Forum posts

Posted 21 years ago2003-12-16 18:02:51 UTC
in NPC Killign Each Other Post #8001
Nope tried setting every NPC (monster_human_grunt) to have a 9mmpistolk or a shotgun and STILL they are able to drop grenades and end up killing each other!!

HELP! :)
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-16 14:36:41 UTC
in NPC Killign Each Other Post #7979
Ah ok...thought it was something I was doing wrong with the settings.
Grenades promptly removed from 10yr old hillbilly grunts LOL!

Thanks :)
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-16 13:18:24 UTC
in NPC Killign Each Other Post #7971
OK, thamks to a hell of a lot of help my map is coming along and is nearly done. :)

I have just finished carefully placing info_nodes around my level so the enemies can run around etc, thr trouble is that the enemies all blow themselves up inside the house.

I have them set to be triggered when they see the player, but by the time the player gets upstairs in the house, 2 or 3 are already blown up!

I`ll post the map for you guys once its done, considering how much help you have all been :)

Thanks again.
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-16 12:27:46 UTC
in Boolean switches Post #7969
Booleans are a simple way of setting something to "on/off" "true/false", basically a simple logic check.

I`ll try ur advice out Seventh_Mokey - cheers :)
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-16 12:25:47 UTC
in Mapping Tips Post #7968
I`m already using ZHLT, filename: zhlt253-17
I will try using the new editor and see if that makes a difference.
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-15 23:58:44 UTC
in Boolean switches Post #7927
Are there any boolean switches within WorldCraft?

Say if I place a car and don`t want it to appear until a certain NPC is killed, can I set a boolean on the car so that it doesn`t appear until then?

is there any way to do this without actually coding.
eg. Using the entities in the editor.
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-15 21:57:44 UTC
in Multiple trigger_auto Post #7912
Wicked!! - this forum is great :)
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-15 21:19:56 UTC
in Multiple trigger_auto Post #7909
Is it possiblt to have more than one trigger_auto?
I`ve tried and only the outcome of ther last placed trigger_auto works.

Is there any way to setoff multiple targets from the beginning of a level, for example, to setoff a sound and also flip to a camera to make a intro cutscene...
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-15 21:17:59 UTC
in Triggering a Sound Once only Post #7908
Solved it :)

SoundForge was setting a "region" by default, I removed this and now the sounds work as expected.

Thanks again for all your help :)
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-15 18:02:36 UTC
in Triggering a Sound Once only Post #7899
In SoundForge in the wav properties, the Loop parameter is set to "One Shot" so I presume it isn`t set as a looping file.
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-15 17:58:20 UTC
in Triggering a Sound Once only Post #7898

I`ve tried using a sound saved and unedited, and tried once editing the file - both loop in the game :(

Both are saved as 11025, 8bit, mono files.


I just tested a sound that came with half life and it worked - so its something to do with the way I`m saving my files - any ideas?
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-15 17:36:23 UTC
in Triggering a Sound Once only Post #7896
I`ve4 just checked and it seems the file is actually looping.
I cut the silence from the file and it just straight back into the speech with no gap, so I guess its still looping.

I have the Not Toggled and Silent Start flags checked in the ambient_generic properties.
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-15 17:02:48 UTC
in Triggering a Sound Once only Post #7893
I`m not sure how technical you want me to get, but the sound plays for 20secs till it ends, then there is a silence, then it plays again, 1sec silence, fires again etc
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-15 16:36:34 UTC
in Triggering a Sound Once only Post #7890
Yep I`ve tried that, no matter what the sound starts playing again, even if I move out of the trigger zone.
I also tried moving back into it to check it hadn`t been set to "toggle" for some reason, but no luck.

They just keep playing.
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-15 16:24:41 UTC
in Mapping Tips Post #7888
SOrry the map is being played in Half-Life, I was just explaining that we use CD when we play CS, and no cheats have been installed by either of us, as we are in a clan.
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-15 16:22:25 UTC
in Triggering a Sound Once only Post #7886
Sorry, what I meant to say above was that no matter what I set the flaghs to, it still keeps playing, I`m guessing because the trigger_once keeps triggering it.
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-15 16:17:13 UTC
in Triggering a Sound Once only Post #7884
Isn`t there a simple entity that will fire a target once and thats it.
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-15 16:15:48 UTC
in Triggering a Sound Once only Post #7883
It starts playing again.
I`m thinking this is because the trigger_once entity fires every time you are in the brush area, but it fires againj regardless of whether I`m in the brush area or whether I KillTarget the actual brush area entity itself.

I have played with the flags, if I try to make them Not Loop or Start Silent they sound doesn`t play at all.
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-15 15:31:33 UTC
in Triggering a Sound Once only Post #7877
I need to trigger a sound to be played once and once only.
I setup a brish and tied it to a trigger_once, then set the trigger to KillTrigger itself after it is setoff.
However the sound starts playing again as it is still triggered somehow.

Anyone got any ideas?

Posted 21 years ago2003-12-15 15:30:03 UTC
in Mapping Tips Post #7876
Nope no cheating, we all play CS using the Cheating Death program to make sure theres no cheating.
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-14 22:26:18 UTC
in Mapping Tips Post #7796
Hmm..image didn`t work, copy and paste this into your browser to see the brick texture I`m using.

NOTE: COpy & PASTE this to browser - clicking the link WILL NOT WORK :)
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-14 16:18:46 UTC
in Mapping Tips Post #7771
hehe yeah good call :)

Problem being its for a uni assignment and if the tutor has to press escape and it happens I may lose makrs.
I guess I could always blame it on a a HL bug :)
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-14 13:51:24 UTC
in Mapping Tips Post #7759
Have done - still no luck :S
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-14 12:17:15 UTC
in Sound again Post #7743
I can get sounds to play I just can`t seem to get the bloody thing to stop.
I trigger it with a trigger_once and it endlessly loops, no matter what I do with the flags etc, it just wont stop - HELP!
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-14 12:15:22 UTC
in Mapping Tips Post #7742
I checked the walls of my house and they aren`t set as "tie to entity -> fun_wall" they are just plain old building blocks.

As for running D3D etc, 2 of the machines are the same, the laptop runs it in software mode but it still has the same problem.
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-14 11:42:26 UTC
in Mapping Tips Post #7733
Cheers fellas - the house is quite complex, so rebuilding it simply isn`t an option as my assignment has to be handed in soon :P

As for func_wall - are you sayin I need to make every wall and floor in the house a func_wall?

If this was the case with the rendering properties causing it, wouldn`t it like that from the beginning of the game, rather than just when I hit escape.
I`m also pretty sure its not a graphics card issue as it happens on 3 different machines, all with different cards, drivers, and ones a laptop :(
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-13 22:10:36 UTC
in Mapping Tips Post #7633
Just simply copy and paste the link into the address bar! :)
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-13 19:20:05 UTC
in Mapping Tips Post #7608
They do work, you just need to cut and paste the link into your browser address bar, linking from here doesn`t work - bloody geocities.

Cut & paste these:

Cheers :)
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-13 17:21:31 UTC
in Mapping Tips Post #7600
I`ve been mapping a level based on my house and have hit a couple of small snags, which I`ve got pictures to help explain.

First off I seem to be having problems with small white spots appearing on the joins in my levels. I`m not sure if this is texture related or a problem with my geometry.
Heres a pic:

The second prob I have is that if I hit escape when playing my level, then decide to resume the game, the entire level goes see-through.
Pic is here:

Thanks guys :)