Forum posts

Posted 18 years ago2006-06-12 22:05:11 UTC
in Good Card for HL2? Post #184882
Athlon XP 2600+ is approx 1.92Ghz. I think I will need a mobo or chip upgrade as well then as you suggest to get max settings ? Or would one of the cards you guys suggested be sufficient ? Unfortunatly graph cards here in the uk are seriously overpriced NVIDIA GeForce 6800 approx ?220 or $404 !!!

Thank you for the help though guys :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-12 21:02:06 UTC
in Good Card for HL2? Post #184874
Hi Guys,
Im looking to buy a good....but relitivley cheap graph card so I can finally bask in the glory that is HL2 on max settings!! My system, I think should be able to cope with runnin HL2 on max settings:

Athlon AMD 2600+ / 1 GIG DDR RAM

But I now need a good, but cheapish card. Anybody got any suggestions....I want something that will run HL2 on the maximum settings. But my budget is roughly ?80 - ?100 ($147 - $182).

I was kind of looking at the following...but I dont know:



3: 3D FUZION 3DF GF5500 256MB AGP (GEFORCE FX 5500 - 256MB)
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-08 19:52:22 UTC
in Mod/HalfLife Single Player ? Post #184343
Ok thanks Kasperg...thought that might be the case...but just thought I would check :)

All the best,

Posted 18 years ago2006-06-08 19:26:35 UTC
in Mod/HalfLife Single Player ? Post #184340
Sorry to ask this, but I was not sure if its possible. Say for example I decided to use the CounterStrike fgd in Hammer. Does this then mean that I can ONLY make a CS map (i understand end users would have to have CS) ?but would this mean... It couldnt be single player, you would have to purcahse weapons etc I couldnt have gordon as the lead character. Or would the CS fgd contain ALL the original HL fgd...PLUS entity specific entries for CS (ie rain/fog etc)

I basically wanted to make a single player map that uses CS weapons and some of the CS entities. Is this posisble ?
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-04 11:46:30 UTC
in Spirit 1.2? Post #183718
You can d/l 1.4 and updates Hammer3.5 FGD here

Or Version 1.2 from further down the page (also has a 3.5 FGD d/l link in the next post up).

The Very latest version..which is BETA (although reported to be more stable than the full 1.4 release and requires to be updated via another version is here.

Tutorials....none of any use I could find.

If you need to work out how to use it...either search the forums for answers (community is not very active...average reply time to a post 2-3 days) Also look at the entity list under features on the main page, this will give you an idea what is avaliable and what parameters you can control. The rest is really down to you...there is not much support and the website links to any further info on using SOHL are mostly down.

Good luck...its a great little MOD to map with...but you have to search and find stuff if you want to use it properly.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-04 11:31:17 UTC
in Spirit 1.2? Post #183714
It is "Spirit Of Half Life"...which is basically a MOD for HL1 that allows for new entitys when mapping for HL1.

Things like....Fog(openGL only)...Rain....MoveWith (attach any entity (like buttons or glass) to a func_train!)..Locus(ie. you could shoot a pipe and water would pour out of the bullet hole!!!) and tons of other cool stuff.

Latest version is now at 1.5a3 I think...but main stable version is 1.4. However, I personally use 1.2 because I find 1.4 and up crashes certain features of SOHL when launching maps on my computer.

Def worth looking into if you want more power/customisation in your entity list
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-04 10:40:49 UTC
in env_fog in Spirit 1.2 Post #183707
I just updated my drivers recently, im running the latest version. Unfortunatly, 1.4 / 1.5a3 both yield the same fog problem for me, also along side that using env_rain in 1.4/1.5a3 crashes my game when i try to load a map. So have gone back to using 1.2. Still dont understand why my card wont render the fog properly in openGL.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-04 02:01:32 UTC
in env_fog in Spirit 1.2 Post #183643
When I use env_fog in a map, I just get an entire screen full of whatever colour the fog it is set to. You cant see anything through it...nothing at all. Making any sort of change to the distances makes no difference either. Even if I set the fog to start at 5000 from the player and end at 10000...I still have a full white(or whatever colour) screen.

