Forum posts

Posted 11 years ago2014-03-03 16:14:33 UTC
in goldsrc: rendering entities Post #318174
How can I rename this thread??:)

So, here are some new screenshot (snow effect based on gpu particles).
In this scene, there are 270k particle with depth map based collision.
Snowflakes are generated sprites with geometry shader (without textures at the moment)

Otherwise: i'm started to write the tutorials;)
Posted 11 years ago2014-02-27 12:18:07 UTC
in goldsrc: rendering entities Post #318133
Hi Bruce! It's a nice idea, but i have some problem with the language itself;) Otherwise, it's a good chance to practice so I will write a tutorial
Posted 11 years ago2014-02-27 10:25:40 UTC
in goldsrc: rendering entities Post #318131
Yesterday I had a few hours to implement my gpu particle system. After 30 minutes coding (and 2 hour debugging:D) seems like working fine;)
At the moment it's support GL_POINT only, but i'm started to implement a geometry shader to convert points to sprites (or any other geometry).
17 million particle:
Posted 11 years ago2014-02-25 19:57:14 UTC
in goldsrc: rendering entities Post #318124
Another screenshot with one spotlight with light shafts and AVI playback as cookie texture (like a projector;))
Posted 11 years ago2014-02-25 19:30:12 UTC
in goldsrc: rendering entities Post #318123
At the moment, i dont want to release the codebase. In the future, i'll move the whole renderer to a library and release it standalone. After that, everybody can use the renderer with any engine:)
Posted 11 years ago2014-02-25 13:35:58 UTC
in goldsrc: rendering entities Post #318117
I found a couple of screenshots from my old version (lot of effects missing or working bad).
So, the images:) Imported 3D skybox (from 3D studio max):
Parallax mapping:
Translucent with refraction:
Posted 11 years ago2014-02-25 12:47:17 UTC
in goldsrc: rendering entities Post #318116
Thanks for the response. Deferred rendering needs a lot of hardware resource (a lot of memory and bandwidth). At the moment my test computer have an nvidia gtx570 card. The performance is depend on the scene complexity but in most cases more than 100 FPS (average 150 fps). With disabled effects (seems like the original goldsource, so with baked lightmaps, no shadows, no volumetric effects) more than 500 fps (all geometry moved to the video card memory).
The video recorded six months ago (i haven't got much time for developement). Since the video i've implement a lot of feature (the performance is based on the latest renderer).
At the moment, i've implemented this features:
Engine features:
  • HDR rendering
  • volumetric lights (spot, sun light)
  • light with cookie texture (point, spot, area)
  • light with pcm filtered shadow maps (point, spot)
  • cascaded shadow maps (sun light)
  • procedural generated sky, sun
  • procedural generated volumetric clouds
  • 3D skybox
  • HD textures (up to 4096x4096 limit with jpeg, png, dds support)
  • Specular map
  • Bump mapping
  • Parallax mapping
  • Translucent materials with refraction (based on normal maps)
Post process effects:
  • SSDO (Screen Space Directional Occlusion)
  • RSM (Reflective shadow maps for real time global illumination)
  • SSLR (Screen Space Local Reflection)
  • Color grading (with lookup texture)
  • Bloom
  • Physically based lens flare
Planned features:
  • GPU accelerated particles with collision support (based on depth map, like unreal engine 4 particle engine)
  • Deferred decals
Posted 11 years ago2014-02-24 19:33:17 UTC
in goldsrc: rendering entities Post #318107
Hehe. Yepp, that's right, but it's fun and challenge for me, nothing else.
Posted 11 years ago2014-02-23 14:16:26 UTC
in goldsrc: rendering entities Post #318090
There are several types of entity, you can get the type like this:
The type is an enum, values are:
mod_brush (bsp/solid ents)
mod_sprite (sprites)
mod_studio (all of entity what use MDL files, players/view model/shells etc.)

I place a hook on hud_addentity to collect all of the entities whats need to be rendered, but i need to render this entities more than once for generating shadow maps and any other post processing effects.

I can render mod_brush entities easily because i rewrite all of the function needed for it. I want to use the original renderer for mod_studio ents
Posted 11 years ago2014-02-22 15:40:47 UTC
in goldsrc: rendering entities Post #318062
first of all, sorry for my english:)
I'm try to develope a "mod" to replace the whole rendering pipeline to a deferred one (only via hooks).
I know, it's a quite sophisticated method to do things inside the engine, but my goal is the compatibility with another "real" mods;)
A short movie taken from counter-strike 1.6:

At the moment, i have some troubles with the gold source:
Is there a way to force the engine to render a mod_studio entity?