Forum posts

Posted 18 years ago2006-07-16 12:48:27 UTC
in Making cars (vehicals) for CS1.6 Post #190352
How do you make a car that can drive ? for my jail map i want to make the ct's drive to the garage where the door will auto open as they get to it
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-15 22:23:37 UTC
in (CS1.6) Rooms rendering Post #190258
Updated: Still needs fixing but i tried to use Hints . . i am not effecting r_speeds but its not erally helping: Now the zip has the wads you need

Remember you need Halflife.wad and Cstrike.wad also maybe Decals.wad ?
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-15 17:10:49 UTC
in (CS1.6) Rooms rendering Post #190223
ok i pm'd you my ftp link to get the wads
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-15 16:17:19 UTC
in (CS1.6) Rooms rendering Post #190218
:) thanks, but i tried this and it does not seem to apply to my environment. check my map and look in the main area upstairs and you will see its a big bozx room with other rooms in it and a central spirale staircase leading up to it. I tried all sorts but i cant get it to work. I need a more skilled map maker to show me the error of my ways
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-15 16:08:46 UTC
in (CS1.6) Rooms rendering Post #190216
Similar . .

I need to know how to stop things being rendered until they need to be. HINT brushes i am sure is the way, but i dont know how to make them work for my map design. I need someone to take a look at my map and suggest how i can fix it.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-15 13:28:31 UTC
in (CS1.6) Rooms rendering Post #190200
What causes rooms across the aeras to render on screen prematurely ? By that i mean when you to gl_wireframe 2, you can see other areas of the map and you have not even opened the door to those rooms ? This is the cause of my r_sped issue i am sure of it. My room is high up and there is a spiral staircase in the middle going down with a trap door at the top. There is also like 4 rooms inside the big room. When you stand in a corner or in the middle everything is drawn, yet i have segmented the rooms off with walls ? not func_wall but actual real game walls . How do i stop rendering other things ? i also tried hint brushes and i cant seem to get them to work right they make no diference.

Please have a look at my map and see if you can spot what my issue would be ?
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-15 11:49:35 UTC
in problem with my map :) Post #190191
please can someone have a look at my map

and tell me the best way to stop the spiral stairs from being rendered until you need to see it ? also the jail cell can be seen from 1 room away ??!?!??! how does thig happen ? and how would you map this map for it to not happen ?
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-15 10:48:07 UTC
in problem with my map :) Post #190179
i saw that example map, Only thing is i have used 1 unit thick nul brush and it was awp bullet proof. But only in 1 angle as i said
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-15 01:04:39 UTC
in problem with my map :) Post #190136

i have uploaded my map and a screenshot of the control area . . i sincearly would love to know what i need to do to fix the r_speeds, and get the bullet proofing that glass and all the walls on the control area 100%
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-15 00:25:05 UTC
in problem with my map :) Post #190134
i have tried this, but unfortunatly it does not seem to work. i have no idea whats wrong.

Also i tried the Null thing for a 1 unit thick bullet proof wall and it works . . But it is only bullet proof in 1 angle . . for example 2 of them on a map one facing up and down, and one left to right . . only up and down will stop bullets ? What causes this ? i can not make a box thats bullet proof yet on the main map it will let me ? on the test map it is only 1 angle ?

But the main problem is my rspeeds going crazy . Is it possible for you to have a quick look at my rmf file and let me know where i am going wrong ?
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-14 23:52:56 UTC
in problem with my map :) Post #190131
I am trying to find out how to fix my r_speed issues, and i have done the gl_wireframe and i can see the map is rendering loads it should not be rendering at all. I have tried to use hint brushes but they dont seem to do absolutly anything at all for me and i was wondering if i emailed someone my rmf if they would take a look for me and suggest how i can fix it and what the problems are and maybe give me an example and send my rmf back with something fixed so i can learn from that 1 fix ?

I am mapping for CS 1.6

I apreciate the help i get :confused: