Forum posts

Posted 4 years ago2020-03-24 22:59:46 UTC
in get steam VR source 2 VHE? Post #343941
I want to start doing tutorials for it soon. Keep an eye out, I need to finish the game first :P
RollingBarrel RollingBarrellearning in progress
Posted 5 years ago2019-04-30 20:51:03 UTC
in Modelling issues (invisible model?) Post #342540
Cheers for the tip The303 I have upgraded from Jed's model viewer to the standalone version and it has not crashed once so far which is good. Indeed I followed your tutorial + Brett's video tutorials to get the model working from blender which proved very helpful!
I can confirm that the normals of the outside of the paper cup were borked so backface culling was indeed the cause of the issue with the paper cup, thanks Admer :) I've managed to fix it (Blender 2.79 has the backface culling checkbox in the viewport properties window, under 'Shader' FYI those who are using Blender 2.79).

Interestingly however, upon compiling the paper cup I suddenly had the same issue as I had for the donut box - it appeared invisible in HLMV. Now, besides fixing the normals, I only did one other major change to the blender scene - I removed the 'idle' armature which I had setup as per Brett's video. I didn't add any armature to the donut box model in the first place, so I highly suspect the model origin is incorrect when exported from Blender unless you have a bone. Also I tried checking the 'weapon origin' checkbox in HLMV and the paper cup did appear, though in the wrong place so I think my theory about the incorrect origin might be the most likely reason for the apparent disappearance and misplacement of both models:
the paper cup floats above from the weapon origin viewthe paper cup floats above from the weapon origin view
I am still a little confused however as toggling the ground (with a loaded image) and attempting to zoom/pan in HLMV didn't show the paper cup at all, only the weapon origin checkbox which is bizarre. A possible fix would be to add an armature with a single bone to any static model I make, but it's not ideal.
RollingBarrel RollingBarrellearning in progress
Posted 5 years ago2019-04-29 21:53:00 UTC
in Modelling issues (invisible model?) Post #342538
Well, I have some good news and some bad news.
The good news is, the donut box appears in game.
The bad news is the donuts are floating in the air when they should in fact be on the floor. Furthermore the 3 donuts have all morphed into one. I think the origins of the box and it's constituent donuts are messed up ha, at least the backface culling doesn't seem to be an issue for my quantum donuts :P I rather suspect this is why it does not appear in HLMV
RollingBarrel RollingBarrellearning in progress
Posted 5 years ago2019-04-29 21:42:14 UTC
in Modelling issues (invisible model?) Post #342537
Thanks for the info about backculling peeps! I'll use that Blender toggle to check those faces tomorrow and let y'all know how it goes. As for the donut box, I'll double check the model viewer now just in case it is a scaling issue.
RollingBarrel RollingBarrellearning in progress
Posted 5 years ago2019-04-28 22:01:41 UTC
in Modelling issues (invisible model?) Post #342527
Heya! I've been dabbling at modelling in Blender and compiling GoldSrc models. However, I've run into a issues with the visibility of my compiled models that I am unsure how to solve (I suspect I'm missing something obvious but my googling attempts have failed me). Here's a screenshot of my first model attempt in Jed's model viewer, the humble paper cup; it's a bit poly heavy but 222 polys shouldn't exceed the limits of a model as far as I'm aware?
ah yes, the monstrous paper cupah yes, the monstrous paper cup
For some reason the outside faces appear invisible (at all angles) but the inside is fine and I'm unsure why...

I also made a model of beautiful donut box (badly textured, about 1600 polys...) which is completely invisible; I suspect in part because of the high poly count, but even with multiple $body commands in the QC file to compile with individual SMDs for the donuts and the box compiled together it doesn't show up. UVs and textures are fine and can be viewed in the model viewer (for both the paper cup model and the donut box), just not the model itself in the case of the donut box.