I run HL with openGL set as the renderer...I have a 64MB Radeon7000 series...which has open GL and is working. (according to the advanced display properties all OpenGL functions are correct)

If I run the old Spirit demo map, I encounter the same problem and the on screen text says that if the screen is full of the fog colour then you are not running in openGL but I am ??
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-03 08:48:03 UTC
in Texture problem? Post #183496
Ok...thanks. btw. Sorry about the png...I wasnt using my laptop when I posted the therefore didnt have PS to compress to web-optomised jpeg (or any other image tools installed). I upped the bmp screeny straight from HL to imageshack...and they converted it to a png on upload for some reason. Im well aware of compression techniques as I work as a webdesigner, but I will make sure to try and convert before i up images.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-03 08:38:12 UTC
in Hammer 3.5 Model Preview Post #183494
lmao ;) ok...i know...a little over the Ive been tring to get this working for about 9 hours now!! ;)
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-03 08:36:33 UTC
in Hammer 3.5 Model Preview Post #183492
1 thing I have now if I try to use env_sprite to display the model...Hammer3.5 just crashes straight to desktop...with ANY model. Not a major problem, because monster_furniture now displays the models correctly anyway :D
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-03 08:29:29 UTC
in Hammer 3.5 Model Preview Post #183490
YOU ARE MY HERO!!!!!!!! Wow!! thank you!!! Dont get why it only works like that...but hey...if it works!! :D
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-03 08:13:38 UTC
in Hammer 3.5 Model Preview Post #183486
Ok...thanks Madcow...gonna go try that now..
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-03 07:49:39 UTC
in Hammer 3.5 Model Preview Post #183481
:( still no joy...although I had missed that bit...

Extracted all the models in the halflife.gcf file to my halflife/valve/models directory...everything else is set correctly (all paths in options/the new fgd file etc) Still no models :(
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-03 07:25:54 UTC
in Physics in HL1? Post #183478
True ;) they do say...

"Bear in mind that this is a shot of the physics system currently in development and they are still tweaking the IK limits for the ragdolls so that joints behave in a more realistic manner - the un-natural bending of the limbs should be fixed by the time their done"

Still pretty impressive on HL1 though :D
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-03 07:11:43 UTC
in Hammer 3.5 Model Preview Post #183476
Hi guys..just changed up to Hammer3.5 so I could use the model preview ability, but I cant get it working!!

Downloaded the new 3.5Beta from VERC

Copied the 3.5 exe over my old 3.4 exe.

Downloaded the updated Half-Life FGD from VERC (model preview allready edited into it)

Copied and pasted that over my original 3.4 FGD

Tried to insert models using weapon_weaponname etc. and using the env_sprite method but I see no models...still just green/pink/blue boxes!! Even the info_player_start entity is supposed to now apparently show gordon?

Any ideas where I might be going wrong ??
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-03 06:28:13 UTC
in Texture problem? Post #183466
Thanks worldcraft dude!..thought as much. Unfortunatly the textures I went for needed to tile at quite a low X&Y amount, stretching them horizontally makes it look weird...although as u say it would make the lowres further away.

Just this distance changable? Is it something that can be altered...say in the mapProperties section ?
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-02 23:00:18 UTC
in Texture problem? Post #183427
Hi Guys...
Just wondering about something I am seeing when in-game....

Just about where the x-hair can see the textures go into a lower resolution..this occurs at a set distance from the this something I can change with a setting...or is this just the result of really bad texturing on my part? (you might need to save it and zoom in a little...looks a bit dark small)
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-02 20:40:51 UTC
in Physics in HL1? Post #183397
Ahhh!! Thank you Kasperg...great find mate!!....with a litte bit of extra searching I managed to dig up this...

