Forum posts

Posted 2 years ago2022-08-12 21:43:20 UTC
in Crossfire map modification Post #346776
I am wondering how I can make it so that when the button in the bunker is pushed that the map lighting goes dark and then back to normal like flashes the whole time the siren is on until the air strike. I have to do this using bsp.edit. I want it to flash black screen then normal every second even in the bunker.

16 slot

Over powered Rapidfire weapons

It has a grapple hook so you just bind a key to +hook in console like this:
bind x +hook

Give it a try...........I know its not for everyone but its good to take out frustration.
Posted 2 years ago2022-03-05 00:37:14 UTC
in HL1 Crossfire map Post #346317
Thanks again. I have no idea how to even use Hammer let alone set it up. I can see that it seems to be complicated to make the map do that for me. Thanks again for your help.
Posted 2 years ago2022-03-03 04:04:37 UTC
in HL1 Crossfire map Post #346309
Hi DocRock, hope all is well for you.
Posted 2 years ago2022-03-02 22:06:07 UTC
in HL1 Crossfire map Post #346307
Thanks for responding. I have just a little bit of experience in editing things in a map using BSPEdit. It will not let ,e post the crossfire.bsp here so that you could show me. I could copy and paste and send it to you in email.
Posted 2 years ago2022-03-01 16:20:12 UTC
in HL1 Crossfire map Post #346305
How could I make it so that when the airstrike occurs that the frag points will be given to the player who pushed the button? Can this be done by adding entry in BSPEdit?
Posted 2 years ago2022-03-01 16:18:06 UTC
in trigger a sprite to appear and disappear Post #346304
I couldn't figure the program out but thank you I appreciate your time.
Posted 2 years ago2022-02-16 14:41:48 UTC
in trigger a sprite to appear and disappear Post #346284
thanks, i have downloaded and it will take me a while to figure it out.
Posted 2 years ago2022-02-06 01:34:32 UTC
in trigger a sprite to appear and disappear Post #346261
No it didn't work. You have helped me tremendously and I thank you very much. Like you I love the game very much and I am always trying to improve my server for the players out there. If you can help me figure this other thing out sometime I would appreciate it.
Posted 2 years ago2022-02-05 23:03:36 UTC
in trigger a sprite to appear and disappear Post #346259
Thanks again! How could I make it so that when the airstrike occurs that the frag points will be given to the player who pushed the button?
Posted 2 years ago2022-02-05 22:37:10 UTC
in trigger a sprite to appear and disappear Post #346257
Absolutely brilliant and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. It works 100%. I have a question. Can I set up other sprites throughout the map the same way?
Posted 2 years ago2022-02-05 21:45:28 UTC
in trigger a sprite to appear and disappear Post #346255
Thank you so much! Half way there.
now when i join the flag is not there and does appear when i push the air strike button but it does not go away after the strike is over. here is what i have in the bspedit

"origin" "1 -949 -1440"
"targetname" "strike_mm"
"scale" "1.0"
"model" "sprites/usaflagdoc.spr"
"rendercolor" "255 255 255"
"renderamt" "255"
"rendermode" "4"
"renderfx" "14"
"framerate" "20"
"classname" "env_sprite"
Posted 2 years ago2022-02-05 20:55:09 UTC
in trigger a sprite to appear and disappear Post #346253
tried this as well

"classname" "multi_manager"
"targetname" "flag"
"usaflagdoc" "0"
"usaflagdoc#1" "45"
"origin" "1 -949 -1440"
"targetname" "flag"
"scale" "1.0"
"model" "sprites/usaflagdoc.spr"
"rendercolor" "255 255 255"
"renderamt" "255"
"rendermode" "4"
"renderfx" "14"
"framerate" "20"
"classname" "env_glow"
Posted 2 years ago2022-02-05 20:02:39 UTC
in trigger a sprite to appear and disappear Post #346251
*Again I thankyou for your help but still not working and still visible when I join the server. When I push the button the sprite does nothing but the airstrike and sound work. Heres what I put in the BSPEdit. Keep in mind I do not want the sprite visible until when the button is pushed and I want it to become invisible right after the strike occurs.

"classname" "multi_manager"
"targetname" "strike_mm"
"your_sprite_usaflagdoc" "0"
"your_sprite_usaflagdoc#1" "45"
"origin" "1 -949 -1440"
"targetname" "usaflagdoc"
"scale" "1.0"
"model" "sprites/usaflagdoc.spr"
"rendercolor" "255 255 255"
"renderamt" "255"
"rendermode" "4"
"renderfx" "14"
"framerate" "20"
"classname" "env_glow"
Posted 2 years ago2022-02-05 17:09:51 UTC
in trigger a sprite to appear and disappear Post #346249
Thankyou for responding so quickly, I really appreciate it. I'm sorry but I'm having trouble, how do i go about renaming it? do you mean rename the sprite itself? here is what i got in the bsp file. the timing of the siren is what i want. I want the sprite only to be visible while the siren is going.
"origin" "1 -949 -1440"
"scale" "1.0"
"model" "sprites/usaflagdoc.spr"
"rendercolor" "255 255 255"
"renderamt" "255"
"rendermode" "4"
"renderfx" "14"
"framerate" "20"
"classname" "env_glow"
Posted 2 years ago2022-02-04 19:09:23 UTC
in trigger a sprite to appear and disappear Post #346247
Hi, I have a hldm server which runs the crossfire map 24/7 mostly. I have used bsp.edit to put a sprite on the map and I have change the siren sound (when the button is pushed) to the usa national anthem. Anyway I want the sprite to only appear when the bomb button is pushed and remain visible until the bomb explodes and then disappear until the bomb button is triggered again. Can someone please tell me what to enter in bsp.edit for this effect. Thanks in advance if you can help me. Server location is THE BASTARDS OF HALFLIFE <-RAPIDFIRE->