Forum posts

Posted 18 years ago2006-05-24 22:59:33 UTC
in TEXTURES SETUP HELP! Post #181934
Hi, I need help setting up textures for Svencoop. Please help! :s
Posted 18 years ago2005-07-22 14:46:20 UTC
in CARVIVINGHELPP Post #122777
k if i need more help ill come back imma try that ctrl-f thing cuz clipping was hard. i deleted each side of hallway wall and hollowed it, made it so u have to duck with the vent textures but still cant get that hole in the main cubes/rooms x.x
Posted 18 years ago2005-07-19 21:00:46 UTC
in CARVIVINGHELPP Post #122154
i need help on beginning02 on carving.. i selected hallway and the two cubes and pressed carved and i went to map. DIDNT WORK. how do you do it? im trying to learn fast cuz im jealous of my friend getting ahead and making cool houses with secret gunrooms and underground escape routes from sink

plz help.
(god i cant even make a hallway..)