Forum posts

Posted 17 years ago2006-09-23 13:04:15 UTC
in maps:How many spawns?? Post #197310
I dnl'ed the Crafty one and it doesn't show entity/spawns :(

My bad... I dnl'ed the wrong one...That's works great...just have to count out the player spawns in enity first glance.

posted after looking at program...

Holy crap...I haven't messed with this yet, but you can add spawns?!?!?!?!?!!?! with out having to decomile map and go through Hammer ???!??!!?!?
Posted 17 years ago2006-09-23 12:50:58 UTC
in maps:How many spawns?? Post #197309
thanks...I'll look into the bsp viewer...that sounds like what I need. I wanted something that could tell me before having to decompile the I'll try that fisrt.

As far as the entity report....I've never looked at one before or checked bad...I've created a few maps and still learning. thanks all..
Posted 17 years ago2006-09-22 00:13:50 UTC
in maps:How many spawns?? Post #197171
If you have a map (.bsp) , is there a easy way to find out how many slots/spawns/players spots the map has?

Sometimes I find a good map, but only when we're trying to play it, we find out that the map only has 12 spawns or something shorter than what we need.

Any command? Or something in Hammer that shows it?
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-24 23:52:39 UTC
in How to:No CT passage, T's can pass Post #186771
I'm trying to make a bomb site or area that will only allow T's go or be able to plant there and not allow CT's access to this area by either blocking them or giving them damage when in area. But not hurt the T's.
I thought I had it with the trigger_hurt. I made a platform on the floor around area I didn't want CT's. I set the target to info_player_start, but it also give damage to T's. I was bummed.

I could always do trigger_push, like in legoland, but I'd have to move my bomb site and I'm 98% done except for this one problem. HELP!! thx