not two env_beams only one and im sure ther is a eksample map. but it has one problem if you go somewere that you cant se the env_beam it stops working(in game)
or you can just use a prop_phys with the wattermelon model and set it to explode on break. when it comes to the coler i think garry dit chance it in v7.0 there was green,blue,red,pink and yelow wattermelons as bolons hope it helps
if in game not posible if in editor clik replace in the tex brohser then select the tex you want to replace and the tex you want to replace it with then clik ok or replace cant remember
i know that you use env_steam for the gas efekt and env_fire to make it burn, but i dont know how to make it burn on sparks. by the way it is the gas from ravenholm i am talking aboat
I know that you use a phys_ballsocket and the model names but it wont work do ennyone have a step by step tutorial on plug+plugholder and cabel? thanks on advance
inside the env_global there is option like "tagetname" that you can set to "super gravity gun" and make sure that the env_global does not start disabled.
PS: you can also make gordon godmode whit env_global
I know that you use env_fade for fog but i dont know how to make it go away wen you walk inside a house, and kome back wen you walk out of the huose? Thanks on advance.
Yes the rocket is a func_train and i do know how to make it. But i dont know how to make the flame effects, and make it follow the rocket when it takes of, do you?
Yes the rocket is a func_train and i do know how to make it. But i dont know how to make the flame effects, and make it follow the rocket when it takes of, do you?
I have this level changing that i almoast as big as my spellig prop. Every time i walk in to the level changer it rites loadig, abaut 10 sek. and then it chrases. Can enyone healp me?