Forum posts

Posted 18 years ago2006-06-23 10:02:41 UTC
in trigger_hurt question Post #186517
i have read both turtorial.. but that only says after how many seconds the trigger is triggered. NOT AFTER HOW MANY SECONDS IT SHOULD STOP.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-23 09:48:00 UTC
in trigger_hurt question Post #186515
This is the situation.

In a counter-strike map, If you press a button, you die within a area. BUT, i want this trigger hurt to stop "hurting" after 3 seconds so it dont do any damage anymore. My guess is using multi_manager but.. what do you type in the multimanager to make this happen?
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-23 04:57:30 UTC
in Computer freezes during compiling!!! Post #186489
When i "make it into a .bmp" then my valve hammer freezes depending how big the map is.. If its huge map like the one im working on now.. It freezes up to 20-25minuts >.<. Note that its only valve hammer that freezes not entire windows...
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-23 04:40:59 UTC
in Lasers resident evil inspired Post #186486
I mainly do CS maps.. and started to think that the map i have done would really be cool as in a single player map in half life too. So I remember from Resident Evil the movie (1) when they are going in to the computers room. Lasers in a small glass "corridor".. I love the idea for that in half life or possibly cs. Any suggestions and tip for doing similar to this?
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-07 11:17:40 UTC
in Button trigger multiple doors Post #166813
wuuuut? how does the multi manager inflict the delay on those both... it only got "name"..?
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-07 10:27:44 UTC
in Button trigger multiple doors Post #166805
I got a slight problem...

How do you create so you have a button in a room, when you push it, after 10 seconds a door closes and 5 seconds after that another door opens?

I tried but unsuccessful... help me plz
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-23 15:08:39 UTC
in Texture and Spotlight Post #154173
Dunno wut i did but it works...

But the spotlight thingy, Cant find the "kill target"... Wut to do??
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-23 14:51:29 UTC
in Texture and Spotlight Post #154171
well, i got another problem now.. :/ im building cs maps... I tried to use the "clip" brush... I just made a box with the clip texture and used it and tryed to save the map but failed because of it... Doing it right or..? >.<
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-23 13:25:17 UTC
in Texture and Spotlight Post #154139
I have 2 problems at the moment. The first is and main problem is;
How do you create a wall so you cant run trough the wall, its invisible but you can shoot trough it, like throwing grenades through it?

I have a spotlight, with 2 lamps. I want to do so if u push a button the lamp works, and if u shoot the lamp so it break. the spotlight turns off.

That's wut i want to know for the moment.