This is the home of HL:E..."A mod that will give you...Detailed Models, Detail Textures, new Visuals, physics (RagDoll!!) and some extra enemies". ALL FOR HL1!!!

Unfortunatly....they are still developing it...and like any classic mod team will not give a release date. So...hopefully they might release it before Source becomes the norm! According to their forums its all alive and well...but the link below is from last year!!

I managed to get a link for a video demoing the ragdoll physics in action:
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-02 20:16:32 UTC
in Physics in HL1? Post #183377
Hi Guys....know there is no such thing as Physics in HL1 (only source) but did anybody ever make a mod or anything that extends the code to allow for any kind of physics calculations ? I'm thinking something along the lines of an addon package ...similar to Spirit of HL (which I know doesnt do physics) Is it possible ? Or is this def. a Source engine thing only. Im guessing the original HL engine would not even be able to be modded to allow physics?
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-02 20:09:07 UTC
in Models in Half-Life? Post #183373
:) I found it in an aritcle over at

That article says you can use the monster_furniture entity to load models in the same way as env_sprite, except of course monster_furniture uses *.mdl extension as default instead of *.spr. However, I tried it and set the location of the model in exactly the same way as I had using env_sprite and it compiled with no problems...however, when loading the map in HL I got a fatal crash saying it could not find the model ??? (which was working fine with env_sprite!) So i went back to env_sprite again lol!! Apparently this is the stock method for importing models when mapping for CS anyway.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-02 20:01:27 UTC
in Models in Half-Life? Post #183366
Thanks Rowleybob...will def. bear that in mind. I read an article about it and it also mentioned the clip brush as well. However, the only major difference I could understand was, apart from better peformance (which is always the better option!), was that the clip brush would allow the player to shoot through the for example, if i were using the tool_box.mdl and the player decided to shoot at it, it would not appear solid, (ie. no sparks from the bullet) whereas using the invisible {blue texture you can shoot it. Although this might not be a justifiable cause to use the {blue texture in all cases, I think it is good for some.

However, another downside to this is that obviously, shooting the toolbox does not produce the sound that would normally occur from shooting a metal texture.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-02 19:00:22 UTC
in Flashlight/HUD/WeaponChange without HEV? Post #183352
;) thanks for replying. Its all good...dont mind the HEV if I can make it feel like the player isnt really wearing it. (ie with the new hands and getting rid of the HEV voice comms)
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-02 18:59:01 UTC
in Models in Half-Life? Post #183351
Ok....managed to make it appear solid by shaping a brush roughly the same size as the model..then using func_wall and {blue texture. This is where I could really use Hammer3.5 so I could see the models when I build the solid bits!! Anybody here using 3.5 without any problems ?
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-02 13:24:52 UTC
in Flashlight/HUD/WeaponChange without HEV? Post #183295
Ahh ok!!...that works great!! Thanks man!!...presume that also entails swapping each model for each weapon as well ?
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-02 13:01:29 UTC
in Flashlight/HUD/WeaponChange without HEV? Post #183291
cool :) I have the OPFor models allready.

However, I cant work out what to name the model to change the default "gordon" to the new one ? I tried models/player.mdl, models/player/player.mdl, models/gordon.mdl and models/player/gordon.mdl but none of these seem to replace the standard orange gloved gordon model the player sees.

Any idea where i need to stick the new model and what to rename it to to replace the normal one ?
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-02 12:58:53 UTC
in Models in Half-Life? Post #183290
Thanks man!!! Thats fantastic. Just 2 things.

1: Is there anyway to make env_sprite models solid? Although the name suggests otherwise lol. If not, I presume I could use a func_illusion on a box that is the same size as the model to make it appear as if it is solid (ie. player cannot walk through it)

2: Any idea if there are any tuts out there giving pointers to the amount of polys allowed for a HL prop model. Although, I presume because it is being imported via the env_sprite entity that it is actually an image of the model I am seeing rather than the actual model itself...therefore polycount should matter?

