Forum posts

Posted 17 years ago2007-02-03 08:50:10 UTC
in bombtarget related surface extents... Post #211506
Interesting, cuz that's what I thought was so mysterious in the first place. But by building the bombtarget around the boxes actually solved the problem :S
Posted 17 years ago2007-02-03 06:33:58 UTC
in bombtarget related surface extents... Post #211488
Tommy14 and forum search were used greatly before posting, actually :P But it was the connection with the bombtargets that was so anoying :/

None the less, I did figure it out now! Smart-ass me made the bombtargets completely square-ish, without bothering about the rotated boxes in the bombsite that then kind of cut the bombtarget in masses of strange angles.

Well well, 1 dumb point for me, and thx anyway for the tips! There'll prolly be more opportunities to help, just you wait ;)
Posted 17 years ago2007-02-03 04:23:42 UTC
in bombtarget related surface extents... Post #211479

I'm slowly getting closer to finnish this map now, but there is one little problem left:
-As soon as I add bomb targets, I get the "bad surface extents"-error on them. No matter what texture I use (the "AAATRIGGER" or any other ordinary). I also use normal 1 to 1 scaling on the surfaces too.

There is pretty much vertex manipulation around the map, but it compiles just fine without the b-targets, so it shouldn't be them, right? I'm confused :S

So a little help would be very appreciated!

Posted 17 years ago2006-11-16 17:41:28 UTC
in Defuse kit problem :/ Post #202921
It was NOT prefixed DE... And guess what? when i re-prefixed it, IT WORKED!!

I thought exactely as The Hunter, never ever thought of that before. But it wasn't to surprising though, being something silly and easy as that :/

Anyway, thanks like 10000 times, you don't now how much trouble that problem has done to me!

Espen180, I owe you one m8!

Tonight I'm sleeping good ^^
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-16 16:40:36 UTC
in Defuse kit problem :/ Post #202914
Soon I'm gonna start crying. Why? Cuz even with some years experience of mapping, I've now come to a problem which I just can't solve: When I'm making de-maps, the CT's can't buy defuse kits.

The T's get their bomb as they should, the bomb sites work, but the CT's just can't buy defuse kits!

Im deadly tired of throwing away nearly completed maps just cuz that specifik problem can't be solved. And I have, as one could guess, no idea whatsoever of whats making it do this. I've tried with number of different FGD's, gone back to the regular Hammer compile programs, re-installed hammer along with everything, and the same problem even goes on with a new computer.

I just can't get what I'm doing now that i didn't do 2-3 years back when everything still worked fine??


Gosch, didn't mean to write so much, but anyway... suggestions? Anyone? :cry: