Forum posts

Posted 17 years ago2006-10-08 22:36:14 UTC
in someone help me please Post #199036
aw my bad then. I was told I could like make a gun model and place it under the ground and just makes it's min and max's bigger so it blocks the sides of the portals. Could I actually do that with ripent? or is that even possible? sorry to keep bringing this back just wanna check for the last time.
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-08 01:53:35 UTC
in someone help me please Post #198906
bump i guess, i have bspedit and i have the coordinates of the portals, i just need to know how to make a wall or somethingggg.. come on someone pleasee
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-06 00:30:38 UTC
in someone help me please Post #198666
well i know you can use rident or bspedit do edit the entities...thanks tho
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-05 23:47:42 UTC
in someone help me please Post #198663
Ok. Well I started a server recently and its a 24/7 fun_allinone. As some of you know it can be crashed...but I'm not going into detail on it. But it basically has to do with the portals that you go in. If you've played the map you know what I'm talking about. And on a different forum a guy said he could help with a code where I could just put a gun model or something underneath the ground, and just make the min and max bigger so it's like an invsibile wall thing. I would really like your guy's help with making this type of code. I was checking on this site for a while and couldn't figure out how I could go about doing the code. The guy on the other forum never responded and sent me the code, it's been a while too so I thought I'd try here. Either that or maybe placing a wall on each side of the portal so you can't go to the sides, just straight in? I dunno but I'd really like to get it fixed because the server will be booming then someone crashes and it it completely dies.

Thanks a lot in advance for any help you guys give me.