Forum posts

Posted 16 years ago2008-05-25 17:46:15 UTC
in Damage Specific Team (1.6 Engine) Post #250478
Yup that's what I found when I tested it.

However, the method with the relays and the giant hurt brush that I described earlier does work fine in CS. And should be making a very interesting map :P
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-25 15:12:27 UTC
in Damage Specific Team (1.6 Engine) Post #250467
Funny thing... I posted that last night while drinking and mapping... Thinking back on it this morning, something dawned on me: I was the only one on the map.

For all I know it may have only been damaging me as I was the one triggering it.

Regardless I decided to err on the side of safe and modify the design a little.

I just dropped a aaatrigger brush over the entire level and set it as a trigger_hurt. Set up the damage it deals and set it's target to a trigger relay that responds back to it with the off switch.

The rest is pretty much the same. But you need to add a relay.
Set up your switch and target your relay that sends the on switch to the trigger_hurt. Now the trigger_hurt will damage everyone inside it and fire the relay which turns it back off.

I have no idea if what I said last night actually works or not as I've elected to modify my map before the rediculously long compile time it's going to have, not after.
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-25 02:00:57 UTC
in Damage Specific Team (1.6 Engine) Post #250428
I was looking for an answer on this and found that back in '06 someone asked the same question and was told this is not possible.

What I was looking to do was trigger damage to an entire team in CS. Although complicated to achieve, I wanted to share the info with those who may be looking to do this on a map.

First create a game_player_hurt and name it. Lets call this: damageall50
Set the damage to whatever you want. For the example I will say 50.

Now create a game_team_master and name it. Lets call it: damageall
Set its target to the player hurt: damageall50
Leave the team as -1 for all for purposes of this example.

Create your trigger_once or trigger_multiple brush entity and point it's target to the team master: damageall

Make your map and watch the magic when you walk over your trigger brush.

Despite the comment about it not being possible on the 1.6 engine. It can be done.