Any ideas what could be wrong (or any info I can provide to track down the problem)? I'm completely new to modelling, let alone getting stuff into GoldSrc so thanks for your patience :)
RollingBarrel RollingBarrellearning in progress
Posted 9 years ago2015-08-18 13:11:25 UTC
in How to put jumpscares? Post #326759
You could also just make the floor open up and then the player falls 50 feet into a nasty pit of sewer water infested with leeches.
place a single spotlight over the only ladder in view.
When the player is 15 feet from the ladder, shut off the light and play super loud metal groaning sounds.
Then instantly teleport the player into a re-creation of the teletubbies playhouse.
User posted image
The teletubbie's playhouse ensures that you won't avoid this one ^
RollingBarrel RollingBarrellearning in progress
Posted 9 years ago2015-08-02 20:04:41 UTC
in loading images during gameplay ? Post #326618
I guess that's what they did in the BlackOPS mod; maybe check it out...
It basically has notes and stuff which you can come across in the game, and even a comic type-thing if I remember correctly.
I don't know how it was done, but again something along the lines of what of Urby and Dr. Orange said. Sorry for repetitions :D
RollingBarrel RollingBarrellearning in progress
Posted 9 years ago2015-04-26 18:48:53 UTC
in One Super-Sized Source map... Post #325399
Cheers again guys :)
You're right Dr. Orange,
It shouldn't really make much difference to the game anyhow, for a lot of effort. Maps are big enough as they are for now anyways.
Thread looks interesting Jessie, wander if Tetsu0's still doing it...
Shame that something can't be done about it in the Source engine- but perhaps one day, when Source 3 arrives... :cool:
Back to Physics background research... Whoops, better get started on that.
Don't suppose it'll help solve mah super map problem though.
RollingBarrel RollingBarrellearning in progress
Posted 9 years ago2015-04-26 16:39:53 UTC
in One Super-Sized Source map... Post #325395
Is it possible?
By super-sized I mean a few times bigger than the current maximum map size. Maybe even more so...
I'm trying to figure out if it's possible to have one large map in Source rather than several maps with change levels in-between; I was thinking about Hammer and if it were possible to compile one super map with some changes to the maximum map size, fog/areaportals to render certain sections at a time when in-game. Obviously changes would have to be made to Hammer to allow the compiling and creation of a super sized map successfully.

If this isn't possible, is it possible to do so by seamlessly joining maps together to allow no level changes/loading points?

Reason I'm wandering is that I'm considering the possibilities of either open world RPG, or a recreation of the old PS1 game, Driver 2. No change level sections would mean that you could have a recreation of something like Driver 2 without upsetting vehicles, etc. coming out of a change level section...
Super sized is no doubt super-unlikely, but any help, thoughts, or ideas would be nice. For now I'll enjoy making Source FilmMaker stuff and doing schoolwork :cool:
RollingBarrel RollingBarrellearning in progress
Posted 9 years ago2015-03-01 20:18:53 UTC
in Coding/ Programming help. Post #324489
I've actually just started learning C++ really, really, recently. I've started with C++ for dummies, and it's quite good. It only covers the basics, but the really complex stuff (If ya get what I mean :P). It goes over making super simple programs which require some basic maths, teaches you some variables, and some other cool stuff. If you want to you can check out their site at
RollingBarrel RollingBarrellearning in progress
Posted 10 years ago2015-01-22 21:24:52 UTC
in In-game GUI's and Spawn menus Post #323461
Hmm, I like that idea! Maybe I should learn to code in C... but the idea of a spawn gun would probably be much better than a whole GUI- especially if I can utilize the HUD instead.
RollingBarrel RollingBarrellearning in progress
Posted 10 years ago2015-01-21 21:55:50 UTC
in In-game GUI's and Spawn menus Post #323445
Bump! I'm glad some people still know the ways of old- if I knew how to code then perhaps I would experiment a bit, but as is... ^^
Oh well. I'm just curious. I had the main idea when I saw the constructions you can make in CS Zombies: Nexon in the Zombie shelter mode.
I've just discovered Go-Mod, a GoldSrc version of Garry's Mod; I was thinking of a spawn system like that too. By the way, if you haven't already seen it:
Thanks Archie-
Hey, I've had an idea! Maybe a dialogue box? Like the options in Skyrim or Fallout 3?
Food for thought.
RollingBarrel RollingBarrellearning in progress
Posted 10 years ago2015-01-21 18:28:19 UTC
in In-game GUI's and Spawn menus Post #323441
Thanks, but the SDK files turned up blank :(
Anymore help is still appreciated.
Thanks anyways!
RollingBarrel RollingBarrellearning in progress
Posted 10 years ago2015-01-21 16:22:10 UTC
in In-game GUI's and Spawn menus Post #323438
Ok. So...
I was wandering about making a multiplayer mod, and I thought, 'How would I add in GUI's, like in TF Classic?' So I looked around, but I couldn't find anything on it. When I say GUI, by the way, I don't mean the splash screen or HUD, but the box which lets you select a team in Team Fortress Classic- or what I really want is a GUI that lets you place entities IN-GAME. Like the Engineer class. I really want something like that which I can make, to spawn in entities of my choosing in GoldSrc. Any ideas?
Thanks. Oh, and by the way- this would be a Multiplayer/Singleplayer Half-Life mod I'm talking about, not a TF Classic mod or CS mod.

