Forum posts

Posted 17 years ago2006-11-29 23:39:43 UTC
in Help with moving targets! Post #204535
Hello all,
Sorry for take your time. I am brazilian guy, so sorry for my english too, i speak portuguese.
So, i need your help. I made a map for cs:s (for TO improve my skills in game).
I search in web a tutorial about random moving targets but no sucess.
I see a maps with this targets (aim_western_range_v2 and shooting_range). I want, if possible, make something same.
So, have a idea? I need you help again :)

thanks 4 attencion!!

~carpe diem~

Posted 17 years ago2006-11-29 00:38:05 UTC
in CS:S Help with custom textures. Post #204397
yeahh!!!! With your help i done!! I dont put the files in sourcesdk folder too , this my error!!
So, thaaaaaaaaaaanks very much for all (helping and english teaching ^^)
Really thanks!!! thanks thanks thanks!!!!
thanks: Arcan, Orpheus, Ant, Hunter, TikiTony and all of community!!
God bless you!
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-27 23:01:48 UTC
in CS:S Help with custom textures. Post #204280
humm oh yes, i make this. The VTFedit makes the *.vmf ( *.vmx??? ) files naturally in tools options. But thanks 4 help's try.
Thanks for you help with my english :) i really aprecciate this. I need improve my english too ^^.
Anyone help-me?
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-27 21:06:08 UTC
in CS:S Help with custom textures. Post #204269
Hello all,

Sorry for take your time. I am brazilian guy, so sorry for my english too, i speak portuguese.
So, i need your help. I made a map for cs:s (for improve my skills in game) but i create a texture ( a target image) in photoshop with plugin for VTF. I used the VTFedit to create *.vmf file. I put them (2 files) in cstrike/materials folder and open the Hammer. I can see my texture in hammer (his name) but she is a many purple square in the map. I tryed everything in 2 weeks!! Please someone help-me!

thanks 4 all!!
