Forum posts

Posted 4 years ago2021-01-22 16:43:28 UTC
in Map2curve spline extension not working Post #345262
I have fulfilled all requirements for spline extension on Map2curve, but the resulting file is just the same as the input file, a brush and a path but no curve. What could be causing this?
Posted 4 years ago2021-01-10 18:09:11 UTC
in Brushes rotated incorrectly after compiling Post #345197
Ah, I see. I fixed it now, thank you!
Posted 4 years ago2021-01-10 17:10:00 UTC
in Brushes rotated incorrectly after compiling Post #345194
in Hammerin Hammer
in gamein game
What is happening here?
Posted 4 years ago2021-01-08 11:41:04 UTC
in Entity brushes are fullbright Post #345179
To fix the func_wall, set its 'Minimum light level' (_minlight) to 0. It was set to 1, making it fullbright.
Indeed it was. But my problem is that the borders of the light are fullbright too. According to this tutorial (, if I set the brush as a func_wall, and give non-light textures to the borders, the borders shouldn't light up.
The func_water is trickier: apparently water textures (textures whose name starts with an exclamation mark) are always rendered fullbright by the engine. If you don't need the water surface to be wavy then you can use a non-water texture instead. Otherwise, you can set the func_water's 'Render Mode' to 'Texture', with a fairly low 'FX Amount'. That'll make the water more translucent, reducing its brightness against a dark background.
I see, it makes sense. I started to think this was the case when I remembered finding it strange that water is somewhat lit up in dark tunnels in Thief: The Dark Project. It came out the same year as Half-Life, so I thought it could be some sort of technical limitation of the time.
As for func_detail, it's a brush entity, so it won't show up in the list of point entities. But if you're turning a brush into an entity and still don't see func_detail in that list, then perhaps you've got an older zhlt.fgd file?
Ah, I was using the halflife.fgd file that came with J.A.C.K. Now I use the zhlt.fgd file and I now have func_detail in the editor. Thanks!
Posted 4 years ago2021-01-07 20:02:43 UTC
in Entity brushes are fullbright Post #345177
Did you try to compile with -extra enabled for your qrad/hlrad/p2rad/whatever light compiler you use?uoted text
Yep, didn't help.
4) You can also try removing the light entity and making the texture emit light instead.
That's too far from what I want to do.
according to the ZHLT Version history, func_detail was introduced in Vluzacn's ZHLT version 25.
I use J.A.C.K and the ZHLT version it came with is v33, but strangely I have no func_detail in my editor.
can you show a screenshot - or better, upload your map to the vault (or at least the problematic part of it) so we can have a look at it? Without that, we can only guess.
Posted 4 years ago2021-01-06 15:35:36 UTC
in Entity brushes are fullbright Post #345171
Is there a way to quote reply in this forum?

func_detail? I thought GoldSrc doesn't have func_detail?

I have 1 light in the area. It is put near the light texture, the light texture itself does not emit light.
Posted 4 years ago2021-01-06 12:52:46 UTC
in Entity brushes are fullbright Post #345164
I have a pulsing light in my room, but the brush entities inside it are not affected by the pulsing light, they are constantly fullbright. The entity brushes are a func_water and a func_wall. To be more specific with the func_wall, I intend only the front face of it to be glowing, and only that on that face a light texture is applied, but the borders of the light are fullbright too.
Posted 4 years ago2020-11-19 21:14:55 UTC
in Porting Goldsrc water to Unity Post #344894
I want to create Goldsrc water in Unity, the one that waves up and down vertically. I know I could create an inimation of the water with other means, but I want the water to move exactly as it does in Goldsrc. I suppose Xash3D would help with this, but I could not find any code that does with rendering water in the codebase. Does anyone have any ideas?