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Posted 19 years ago2005-06-23 12:18:35 UTC
in Difficult door problem Post #116401
tell us what you find out asap.
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-23 08:30:20 UTC
in Difficult door problem Post #116364
<quote>you could make a button with the invisible texture and make it move away with a speed of 99999</quote>

hehe, good idea, but could cause some problems when you consider that the door is supposed to be in a multiplayer map.
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-23 07:38:35 UTC
in Difficult door problem Post #116353
that was the original problem i had.
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-23 05:17:20 UTC
in Difficult door problem Post #116319
yeah. tried your idea Rowley (and unbreakable ;) ), it does make both the door and the glass open at the same time, but it doesnt get rid of the little delay. When you press the use key, it takes a little while (0.5 - 1.0 sec) before the door opens.
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-22 19:51:34 UTC
in Difficult door problem Post #116252
Yeah. know that. Tried what Elon said though, but there is a little delay from when the door swings open until the glass swings open. Cant seem to find whats causing it.
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-22 19:18:32 UTC
in Difficult door problem Post #116245
yeah. but how can i do that by forcing the playuer to use the "use key" to open the door=?
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-22 18:30:13 UTC
in Difficult door problem Post #116237
I just found out that making a rotating door with glass, that acts like a simple door with a "Use Only" flag, is harder than you think.

First problem occurs if you make the glass and the door two seperate func_doors entities with both having a "Use Only" flag. What happens is that when you press the use key in front of the door, you either trigger the glass, or the door frame, not both.

As an alternative you can but a trigger_multiple entity in front of the door, and make it trigger both the glass and the door frame. Only problem is that the doors opens even if you only pass by =|.

If there only was a way to trigger both the glass and the door frame at the same time by useing the use key.

A button could've done, but sadly u aint able to create pass-through button entities. :(

Anyone got an idea about how to solve this? thanks.