Forum posts

Posted 12 years ago2011-09-23 04:03:17 UTC
in General Problems Post #299297
Ok thanks for the tips.

On the paste special, what happens if you enter "0" into all 3 "offset" things?
Does it keep it in the same spot?

I was testing again & going from Greek to Medieval worked fine, but then going from normal to Greek did not. Also going from Medieval to Pirate was not working.

I tried putting all of it in one map, but it's way too big.

I am going to start over, cause I did not really like the ideas. Also the maps were really boring.
Posted 12 years ago2011-09-22 01:09:12 UTC
in General Problems Post #299237
Ok I tried putting them at the same coordinates on the top view.
Does it have to be exact in all 3 dimensions?

I went through the first map, and then it just got stuck at "loading".

Does it matter if these maps are not connected in any way?

Basically I am attempting a sort of "time travel" theme.

So the first level is the "normal" time, and then you go back to Greek/Roman times & then forward to about the '60s.
Posted 12 years ago2011-09-21 18:34:34 UTC
in General Problems Post #299220
I have also been having issues with change level.

I put 2 level changes & 2 landmarks as per the tutorials.
These are supposed to be one way level changes so I hide the one that goes back to the other level. However when I go through the change level thing the game crashes.

I know I named each pair of landmarks the same name & each pair of level changers have the same landmark.

The only thing that I can think of that might be causing problems is that the landmark for the previous level is on top (or in) the change level. Would that cause the game to crash, or sometimes make me look like I died (turned sideways & unable to move)?

BTW nice Yotsuba avatar!

Thanks in advance.
Posted 12 years ago2011-09-19 22:08:08 UTC
in General Problems Post #299122
Thanks I will try this later.

Sorry for sounding kind of rude, just getting frustrated with lots of stuff.
Posted 12 years ago2011-09-19 20:43:04 UTC
in General Problems Post #299118
So how do you change this?

I hit the browse button and go to that folder,choose a sprite & it shows up in the Worldcraft.

If you don't have the full path, then how does it find it?
Posted 12 years ago2011-09-18 22:25:48 UTC
in General Problems Post #299094
My path for the sprite is c:Sierra/Halflife/Valve/Sprites/spritename.spr.

I am using Worldcraft 3.5 if that makes a difference.
Sorry for the double post, did not see a way to edit the previous post.

I am OK at easy stuff like making the map, but when it comes to entities besides light & player/monster stuff I am totally lost.

The tutorials are OK for some stuff, but they seem to leave out some vital info.
Posted 12 years ago2011-09-18 17:39:45 UTC
in General Problems Post #299073
1: I just used Env_Sprite and picked a sprite that looked like fire (trying to make my torches better in a castle level). Then I compiled it and ran the map, the game crashed saying something about it could not find the sprite.
mod_numforname was the error message IIRC.

2: Thanks, I might try it later.

3: Like I said it would not let me type in numbers (kept making the "error" noise) when I tried to type in a scale for the fire. I was just using the number pad.
Posted 12 years ago2011-09-18 14:51:01 UTC
in General Problems Post #299062
OK since nobody was responding to the questions on my other topic, thought I would make a new one.


1: Downloaded Wally & unpacked the pak for Sprites. When I put a sprite in the level & compile & run it the game crashes. My current directory for these is C:sierra/half-life/valve/sprites. If this is wrong let me know.

2: Also downloaded Spirit of Halflife, but not sure what to do with it. Does not seem to have any sort of tools or instructions on what to do. This might be the problem with the sprites as well.

3: Once the sprite issue is dealt with, how do you scale them? I tried typing in numbers but nothing worked.

Thanks in advance.
Posted 12 years ago2011-09-17 00:33:57 UTC
in Problems with change-level? Post #299004
OK did not know that, thanks!

Any suggestions on the other stuff?
Posted 12 years ago2011-09-16 22:31:22 UTC
in Problems with change-level? Post #299000
OK anybody going to have any suggestions?

