Forum posts

Posted 10 years ago2013-10-12 10:00:01 UTC
in Why won't trinity engine load my maps? Post #316196
I put trinity engine on my mod and on other mods i downloaded and it works fine with other mods (and my mod too, but only on default hl 1 maps) but when i try to load one of my own maps for my mod, my game crashes.

I get this message saying something about "paranoia's sh*tty opengl32.dll was detected" and something about that conflicting with light maps. i looked online for default opengl32.dll but couldnt find it. and how would i solve this "light maps" prob. (i dont really know what that means :))

please help me thank you :)
Posted 10 years ago2013-10-12 09:52:34 UTC
in Half life 1 flashlight question? Post #316195
tried that trinity engine for my mod too, flashlight looks great and works on all my goldsource mods EXCEPT my own maps :( no idea how to fix it