Forum posts

Posted 16 years ago2007-10-19 17:50:43 UTC
in Dynamic lighting and "r_speeds" on HL2 Post #236685
Cheers RabidMonkey, good answer.

I hadn't had time to work on lights much this week so you've explained a fair bit there! top man!
Posted 16 years ago2007-10-18 18:19:20 UTC
in Dynamic lighting and "r_speeds" on HL2 Post #236613
Any suggestions of how to get some atmosphere into a map without using a lot of dynamic lighting?

Is it possible to set a global lighting level with the exception of certain areas which could then be light dynamically?
Posted 16 years ago2007-10-17 17:04:37 UTC
in Dynamic lighting and "r_speeds" on HL2 Post #236531
Hi all,

I've only just started using Source and am currently making my first ever map (this site has been a huge help), what I'm curious about is how much dynamic lighting hits peoples performance - specifically in Team Fortress 2 as that's the map I'm making.

I've run with +showbudget enabled and the only item that's ever anywhere near max is the dynamic lighting, yet there isn't that much in most of the rooms. I'm trying to make things a little more atmospheric, is this a common mistake to make ?

It runs fine on my PC, but it is a recently upgraded one and I simply don't want to make a map that'll kill peoples frame rates. Any guidelines or tips? I'm currently looking for ways to reduce dynamic lighting but still keep the map looking atmospheric.