Forum posts

Posted 18 years ago2005-11-09 07:54:20 UTC
in Vault Moderator Post #146156
I read the news clip about the moderator but the topic was closed. I'd just like to let you know I'm interested in the position. I ran a guild site for 6 months I resigned a few months ago.

It's fairly simple to move some off topic posts to the right spot. I can just turn some music on, and mule through each topic post per post.

Thanks for hearing me out,

Posted 18 years ago2005-10-26 17:30:50 UTC
in Thank you to those who submit! Post #143876

Hey there everyone been a member for about a month now, have been hidden in the tutorials and working on a simple map kinda like training.

To those who submitted tutorials and answer questions on the forums give yourself a pat on the back for a job well done and much appreciated!
