After learning how to make seamless level transitions, I quickly came across a small visual issue. The doors I walked through, to which the level changes, dont carry over their rotation/position and appear closed again in the next level.
I understand why they do this obviously, because the brush entities don't just magically carry over, but I'm more questioning how I could fix it.
This small visual issue has plagued my transitions and made them appear far more fake when you look at it.
Three images have been provided for an example here: first image was taken in J.A.C.K Hammer. It shows my stairwell leading to the next level. The second image was taken in-game showing the door in it's opened state. The third image was taken in the next level, lower down the stairwell with the door closed.
If I could get any advice on how to make these doors carry over, if at all possible, that would be fantastic, as I have not seemed to find anybody else talking about this matter.