I also downloaded Wally, and unpacked the pak to get the sprites.

However when I try to run the map (with a sprite in it) I get an error.

Then the game just quits.

I have the sprites in this folder.


If that is not the way to do it let me know.
Also how do you scale the sprites?

The upload thing is still not working (I am using a flash drive to store them, and using somebody elses computer to use internet) I just have an iPhone at home to post.
Posted 12 years ago2011-09-15 00:36:57 UTC
in Problems with change-level? Post #298949
Oh, and that problem with the statue did not occur until I compounds the map.
It kept automatically stretching the "staff" of the statue.

The statue was made out of several parts, so maybe it got confused.
Posted 12 years ago2011-09-15 00:33:51 UTC
in Problems with change-level? Post #298948
For some odd reason the upload map tging won't let me upload no matter what I do.
The last time I tried it said "problem with file type". Just uploading the WMF file, so not sure what's going on.

BTW not really sure how to "use" Spirit of Half-Life since it does not seem to have any sort of tools.

Any assistance would be helpful, just using Worldcraft 3.5 to make the maps (as well as compiling them).

I made a fully working TFC map (borrowed a couple of things like Flags).

I will attempt to download a model viewer so I can unpack the pak files for sprites.
Posted 12 years ago2011-09-13 21:09:19 UTC
in Problems with change-level? Post #298922
OK I was going to upload the files, but did not know you needed a screenshot.

Will have to do one later.

Downloaded some examples to help learn more stuff.
Posted 12 years ago2011-09-12 15:10:29 UTC
in Problems with change-level? Post #298887
OK thanks for the info.

Sorry the first post was rather long.

I am pretty sure the landmarks were named the same, but maybe it got confused since there were 2 different landmarks in the levels.

Since when you got to the "gate" in the new level you went to the next level.

The change level things were no where near each other, cause these were "one way" level changes. So I hid the level change that went back to the previous level inside a wall, and made it "use" only.

I will try that Spirit of Half-Life thing. Does that overide the most recent version (non-Steam since I don't have internet at home) of Half-Life?

I decided to wait on doing that huge project, since I have no clue on where to even start. I am making (or attempting to) a level based on my apartment.
Posted 12 years ago2011-09-11 06:28:23 UTC
in Problems with change-level? Post #298802
Hello I am new here, have been messing around making maps for Half-Life using Worldcraft 3.5.

I had an idea for a series of maps where you you a magic doorway/gate to time travel to other periods in history.

To do this I was using a trigger change level & info landmarks.
There is one of each "pair" in each level like the tutorial says.

I keep running into this odd problem.

I go from the start level to the temple level and suddenly I am sideways like I am dead.
On other occasions it works fine until I get to the end of the castle level and when I step through the gate, half-life crashes when trying to load the pirate map.

I can try to upload the maps a little later (if this site does that) so people can help.

I also would like to get better at mapping, but have no clue on how to do really complex stuff.
The entity thing is useful, I just need to figure out what they do & how to use them.
Also how do you get more sprites to show up? I was trying to make stuff like torches with flames coming out, incense burners with smoke, and a fountain that spits water.
Also maybe a volcano that erupts every few minutes would be cool.

I would also like to make my stuff a lot better looking.
For example the pirate ship I made looks rather boxy and is "flooded" by the water it's trying to float on.

I was attempting to make a statue in the temple level, but something got goofy and it ended up blocking part of the map.

Any suggestions on how to make craters for a moon map would be nice as well.
Oh and how do you turn gravity down?

I kind of have this new idea to attempt to make a huge underground base.
It's based on a series of books called The Event Group.

Basically it's a base under Nelis Air Force Base in Las Vegas that has about 80 levels. All serviced by air powered elevators, a huge Cray computer (with robot arms to grab the "programs", living quarters, hospital, security team, huge meeting room with holographic screens, and these huge vaults that hold artifacts like Noah's Ark, King Arthur, Gengis Khan, and other stuff.