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Posted 18 years ago2005-09-14 20:28:09 UTC
in Need help with hints, wpoly reduction Post #134770
no, that huge thing right in the picture IS a wall, but it hasn't done anything to stop vis from drawing the rest of the map behind it.... :
Posted 18 years ago2005-09-14 09:19:26 UTC
in Need help with hints, wpoly reduction Post #134610
k here you go. as you can see it draws everything...
User posted image
but if i move just a tad forward, the ground behind the wall disappears.
User posted image
Posted 18 years ago2005-09-13 19:50:04 UTC
in Need help with hints, wpoly reduction Post #134524
great comments so far guys, the wpolys are very reasonable throughout most of the map now, but there are still a few areas i need some advice on. here is a pic of how i adjusted the map. in the upper right corner is where i get the most trouble. the 2 yellow spots around it is where i put some temporary walls to see if it would fix the problem.
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here is an in-game picture of the corner that i have secluded. note that the walls to not connect to the sky, but they are pretty tall.
User posted image
as you can see, the walls did nothing to shelter vis from drawing the rest of the map. any ideas why?
Posted 18 years ago2005-09-08 23:28:23 UTC
in Need help with hints, wpoly reduction Post #133356
thanks for the replies. i'm going to mess with the layout a little and see what i can get away with.
Posted 18 years ago2005-09-07 00:26:32 UTC
in Need help with hints, wpoly reduction Post #132861
: i want to save that for a last resort. i'm not sure the brick would look right at X2
Posted 18 years ago2005-09-06 23:03:32 UTC
in Need help with hints, wpoly reduction Post #132857
de_vine looks really cool...if only it included a .map or .rmf file so i could see how they kept thier speeds down.
Posted 18 years ago2005-09-06 21:20:23 UTC
in Need help with hints, wpoly reduction Post #132852
i tried that but to no avail. :
...and at this point i pretty much only have basic undecorated buildings, roads and curbs built.
User posted image
Posted 18 years ago2005-09-06 20:41:32 UTC
in Need help with hints, wpoly reduction Post #132848
hi everyone. you guys seem pretty knowledgeable about mapping so I was hoping you could help me out with my problem. I'm building a map that's supposed to be a somewhat historically accurate map of auschwitz. The only problem is that I am left to deal with very open areas. Here is a overview of what the map looks like. Each numbered area is a barracks building.
User posted image
Dimensions: 5670 X 3900

Now I don't need to deal too much with the tops of buildings. Would connecting the tops of the buildings to sky brushes keep the whole map from being drawn at every point. Or can someone suggest how to place hint brushes? Any feedback would be much appreciated.