_maker, disabled it and set the trigger_once to spawn the maker using the rappel guard i created as a template. this solved the problem of making him invisable but when he spawns he drops to the ground with out rappeling. have even added an output to the maker to rappel the guard on spawn but still he does'nt do it. Any ideas would be very helpful coz this is bugging me silly... might be the way i've got it configured as i am new to this.

Anyone here map editing in there dreams, keep on coming up with great ideas for rooms and stuff in my sleep. am i the only one???
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-18 15:06:15 UTC
in Rappelling combine Post #104668

I'm trying to make three guards rappel out of thin air, but i want them to be invisable until i trigger them, how do i hide them from veiw?