Forum posts

Posted 16 years ago2009-02-10 05:42:18 UTC
in Rooms: Source! (co-op) Post #262481
RAD is on full ya. I have an idea though, somone suggested it in a different thread to use both point lights and light_spots, so I'll probably try that.
I have also realised that the texture on the mega-generator (the one with the unlit panel) is reflective so I will try putting a couple of env_cubemaps in and seeing how that rolls.
Posted 16 years ago2009-02-08 18:29:01 UTC
in Rooms: Source! (co-op) Post #262437
"You dare bring light_spot to my lair? YOU MUST DIE!" Sorry couldn't resist.

First spawnings of my mappings is done:

Any suggestions for improvement welcome :D
Posted 16 years ago2009-02-08 12:56:54 UTC
in Rooms: Source! (co-op) Post #262433
That works great! Thanks JeffMOD! :D

A new issue has presented itself, however. The combine generator prefab (yes I know its a prefab! Shock, horror! Im new to source; sue me!) allows combine energy balls to be punted out of it, but it doesn't like them being inserted (snigger balls being inserted (just thought i'd beat you all to that one)).

Any solutions?
Problem fixed, I fiddled with the physics_trap and the generators being very polite now.
My entry is almost complete (I've benefitted from a week off of college, and one coming up soon as well (UK got pwned by sudden snowfall)) I just need to make the main generator room look nicer now.
User posted image
Shot at 2009-02-08

The generator has been updated. That damn panel STILL wont illuminate.
It's almost done one prop near the bottom didnt render, so I need to fix that. Almost ready to submit. (Also that black line that seems to emerge from the Grav Gun isnt shoddy map work, it is infact a cable).
Posted 16 years ago2009-02-08 09:22:48 UTC
in Rooms: Source! (co-op) Post #262430
I tried using the light_spots but they failed to illuminate the room altogether.
New screens:
User posted image
Shot at 2009-02-08
User posted image
Shot at 2009-02-08

I cant seem to fix that unlit face on the huge generator in the second screen. Any suggestions?

Also is it possible to super-charge the Physcannon in the EP2 engine?
Additionally how can I make a combine weapon stripper?

The generator is still very much a WIP
Posted 16 years ago2009-02-07 07:05:44 UTC
in Rooms: Source! (co-op) Post #262393
I think i see what he means. If you look at the screenshot above, the flourescant light somehow illuminates the ceiling behind it.
Replaced the lights with ligh_spots. Ive tweaked things and moved stuff about, will upload a screenshot either tonight or tommorrow.
Posted 16 years ago2009-02-06 14:00:07 UTC
in Rooms: Source! (co-op) Post #262364
Working on a map for this atm. Bunker style thing. Im not too great with source so mine will definately be a learning project. Will probably post a screen later.
One problem I am having is how to make the effect "models/effects/vol_light128x256.mdl" appear properly on my map.

Any solutions?
User posted image
Additionally the skewed girder next to the gantry crane in the picture above isnt shown like that Hammer, so I think it's a compilation error. Any solutions?

(Yet another edit) The girder hasnt messed up on a recent compile (???) don't know what the cause is. Most confusing.
Posted 16 years ago2008-12-31 08:48:17 UTC
in How do I make elevators in Source? Post #260836
Engine: The Orange Box (Half-Life 2 : Episode 2)


I could make elevators in the old HL1 engine, with the func_train and path_corners etc, but I can't figure out which entities I need to make one in Source, and I couldn't find a relevant tutorial in the Tutorials section.

Any suggestions?