RollingBarrel RollingBarrellearning in progress
Posted 10 years ago2014-11-27 22:09:13 UTC
in Blue Shift as a "mod" Post #322507
Umm... I was gonna post something, but I think that mod is probably your best bet by the sounds of it. Especially as I don't know much about the actual .dll files...
RollingBarrel RollingBarrellearning in progress
Posted 10 years ago2014-10-27 16:34:06 UTC
in IRC chatbot error... Post #322151
No worries; I just fixed that part in the script (Took me a while, as ever). So anyways... here's error no.3 (more like 30- I'm not counting the errors I fixed before this...):

[16:37] Tcl error [askquestion]: can't read "eggfu(#chat)": no
such element in array
[EDIT]: Fixed. Here comes error no.4...

[17:29] Tcl error [askquestion]: syntax error in expression
"$triggered && ($ignorecheck == -1) && ($chancheck == -1 ||
$...": looking for close parenthesis
Similar to an earlier error- probably just need to replace or add a syntax, like $ or !.

Any help (again) is massively appreciated.
RollingBarrel RollingBarrellearning in progress
Posted 10 years ago2014-10-08 15:24:10 UTC
in The Village - Goldsource mod Post #321994
Thanks Qwertyus! I hope it gets finished too.

I literally just changed the textures for the timbers, though thanks anyway zeeba- it looks a lot more realistic now:
User posted image
In other news...
I ditched the tree I was going to put in the graveyard for now and replaced it with a couple of benches and a well (It's a bit dark mind- I'll add some more lighting later):
User posted image
User posted image
Also, does anyone know how to fix this glitch?
User posted image
Feedback and suggestions appreciated.
Thanks guys!

RollingBarrel RollingBarrellearning in progress
Posted 10 years ago2014-10-07 19:00:44 UTC
in The Village - Goldsource mod Post #321983

As some of you may be aware, a while ago I started work on a village map. Currently, it just has a church...
Anyway, this thread is specifically for you to give me feedback, suggestions and ideas for my mod as it develops. It's also so I can upload screenshots and info on it's development. It's likely this mod won't see the light of day, but hopefully I can at least complete the map (Or maps) to a basic level. I do warn you though, it could take a while, and I may not even be on TWHL or even mapping for long periods of time (I kind of go through 'phases').

So! The mod itself :hammer:
Currently, I am focusing on no particular storyline. I find it easier to get the details done that way, and I tend to concentrate more. My plan for the first map is to make the layout of a small village. It should probably include a pub, some houses, classic shops (Bakers, butchers, etc.) and a few other places of interest.

I think that, except for one or two buildings, I may actually make separate maps for the insides of most buildings, a little like Skyrim.
That way I can concentrate on the details more (As I said earlier) and it means even if I don't complete the mod, I should have at least made the outside part of the village.

This is the building I'm working on at the moment, the church:
User posted image
User posted image
And here's a totally random murder scene... I got bored.
User posted image
So; any feedback or suggestions, please post here or pm me.

Thanks for reading :cool:
- RollingBarrel
By the way, yes the textures are badly done (in the church mostly). I'll get it sorted at some point or another though.
RollingBarrel RollingBarrellearning in progress
Posted 10 years ago2014-10-06 15:02:09 UTC
in IRC chatbot error... Post #321962
Thanks! That problem had been bothering me for months.
Typical me (Face palm).
Naturally, egg-fu simply threw up yet another error-

'syntax error in expression "$triggered && ($ignorecheck == -1) && ($chancheck == -1 || $...": variable references require preceding $'

Yes, it's even more obvious. I should be able to fix this one myself, but I don't know which variable(s) requires a '$' sign- it looks like they all have one - again any help at this time would be useful, particularly as I have all kinds of stuff blasting at me in life.

Thanks again for the aid anyway Penguinboy!
RollingBarrel RollingBarrellearning in progress
Posted 10 years ago2014-10-05 18:59:16 UTC
in IRC chatbot error... Post #321943
Hello all!
Tonight I reunited with my Raspberry Pi;
I haven't been on it for a little while, as last time I simply got overly frustrated with an IRC Bot problem. Of course, nothing's changed on my Pi (Except possibly my IP- although I thought I made it static...).

Oh, and by the way: You may want to skim read this next bit, or you'll fall asleep.

Unfortunately, neither has my IRC bot problem. Ages ago I tried installing a fun little chatbot on my IRC LAN server, called eggfu . It basically 'learns' thing from what people on your server say, like this: 'My friend is funny' or Pizza is nice. The 'is' part is the keyword for the eggfu bot to 'learn', by putting the sentence in a .txt file. So 'Pizza is nice' would look like 'Pizza => nice' in the text file, so the bot knows that if 'Pizza' is ever mentioned again that it can say 'Pizza is nice' or something similar.

Of course, when I installed it it just had to have a billion little problems in it's Tcl script file- Of which MOST of them I fixed using some logic and googling. However, I've run into a seemingly impossible problem to solve- I got this:

'Tcl error [askquestion]: syntax error in expression "$triggered && ($ignorecheck == -1) && ($chancheck = -1 || $e...": looking for close parenthesis'

I've found that line in the Tcl script itself, but I can't think how to fix it. It's probably just missing something obvious (no doubt a '$' sign or something) but any aid would be appreciated, if I don't fix it first.

You can stop skim-reading here!

So any help would be great.

Thanks again,
  • RollingBarrel
RollingBarrel RollingBarrellearning in progress
Posted 10 years ago2014-10-01 13:53:27 UTC
in Mini-Competition: Tree Mapping Post #321903
Urb durb flirby durb!
Hmm. Well...
At the current rate of construction, my map will probably be ready for around... 2070.

I presume that's alright? (Obvious Sarcasm)
Seriously though, it's as much to do with school life starting up again as it is my brain capacity shrinking, so perhaps next time. I've barely done much to my mod so far, let alone this mini-comp. So...
Unfortunately I missed the last upload date :( but next time I'll be more ready. Maybe I'll try something with a few less... errors...
RollingBarrel RollingBarrellearning in progress
Posted 10 years ago2014-09-11 20:13:26 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #321723
Thanks guys! I'll probs put another couple of images on here soon; I've put 3 in my journal. Also I now use; how the hell do they keep it running? Maybe they have expensive, small adverts :D

Thanks Rufee and Tetsu0, you're always a great help!
RollingBarrel RollingBarrellearning in progress
Posted 10 years ago2014-09-11 13:44:16 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #321718
Anyone know how I can upload screenshots, besides putting them on an external website/server? Also if I do have to put them on an external website, how do I embed it? Copy and paste the URL or what?

Again, the noob shows himself in full :D

Any help appreciated guys. I have a couple of screenshots to show on my mod.
RollingBarrel RollingBarrellearning in progress
Posted 10 years ago2014-09-05 14:26:40 UTC
in Mini-Competition: Tree Mapping Post #321640
My brain has frozen over- what to do in the tree which I can handle, but still looks cool?

Also, do you guys mind if I use one or two of the textures in my mod? I am REALLY bad at making textures look good, so things like the bark or grass could be useful. Also, thanks for the heads up on getting ideas going Zeeba- I realise it's easier to do a simple plan or sketch, concentrating on one segment of a map at a time, and going from there.
RollingBarrel RollingBarrellearning in progress
Posted 10 years ago2014-08-31 20:07:41 UTC
in Mini-Competition: Tree Mapping Post #321573
I think Ghost meant "A tree", and I'm guessing Ghost ain't fond of it!
RollingBarrel RollingBarrellearning in progress
Posted 10 years ago2014-08-31 11:43:21 UTC
in Mini-Competition: Tree Mapping Post #321559
What I do know is that the unaltered .bsp file works, but compiling the unaltered VHE file results in the common 'not responding' and my computer lagging a hell of a lot. I'll try again but with Zoner's compile tools, see if that works. If not, maybe someone could compile for me, but there are various problems doing it that way. I'll be back in a sec.

