Forum posts

Posted 17 years ago2006-07-27 14:09:30 UTC
in Can someone please optimize my map? Post #191823
It doesnt even have a skybox cause its just a REALLY tall box that everyone places in that teleports to smaller rooms. But when your at the top of that box and your looking down thru the glass you have to break, it gets REAL laggy. None of my brushwork is colliding with each other, I did the nodraw stuff, even on faces you cant see but had textures, I dont think I really did anything with details yet because there really is not much with details in the map :- Still learning that part.
Posted 17 years ago2006-07-26 23:58:17 UTC
in Can someone please optimize my map? Post #191788
I dont understand the article :( As you can see when you download my map I tried to optimize it but um....yeah. it didnt work. :(
Posted 17 years ago2006-07-26 20:50:17 UTC
in Can someone please optimize my map? Post #191755
ah ok. i wish someone would help me with the optimizing it though :(
Posted 17 years ago2006-07-26 16:34:18 UTC
in Can someone please optimize my map? Post #191745
I am new to maping in source and I sucked at mapping in hl1, can someone please optimize my hl2 map as I really do not understand how to do it myself? :(

Also I need someone to fix the player starts, everyone keeps spawning at the same info_player_start.

Thanks guys.

Map can be found at:
