Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2005-06-02 13:35:38 UTC
in I can't find env_cubemap. Where is i Post #112279
I dont think you need it to run the map. Last I heard the cubemap just allows for those shiny surfaces you see. I could be wrong though.
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-01 11:43:52 UTC
in hammer 4 is sluggish for me Post #112125
Hammer runs slow for me too but only when I'm navigating through an area that we created with a staircase. We made the stairs out of a bunch of brushes so I dont know, maybe the number of brushes onscreen has something to do with it.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-31 21:40:08 UTC
in exploding walls and mod compiling Post #112055
Well I made the rubble pile out of your standard 6-sided block and just used terrain displacement. Does the point_template only work w/ models are can I use it with the 6-sided block also?

Thanks for your help Rabid
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-31 18:41:25 UTC
in exploding walls and mod compiling Post #112029
Hey everyone. I'm new here and this is my first post. I'm currently working with a team on a long single player mod for HL2 (obviously) and I had a few questions that I was hoping you guys might know about...

1.) Is there a way to make a certain piece of terrain appear on command? We are making a scripted sequence in which an explosion occurs, and I need a way to make a large pile of rubble appear. I was able to make the rubble pile out of a block that I displaced to make it all jagged, and then applied a 'rubblish' texture to it. I just need a way to make this appear at a certain time.

2.) This is probably a much easier question. After you have all of your maps completed, or even just 1 map completed, how do you compile all the pieces of your mod together? (Basically so that everything in your mod is packaged together and can be played through Steam).

Thanks everyone in advance for your help and I hope I can return the favor! :nuts: