Forum posts

Posted 18 years ago2005-12-23 01:26:21 UTC
in Hammer startup not working with VHE 3.5 Post #154055
I tried both and it still doesn't work :(
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-22 23:09:43 UTC
in What Made You a Mapper? Post #154042
Well, one day while i was reinstalling Half-Life (retail of course), I decided to look at the files on CD. I noticed that the Worldcraft 2.1 program to install was on cd, so i installed it. I looked at the help files, found out all about texturing, clipping, vertex editing, and whatnot.
It was all real interesting. I knew quite well there was a later version, so i looked around and found v3.4. So thats how i got started, by i haven't released any maps. I have one amazing map in progress called de_pipeline for cs. I might make it an HL deathmatch map but its huge.
The map is actually from Americas Army (, but im remaking it for CS, and so far progress is good. Well anyways, thats how i got started.
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-22 23:03:22 UTC
in Hammer startup not working with VHE 3.5 Post #154041
Yo, my Hammer editor executable all of a sudden stopped working. Before this happened, I was looking through the area where you can change the active FGD being used for a certain mod to map for. Well, I hit the edit button so i could manually make entities show up as models. I noticed that everytime I do that, switching back to Hammer with the fgd still open makes the Hammer windows all white. So i continued to edit the FGD. When i was done and saved the changes, Hammer, instead of going back to normal, stayed white and unresponsive. I Terminated the executable through windows task manager. I tried to start it up again, but nothing happens. The task manager shows that hammer.exe is running and using around 50% cpu usage. So I redownloaded the executable from the Valve ERC site, and overwrote the existing Hammer executable in the directory. Still won't start up.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-03 01:50:41 UTC
in Map ideas... Post #150244
Hey guys.

Im a decent mapper, but my only problem is, i can never just come up with a good idea for a map. I usually start trying to re-create a map from another game, and a couple of them are going well but i haven't gotten to them lately. Since i suck at coming up with my own map ideas, does anyone have any suggestions for a Counter-Strike map, or HL Deathmatch map? Thanks for any ideas and suggestions.
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-18 05:22:28 UTC
in Teleporting Sounds - Need Help! Post #115102
Sorry for caps. I found out how to work it though!! thanks ChickenFist for attempting to help anyways.
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-18 05:01:36 UTC
in Teleporting Sounds - Need Help! Post #115099
Heh woops, the text ended up differnt than i wanted it to. Lemme state the names and whatnots again.

Trigger Teleport
Name: teleport
target: teledes
master: telemas

Trigger Multiple
target: multi

name: Multi
key: telesound-value: .001
key: telemas-value .001

Multi Source
Name: telemas
target: teleport

name: telesound
wav file/path: debris/beamstart8
Flags: Start Silent, Not Toggled,
Play Everywhere

name: teledes
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-18 04:57:25 UTC
in Teleporting Sounds - Need Help! Post #115098
Heres the list of entitys, and what they target, and do. I have a multi manager, a multi source, an ambient generic, a tigger_teleport, a trigger_multiple, a teleport destination, and some sprites. heres what each does.

Trigger_teleport: Multi_manager Multi Source
Name: teleport name: multi name: Telemas
target: teledes key: telemas-value: .001 target: teleport
master: telemas key: telesound-value: .001

Ambient_generic info_teleport_destination
name: telesound name: teledes
wav path/file: debris/beamstart8
Flags: Play Everywhere, Not Toggled,
Start Silent

It all works the first time. When i first walkin the teleport, i get teleported and it plays the sound, however, if i do it agian, the sound is not played. What i want to no is why that happens and what i need to do to the ambient_generic to get it to repeat every time, or some other way to get it going.
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-18 04:22:08 UTC
in Teleporting Sounds - Need Help! Post #115094
I was able to make my teleporters have a sound the first time i went through it, but any other time i used the teleporter, it never played the sound again. Im sure many of you have mastered teleporting and this particular problem, so someone please help! I've looked at the map c3a2 in the Half-Life campaign, but i can't understand how they made their teleporters have a sound every time you went through it. Please Help :(