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Posted 14 years ago2009-12-06 22:17:41 UTC
in Invisible, seemingly non-existent barrie Post #276403
Firstly, I have no idea which brush is actually causing the issue. I'm probably going to end up replacing every one that is on the same plane, but even that's not sure-fire.

I've already replaced a few brushes, to no avail.
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-06 22:06:55 UTC
in Invisible, seemingly non-existent barrie Post #276401
Because that brush is an exterior wall, and deleting it would cause a leak.
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-06 21:37:04 UTC
in Invisible, seemingly non-existent barrie Post #276399
I replaced the entire wall with an out_con brush. Nothing changed.

I'm thinking it's a misplaced clip plane, but the fact that I've copied the entire map into a new file, replaced brushes and compiled with a few different cliptypes, leads me to believe it's something I'm not going to resolve without editing the actual map file with a text editor.
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-06 20:00:39 UTC
in Invisible, seemingly non-existent barrie Post #276396
I've checked the brushes to the smallest level of detail. The only plane that visibly correlates to the barrier is just a basic out_con wall with a nulled exterior.
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-06 19:34:20 UTC
in Invisible, seemingly non-existent barrie Post #276394
I'm getting a friend to download .NET for me, so I can bypass WGA, so I can install Batch Compiler. Setting up compiling in "Expert" mode in Hammer is really confusing, and is the only way in the editor to specify compile flags.

A screenshot would be pointless, as it's entirely invisible. It's just a vertical plane that extends the length of the map.

How would I go about finding a bad brush?
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-06 19:01:46 UTC
in Invisible, seemingly non-existent barrie Post #276392
I used "Show hidden objects," to which I received a response that there were no hidden objects.

It's evident that some object is projecting this barrier, possibly due to a missing face. When I use "filled polys" instead of textured ones, there is absolutely nothing where the barrier appears.
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-06 18:52:18 UTC
in Invisible, seemingly non-existent barrie Post #276389
The compilation settings are default for ZHLT with Hammer. I can't use Batch Compiler on this system, as my copy of XP doesn't pass WGA, so I can't get the .NET framework.

As well, it's worth mentioning that I tried moving the entire map when this issue occurred, so see if it wasn't actually part of the map. When I moved the map, the glitch followed. It is evidently being generated by some part of the visible map, which I can select.
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-06 18:46:50 UTC
in Invisible, seemingly non-existent barrie Post #276387
The map is in the center of the "world" and nothing of it is near the edges.

There are no complex objects in the map that are anywhere near the plane this is affecting.

I don't have any visgroups defined.
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-06 18:36:00 UTC
in Invisible, seemingly non-existent barrie Post #276383
I'm developing a map currently, and after adding a new section, this weird invisible barrier has appeared, which interacts with both players and weapons fire. It blocks off an entire area of the map.

In Hammer, there are no objects in the vicinity of the barrier that would cause the issue. The barrier extends the whole length of the map. The only thing correlating to the position of the barrier is the far wall of the new section I have added.

I have deleted numerous objects in the map, trying to locate what is causing this, but have no had any luck in removing the barrier yet.

Any suggestions? I would be happy to provide the map source, if someone wishes to examine the map. Until I fix this issue, I cannot release the map.