Forum posts

Posted 18 years ago2005-09-10 05:37:56 UTC
in SWAT Echo 12 needs help! [Source] Post #133652
Skilled_Modder, your not helping us. Names like Blue Fart isn't helping and you know it. You actually can see thunder you fool! YOU like realistic games, its not your mod, people out there that don't mind unrealistic games will play this, and there's a heap out there. If you want a realistic mod then go make one, your name after all is Skilled_Modder. Just go away, can't you see nobody wants you. ChickenFist may not be on the mod but neither are you so whats it got to do with you?
Posted 18 years ago2005-09-08 07:43:38 UTC
in SWAT Echo 12 needs help! [Source] Post #133131
I don't believe he is. John Smith...quite a boring common name. Your not really helping dude, just giving Cow some shit flash's that have nothing to do with the Military or Swat. Everyone seems to be having a good time making this mod and alot of people seem to enjoy its progress. I do understand were your coming from though dude.
Posted 18 years ago2005-09-07 03:57:37 UTC
in SWAT Echo 12 needs help! [Source] Post #132883
So Cow, shall I finish my Beretta model then? By the way, like your avatar's Daubster and Slasher :biggrin:.

EDIT: Hey Cow, I'll post around some forums for help if you'd like.
Posted 18 years ago2005-09-06 04:36:52 UTC
in SWAT Echo 12 needs help! [Source] Post #132655
No more of these damn jokes, get serious people. By the way Mad, I've done some more voices. Also, when I'm done with the voices, shall I continue the Beretta model?
Posted 18 years ago2005-09-04 21:08:00 UTC
in SWAT Echo 12 needs help! [Source] Post #132407
lol lol lol, your funny Smok3y. This is a modification, people don't get paid (Rarely) for a modification. I dunno what world your living in dude, because its not Earth. Lol, your not going to sue us as there is no contract that has been signed, so I wouldn't even think about it. You can try, but you wouldn't get anywhere.
Smok3y's laywer - "Your Honour, my client did have a discussion with Mr Madcow over being paid." Madcow's laywer "But is their any proof of this?" Smok3y's laywer - "...uhhh yesss, we have a recording." Smok3y's laywer proceeds to put on the recording of a badly done Madcow voice by Smok3y's laywer. Smok3y's laywer pretending to be Madcow - "Now you are bad person, I give you three billion dollars for being on mod." Smok3y's laywer turns the recording off. Smok3y's laywer - "Seemless." Judge - "Get out of here."
Posted 18 years ago2005-09-03 22:25:26 UTC
in SWAT Echo 12 needs help! [Source] Post #132245
I use 3D Studio Max 7 dude. I'll try to find some tut's for animating as I know some good places to look.

EDIT: By the way Madcow, could you get on MSN as soon as you can, thanks.
Posted 18 years ago2005-09-02 22:01:17 UTC
in SWAT Echo 12 needs help! [Source] Post #131908
I don't animate models dude, but I'll learn how to. By the way, what do you think of the name of the "Big Guy", Commander Flagg?
Posted 18 years ago2005-09-02 05:31:54 UTC
in SWAT Echo 12 needs help! [Source] Post #131678
Hey dudes. I'm {HollywooD}, voice actor for Blue Thunder (And I do some models here and there). By the way, would you like me to finish off that beretta Madcow? I also thought up a name for the "Big Guy", Commander Flagg.