Forum posts

Posted 2 months ago2024-07-04 10:09:46 UTC
in Why are my custom models errors Post #348949
Possible causes:
1) The actual model files are missing (not on your hard drive)
2) The directory path cannot be found. (Original mapper could have put stuff on multiple Hard drives for instance)
3) Original mapper, compiled on a "windows PC", you are using Linux and camelCase letters are being used. (e.g. Check if an shown "Error" has a name like MyFlyingModel1.mdl in Hammer but when you check on you hard drive the file is named myflyingmodel1.mdl, Solution: Change/use lower-case and re-compile map.)
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-09 19:31:53 UTC
in Deep thinking Post #296415
Interesting Thread, My 2 cents worth on:

We've observed quantum particles occupying the same space at once...

Personal perceptions of what is reality given/accepted but the general principle is that we cannot measure both position and time simultanously on the quantum scale. (it's "either or" but not both.) The quantum argument is the opposite of General Relativity and what starts to happen at the very "large end of scale", where given enough scale there is no space or time only space-time. At the quatum level space needs to be redefined as "something else" (call it x), then at x we can have simultanous particals, and/or particals that pop into and out of existance and entanglement etc.