Forum posts

Posted 18 years ago2005-11-04 15:27:52 UTC
in putting .wad files into a .bsp Post #145301
nvm you can close now i found out how to. thanx
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-04 14:45:30 UTC
in putting .wad files into a .bsp Post #145292
i got it figured out. i found out which setting got changed. i just want to know how to get it to open steam instead of old cs cause it is annoying. and i know how to do the .wad thing too. all i want to know is how to launch steam instead
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-03 15:36:25 UTC
in putting .wad files into a .bsp Post #145121
how do i get it to launch steam instead of 1.5 cs?
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-03 14:24:39 UTC
in putting .wad files into a .bsp Post #145095
it worked fine untill i tried this but ill look at them
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-03 00:35:55 UTC
in putting .wad files into a .bsp Post #144991
** Executing...
** Command: D:PROGRA~1SteamSTEAMA~1RADICA~1.COMCOUNTE~1hl.exe
** Parameters:

** Executing...
** Command: D:PROGRA~1SteamSTEAMA~1RADICA~1.COMCOUNTE~1hl.exe
** Parameters: "d:my mapstest"

** Executing...
** Command: D:PROGRA~1SteamSTEAMA~1RADICA~1.COMCOUNTE~1hl.exe
** Parameters: "d:my mapstest"

** Executing...
** Command: D:PROGRA~1SteamSTEAMA~1RADICA~1.COMCOUNTE~1hl.exe
** Parameters: "d:my mapstest"

** Executing...
** Command: D:PROGRA~1SteamSTEAMA~1RADICA~1.COMCOUNTE~1hl.exe
** Parameters: "d:my mapstest"

** Executing...
** Command: Copy File
** Parameters: "d:my mapstest.bsp" "D:Program FilesSteamSteamAppsradical_teen411@yahoo.comcounter-strikecstrikemapstest.bsp"

** Executing...
** Command: Copy File
** Parameters: "d:my mapstest.pts" "D:Program FilesSteamSteamAppsradical_teen411@yahoo.comcounter-strikecstrikemapstest.pts"

** Executing...
** Command: D:PROGRA~1SteamSTEAMA~1RADICA~1.COMCOUNTE~1hl.exe
** Parameters: +map "test" -game cstrike -dev -console +deathmatch 1

** Executing...
** Command: D:program filesValve Hammer Editorzhlthlcsg.exe
** Parameters: "d:my mapstest" -nowadtextures

Unknown option "Hammer"
hlcsg v2.5.3 rel Custom Build 1.7p15 (Jun 3 2004)
Zoner's Half-Life Compilation Tools -- Custom Build
Based on code modifications by Sean 'Zoner' Cavanaugh
Based on Valve's version, modified with permission.
Submit detailed bug reports to (

= hlcsg Options =
-nowadtextures   : include all used textures into bsp
-wadinclude file : place textures used from wad specified into bsp
-noclip          : don't create clipping hull
-noclipeconomy   : turn clipnode economy mode off
-cliptype value  : set to smallest, normalized, simple, precise, or legacy (default)
-nullfile file    : specify list of entities to retexture with NULL
-onlyents        : do an entity update from .map to .bsp
-noskyclip       : disable automatic clipping of SKY brushes
-tiny #          : minmum brush face surface area before it is discarded
-brushunion #    : threshold to warn about overlapping brushes
-hullfile file   : Reads in custom collision hull dimensions
-texdata #       : Alter maximum texture memory limit (in kb)
-lightdata #     : Alter maximum lighting memory limit (in kb)
-chart           : display bsp statitics
-low | -high     : run program an altered priority level
-nolog           : don't generate the compile logfiles
-threads #       : manually specify the number of threads to run
-estimate        : display estimated time during compile
-verbose         : compile with verbose messages
-noinfo          : Do not show tool configuration information
-nonulltex       : Turns off null texture stripping
-dev #           : compile with developer message
-wadconfig name  : Specify a configuration to use from wad.cfg
-wadcfgfile path : Manually specify a path to the wad.cfg file
-wadautodetect   : Force auto-detection of wadfiles
mapfile          : The mapfile to compile
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-03 00:28:25 UTC
in putting .wad files into a .bsp Post #144989
i tried using this way

but i keep getting errors and it wont work i am using zhlt and hammer. can someone help me plz?