Forum posts

Posted 17 years ago2006-08-25 01:25:45 UTC
in new wpolys? Post #194456
Well, it's a long time I don't map for CS, the last max recommended wpolys I was aware was about 800.
I've recently seen some maps with higher wpolys; I've even seen a map in server with 2200! :nuts:

Has it been increased with new videocards?
Posted 18 years ago2005-08-16 23:16:56 UTC
in cycler_sprite scaling Post #128044
thank you. :cool:
Posted 18 years ago2005-08-16 13:16:23 UTC
in cycler_sprite scaling Post #127986
is there a way to scale a model object in hammer?
Posted 18 years ago2005-08-15 15:34:35 UTC
in Understanding ms ? help Post #127793
oh my,

forgive me for being so stupid.

i didn't realize that hlrad would be an important task for slowing down ms.
i had compiled with hlvis -full and thought it would be enough for measuring speeds.

after rad compiling ms is in a very acceptable number, fps is about 60 with 1034 high wpoly.

sorry again, and thank you.
Posted 18 years ago2005-08-15 14:06:43 UTC
in Understanding ms ? help Post #127781
maybe this is too high:
"Texture usage is at 6.96 mb (of 7.90 mb MAX)"

also there are textures from 7 different wad files.
is it better include them into a unique wad file?
Posted 18 years ago2005-08-15 13:22:26 UTC
in Understanding ms ? help Post #127772
I have thought I was abusing of triggering/toggling entities so I tried to remove every multi-manager and every instance (names) of objects like light, models, etc. to observe.

Now I get
20 fps 21 ms 1033wpoly 423 epoly

ms has reduced a bit, still very higher than the first map.
Fps is still too low..

By the way i've measured that in both maps with deathmatch 1, maxplayers 1, and no bots no players.

the first map includes sounds. in the remake there's no sound.

what are largely graphics? texture size?
sorry to insist, but the map size and proportions of the map remake are much the same as the previous.

Posted 18 years ago2005-08-15 10:47:07 UTC
in Understanding ms ? help Post #127735
so, for instance,
multi-managers that are eventually triggered might reduce the fps?

i guess the map remake hasn't got more additive layers than the first one.

Posted 18 years ago2005-08-15 09:55:35 UTC
in Understanding ms ? help Post #127728
I?ve read in the tutorials that ms value is about to game cycle.
I got this situation.
In a certain map I got from a point:
  • 61 fps 5ms 1030 wpoly 2364 epoly
in a very similar map (it?s a remake of the map above), I got from a similar view:
  • 19fps 30 ms 1034 wpoly 433 epoly
I?d thought that game ms was related to wpoly. I can?t find what are the variables to reduce ms. Maybe texture amount, or texture stretching?
Posted 18 years ago2005-08-02 00:25:48 UTC
in func_pushable - breakable object Post #125266
didn't work with the env_render stuff...
Posted 18 years ago2005-08-02 00:09:58 UTC
in counter strike zbot Post #125264
"zbots" is warez stuff.

if own cs:cz you play with 'csbots'.
to check it, type "bot_about" in the console, you're likely to get this info:

"The Official Counter-Strike Bot V1.50
Created by Michael S. Booth
Web: www.turtlerockstudios.comcsbot

csbots don't use waypoints, they use nav meshes instead.
they are supposed to self-learn a map, but that sucks in most cases.

you can get information about how to hand tune nav files or request to people at
btw they got lots of navs for known custom maps.
Posted 18 years ago2005-07-28 18:08:11 UTC
in func_pushable - breakable object Post #124259
all right...
this entity is a bit odd...

thank you.
Posted 18 years ago2005-07-27 22:53:18 UTC
in func_pushable - breakable object Post #124004
i'm sorry if has been already answered, i can't find it anywhere.

i'm in trouble with func_pushable - when it's flagged to be breakable it won't re-spawn next round after it's been broken.
tried func_door with trigger_relay to reset it,but it doesn't work.


(oh, this is for counter-strike)