Forum posts

Posted 17 years ago2007-07-06 02:57:00 UTC
in Animated VGUI in HL2 for HL1, can we? Post #227554
Can we make VGUI for HL1 like in HL2? So we can have HL2's feeeling in HL1.
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-17 08:02:48 UTC
in Can we make something like Megatexture? Post #225489
It's like you have one bigger texture with size maybe 16384*16384 and strecth it to one big map.
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-16 12:40:05 UTC
in AI enhancement? Post #225389
Why we not make better AI for NPC like blind fire for soldier, covering fire etc
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-16 12:23:08 UTC
in Can we make something like Megatexture? Post #225387
To make HL have bigger map but with fast loading