Forum posts

Posted 17 years ago2007-01-10 22:15:15 UTC
in origin of your e-identity? Post #209266
Kleinerbug: well something i made up a long time ago for a mail account, used it ever since...means KLEINER=small and bug=bug (thought of a virus or something)
and i mostly use this name ans a sig form my photoshop creations..

<aP>: my initials i mostly use infront of my CS:S games..thought that it looks cool
[~gsg9~] : TAG that me and my friends used to have in CS:S (gsg9 beeing the world best special ops group and also beeing German, like me ^^)
[4s] : Tag that me and my friends used to have in CoD
(ehtse tags r mostly used to just quickly identify each other in a game/scoreboard)

Randomizer: my old name in CoD after soem1 said that i just say random stuff all over the place

Posted 18 years ago2006-06-07 17:27:14 UTC
in uehh...? Post #184226
can some 1 well me what this means and what i have to do to change it?

To use model "models/ShaderTest/shaderslab5.mdl"
with prop_static, it must be compiled with $staticprop!

Posted 18 years ago2006-06-07 17:25:40 UTC
in decompiler? Post #184225
when u say that i always have to say that fucking impotent is no oxymoron

foxhound is one...LOL
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-04 19:15:04 UTC
in decompiler? Post #183799
wow...k...srry about the bad spelling...and thx for info...
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-04 14:26:31 UTC
in decompiler? Post #183733
hey does any1 have any good decompiler that r easy to use...ohh and second Q?

how big is a crotching player in css...i nedd it for a air vent so that i can fit trough (in pixel plese)


Posted 18 years ago2006-06-04 14:22:01 UTC
in door knobs and map areas Post #183732
yoyo...ifound out how to do it by just trieng some stuff

so basicly u just give ur door a name like: door1
and then u make 2 new entitys as the doorknobs u make them "prop_dynamic" and then u put in the perental option the name of the door that it hast to be tied ur doorknob must be moving with the door...

Posted 18 years ago2006-06-04 11:01:22 UTC
in door knobs and map areas Post #183712
yeah i was the guy who wanted to ask for the doorknob and the mapnameing...give credit to arcen because h is the 1 who showed me this forum...i am doing a map from our school which sould be petty wasome...thx for he posts i am gone look over them and see if they help a bit..
