Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2005-05-06 22:10:44 UTC
in What makes a CS map fun? Post #107842
I enjoy playing pretty maps that make me feel like I'm in a movie or something. Especially the ones with great music stuck in. Gets my blood flowing and makes me want to see the entire map. But I also hate narrow paths, it's more realistic if your given the option to get to your destination any way you want.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-05 20:42:06 UTC
in Testing Map Post #107681
Alright, so I've ready plenty of tutorials about setting up Hammer for Counter-Strike, I got it all worked out. I didn't use the info_player_starts but I did add lights.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-05 20:36:54 UTC
in Testing Map Post #107680
Yea, I'm trying to get the map to be used on my friend's clan server. I've done map editing in games like Elder Scrolls and some others, thought I'd get my feet wet here.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-01 12:05:55 UTC
in Testing Map Post #106697
I set up the configurations before I started my map and I have a player_start and such. It opens Counter-Strike and shows the splash screen of the guy in the hallway, like it normally does when loading, but it NEVER starts the map. I waited 30 minutes last night thinking my computer was being stupid, but nothing I just had to close it. Why does it do this?