I am making a map that will exced Texture Data Memory/ numtexinfo/ ReadSurfs. that is about the same error in diffrent forms. the point is that i will exced the max_brushes number and the max leaves. the map is a replica of a movie, i want it to be accurate so i can't really reduce the brushes. and in fact the map is not that complicated. it's a single room that i need to copy paste 5 times. zonner tools and 3.4 hammer will allow me to make 3 rooms of this kind, but after that the brushes and leaves will be maxed.

what can i do?
this is from some error site
"just use the "-texdata" switch on the command-line for HLCSG to increase the texture memory. Normally it's is set to 4096 KB (compared to 2048 KB available to QCSG - the compiling tool Valve used), but you can set it up to at least 8192 KB"

but after my calculation i need to change the -texdata to exactly 12300 KB and i can't find the way to do this.
again, the map is not that complicated, but i had to make a lot of small brushes, isn't there any way to trick hammer ?
if it makes any difference, i useed only 5 textures and 2 wads and i don't need sky or a big vismatrix, because the map is inside a building.

any ideeas? please help