Forum posts

Posted 16 years ago2007-10-24 07:58:55 UTC
in Not Getting Shot buy a cannon. Post #236933
Sorry. I read this as;

Not getting shot? Buy a cannon!

I really wanted a cannon...
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-01 10:48:26 UTC
in Who would win in a fight? Post #230959
"Encyclopedia Dramatica vs. 4chan"

LOL - ED, but only cos I write for them (my ED name is Crakwhrrr).

Lemons vs Limes

Tricky - Lemonz have that ability to make you pull a funny face but I don't think that's much good in a fight, then again their juice does REALLY hurt if put in a wound of some description...

But: Lemons only get put in girly cocktail type drinks, while LIME goes in the neck of those Mexican beers and for after you've slammed a tequila (also Mexican), and no one wants to get in a fight in a Mexican bar (unless you are Mexican or insane) so I'm going with Lime for it's association with Mexican Bar's...and it knows it's way round a beer bottle which is always useful in a dust up.

Osama Bin Laden versus (the younger revolutionary, not the ancient old version of) Fidel Castro?
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-18 07:53:09 UTC
in Your favorite weapon! Post #229428
BAR or STG from Day of Defeat.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-16 08:23:34 UTC
in You Laugh, You Lose Post #229108
ITT: We repeat repeated jokes until they become unfunny.

Posted 17 years ago2007-06-01 10:16:33 UTC
in Starcraft 2 FINALLY Post #224033
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-04 04:24:18 UTC
in Someone identify this band / music Post #220947
TWHL is not a meme.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-02 10:46:17 UTC
in ERROR: origin and clip brush Post #220700
Post compile log or EXACT error message (write it down word for word).

The origin brush can only exist in a map if it's attached to an entity as it specifies a point for an entity to pivot/rotate/move around. It cant be used just as a texture - it has to be part of an entity. Have you completed the brushwork for a rotating entity but not made it into an entity yet?
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-25 06:15:14 UTC
in DX10 on XP?!?! Post #220087

Wiki is opinion and is edited by people who think their opinion is more important than facts.

I know, I was a wiki editor for about a year; heres some background on things that happen in Wiki; I got banned for trying to insist that 9/11 conspiracy theories, while obviously mostly insane, had such a large following that they should be covered on Wiki. JFK conspiracy theories were covered, UFO conspiracy theories were covered - I didn't think this deserved to be treated any differently.

Other admins (and there are a lot of "Pro-US" admins on Wiki who seem to "change" articles to fit the current ruling parties official line - I doubt that's just coincidence) didn't like it and one guy got me banned for it as he said I was trying to stir up trouble.

He later turned out to be an employee of the Department of Homeland Security - but Wiki is ALL FACTS and there are no people there who edit it just for their or someone elses benefit. No sir. He got banned later too - partly for making edits and changes to certain articles which reflected one particular "political" point of view.

My favourite example is the USS Liberty debate where a 16 year old wiki editor argued with the president of the USS Liberty Veterans Association over some of the facts on the page. That's a 16 year old kid who hasn't finished school yet arguing about the facts concerning the USS Liberty, with a former officer of the USS Liberty who was actually on the USS Liberty.

In real life if you had both those guys in front of you, which one would you believe when they were talking about the Liberty? Really? Cos on the internet the 16 year old was taken more seriously and his "opinions" are what are shown on the Wiki page about the USS Liberty.

Wiki contains a lot of opinion and the more popular you are on Wikipedia the more likely your opinion is to be "true" (i.e. kept on the article and presented as fact). At no previous point in history has "the truth" been so flexible and unlikely to be opinion, rather than truth.

I guess it proves that old saying "If enough people believe it, then it must be true" - even if it's not.

Oops - that's my tea break over. Back to work.

Posted 17 years ago2006-12-10 07:03:00 UTC
in Half-Life: Hostage Situation Post #205669
So I read all that and scanned through 60+ pages of other posts for a mod that isn't out yet? When's it out - wanna play!
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-02 09:07:06 UTC
in Texture Creation Post #204821
Your "from scratch" textures are way better than your "redux" textures! Where did the dead people models come from? - those are pretty cool too :)
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-30 15:26:59 UTC
in Texture Creation Post #204604
Photoshop is ideal for offsetting images (so they tile) - once I've offset them

I use PS Pro 7 - I found the menu's to be less fiddly than 8 and the layering applications more manageable. And you can CTRL+C, CTRL+E from a PSP image straight into a WAD file in Wally and Wally does all the re-mipping for you.

Also look for the Golgotha texture set - this was a texture set that was made for an unfinished game and released for free download a few years ago (there are still some copies about). It features loads of useful textures that make up good base images for you to maul and fiddle with (and you will be surprised how many bits and pieces from the texture set you recognise - for instance there's textures in there that have been modified by Relic 25, some that made an appearance in Poke 646 and a lot that show up in the HL1 screenies of Nightwatch).
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-26 14:47:41 UTC
in Sprirt Post #204158
Been using it for a while - has some good features.

A useful link from the Reissues site (will also help with your install problems!):,1140144537,29392/965197?v=flatold
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-19 11:48:57 UTC
in arrange mode Post #203243
"I like mapping for HL1 because I don't like using models for every detail, and instead like detail brushwork. There's also a certain style to HL1 mapping that I much prefer over Source."
  • Srry.
Agreed 100% - Half Life is "old school" mapping and the challenge is in working withing the restrictions of the engine to make something that looks like it shouldn't be possible with HL1.

Something like Arrange Mode is an impressive achievement but it takes HL and makes it into something entirely new - it's good but it's not HL!

Sorry if I came off a bit preachy in my last post. I've only discovered TWHL recently and it's good to see that there is still such a lively modding and mapping community for what is almost a ten year old game!
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-18 19:23:22 UTC
in arrange mode Post #203194
This was posted up on the Spirit forum a while ago and I DL'd it and had a look then. It was a bit unstable (although it was explained at the time that it was a beta version) but it had some nice features/ touches.

There are still a lot of talented home-coders pushing the HL1 engine to see what it can do and what new features it will support and even if the rest of us can't see a lot of use for all the features it's still one of the aspects that keeps the community alive.

I think maybe people should try and open their minds just a little bit; asking "why have you done this when HL2 is already out and has more features?" is a bit like asking one of us mappers "why are you bothering to make maps when the ones that came with HL (or HL2) are already so good?".

We do it because we can, because we enjoy it and because we want other people to enjoy our work too.