Anyway..thanks for the help again.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-02 12:27:28 UTC
in Flashlight/HUD/WeaponChange without HEV? Post #183277
Thanks :) think your probably right on that one! To make the illusion complete perhaps I could change the skin for the player character with HLmodel viewer so it doesnt look like he has the HEV style gloves on ?
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-02 12:19:54 UTC
in Models in Half-Life? Post #183273
Hi Guys...have found plently of tut on the net about importing/exporting player models from Half-Life into MilkShape3D and back, but nothing is mentioned anywhere about moddeling & importing props made in MilkShape3D (or other 3d prog). Is the import of prop models allowed with the original HL engine? I see it mentioned in HL2 discussions but not HL1. If it is, are there any guides on polycount etc.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-02 11:24:59 UTC
in Flashlight/HUD/WeaponChange without HEV? Post #183267
lol..yeah basically :)...getting a sneaky feeling this is a re-coding or nothing kind of thing?
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-02 11:01:59 UTC
in Flashlight/HUD/WeaponChange without HEV? Post #183265
Thanks Strider :) thats a good start...also tried ticking the "short login" flag...but your idea is better. As for weapons/flashlight without the HEV ?
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-02 10:55:00 UTC
in Flashlight/HUD/WeaponChange without HEV? Post #183263
Hi Guys,
Just wanted to ask if it is possible to allow the player to have the flashlight and/or the HUD and/or be able to change weaponary without having them wear the HEV suit ? Or is this only possible via the code ? If it is only possible with re-coding is there any way to prevent the HEV voiceover ("Welcome to the HEV....etc etc") from triggering when you put the HEV on ?

Thanks to anybody that can help at all.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-01 21:28:03 UTC
in Hammer Vertex Manipulation Post #183203
;) thanks guys, yeah, I actually allready sorted my problem out over in the HL forum ;) the selection marquee was staying present when I was trying to manipulate vertices in the 2D port, and I couldnt re-select them, somebody very kindly suggested I could press enter to clear the marquee :D. Anyway, I will post bits here as I go along for help and suggestions from you guys. I did have a go at mapping a few years back when HL was in its early years but never go to grips with it....since then I have become quite heavily envolved with 3DS mapping is now a much more familiar experience...even though Its my first real attempt :D to be here :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-01 19:48:38 UTC
in Vertex Manipulation Post #183196
Many thanks! Was praying it was something stupid ;)
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-01 19:23:58 UTC
in Vertex Manipulation Post #183193
lol..thank you :) I dont know what is causing it, but being able to cancel the selection seems to reset it!! Thank you :D
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-01 19:07:47 UTC
in Vertex Manipulation Post #183191
Hi Guys,

If I create a primitive and then enter the vertex tool I can move all vertices and edges and create faces with no problem in all viewports,


if I change vertex mode (ie from edges+vetices to just edges) Or exit vertex mode and re-enter it I can no longer select or move ANYTHING in the 2D viewports ??? The 3D viewport still allows me to select things and move them, but obviously trying to position veritces in the 3D port is very tricky!! Everytime I try to select any of the vertices or edges in the 2D ports I just get the selection marquee (that always stays on the screen!!) and am unable to select or move anything. The only solution is to then re-start hammer and continue!!

Has anybody else run into this problem ? I am using Hammer 3.4 (Build 1983)

Huge thanks to anybody that can help.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-01 19:00:51 UTC
in Hammer Vertex Manipulation Post #183189
Hi Guys, just want to say this is a great place!! Only started mapping last week, but the tuts here are fantastic!! The problem that I am having seems to be a bug rather than my own stupidity (although I could be wrong!!) Wanted to start working on an underwater base level, just completing little sections at a time. Anybody know of any good underwater maps that I could learn from ?