[EDIT} It works now! (But slowly)

Ok, I swapped the bsp2 compile tool for Zoner's hlbsp.exe compile tool, and it worked, so I'm in for good (Phew!). Sorry for the bother!
RollingBarrel RollingBarrellearning in progress
Posted 10 years ago2014-08-31 11:14:56 UTC
in Mini-Competition: Tree Mapping Post #321557
Oooohh... I Have a cool idea - and it's not a treehouse! But will my mapping skills be up to it?

Ok then. I'm also in. Don't expect anything great though, I haven't actually mapped in or around realistic trees before! My mapping skills consist of rectangular rooms and large empty spaces of nothingness. But we'll see... mine'll get slightly sci-fi.


NEW STATUS: I'm out. Sorry! My PC can't handle it for some weird, weird unknown reason.

Unfortunately, your map is a CPU killer! My PC's CPU spiked to 100% when I tried to compile it, without any alterations! So unhappily I'll have to save my idea for another time... or a possible mod... :(

Good Luck anyways guys. Also, if anyone knows why my cpu went so high, and started to lag my computer, please tell me (Hammer and Half-Life have NEVER done this before to my PC)
RollingBarrel RollingBarrellearning in progress
Posted 10 years ago2014-08-29 18:49:32 UTC
in Map Plans & Story Lines Post #321516
I don't know about some of you readers, but a lot of the time when I decide to make a map, I don't have a clear goal. This is fine for learning and discovering new techniques, but at some point you'll want to develop a series of maps- perhaps into a full mod, or just a couple of maps with a simple story line. Either way, it needs a foundation; a basic beginning, middle, and end. Hopefully, this thread will be a blank slate to sketch ideas on, to suggest starting points and ending points to others, and get help on deciding the main setting and story line for your maps or mods.

So feel free to go ahead!
RollingBarrel RollingBarrellearning in progress
Posted 10 years ago2014-08-28 11:29:09 UTC
in My Half-Life (Goldsource) Mod doesn't wo Post #321496
Thanks guys! I didn't realise you weren't supposed to have spaces, and I didn't notice a "gamedir" in the liblist.gam of some mods I have - actually, POV - Point Of View doesn't have one (Yet it works?) so I disregarded it.
Thanks! I'll write stuff about my base mod in a new thread or journal entry at some point or other if you wanna know more about it, and my other ideas.

Many Thanks! :D


IT WORKS! YEAH!!! I wasted a lot of time trying to figure out the problem by myself- Thanks Atom, Archie and Alberto! I wish you well in your mapping and modding.
RollingBarrel RollingBarrellearning in progress
Posted 10 years ago2014-08-27 12:23:28 UTC
in My Half-Life (Goldsource) Mod doesn't wo Post #321478
Oops! The title doesn't fit!
Also one of the parts that says type "single" has been changed to "single_player_only". Still no success!
RollingBarrel RollingBarrellearning in progress
Posted 10 years ago2014-08-27 12:20:50 UTC
in My Half-Life (Goldsource) Mod doesn't wo Post #321477
I'm trying to make a "base" mod so I can use it as a base for my other mods, rather than constantly making all those directories and things;
but whenever I try to make it for Steam's Half-Life, it never loads my maps or splash screen or anything. It's deceiving too, because in my games library the mod DOES show, but simply loads normal Half-Life! My liblist.gam file in my mod directory says this:

game "My Mod"
startmap "train1"
trainmap "train1"
type "Single"
version "1"
hlversion "1122"
type "Single"
mpentity "info_player_deathmatch"
cldll "0"
gamedll "hl.dll"

I have the map in steamapps/Half-Life/valve/maps and I have it in steamapps/half-life/Mod Base/maps too. To load the map you actually have to type in "map train1" in the console, because when I open up my mod and start "new game" or "training room" it simply chooses Half-Life's default maps, not mine.

However, I have several Half-Life mods (not mine) which work absolutely fine- such as Azure Sheep, Big Scientists, and BlackOPS.

Any ideas on why? Also, my Half-Life runs on the WON file system- there's no .pak files. But it also appears to work WITH .pak files, as Azure Sheep and POV use a .pak file. I've tried my mod with and without a .pak file for my maps, but it still won't work.

Any help or tips would be awesome. Thanks!
  • Rolling Barrel
RollingBarrel RollingBarrellearning in progress