Forum posts

Posted 15 years ago2008-09-13 20:50:14 UTC
in Need help with a map Post #255346
My english is not good enough to explain it exactly.
The archive -> dl link contains materials too.
I believe there is the problem, whitout these textures the map looks terrible.
The sky is dependently from these textures, so there must be the solution.
The Map flows over in the sky...
Posted 15 years ago2008-09-13 16:22:31 UTC
in Need help with a map Post #255317
Yes, I mean the sky.
Sorry for my bad english.

I search for someone to repair this map.
My experience in such things = 0
Posted 15 years ago2008-09-13 11:33:40 UTC
in Need help with a map Post #255302

I played a map long time on counterstrike 1.6, now I found it for source.
But this map is totaly buggy, so its not playable.
I would realy be thankful if somebody could help me.
The horizon of this map is wrong.

Here is the link:

It's a special small version of the old assault map.

Greetings, Angelo

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