Forum posts

Posted 3 months ago2024-02-06 02:42:16 UTC
in Transition Doors Post #348556
Oh I had no idea that I can freeze the player like that. I kept using the camera lol, thanks

With this method everything works great - I press use on the door > freeze > fade > map change. But when I enter the next map, it just spawns me there without a fade in and since I can't add it to the same multi_manager cuz it's on a previous map, Idk what to do. I tried just using the "Level fade in" option but 1. It's too long and 2. It seems like it can only happen once, so if i leave and come back, the fade doesn't happen.

I also tried putting a trigger_once in the exact place where the player spawns and make it trigger a fade but again, that only makes it happen once and I don't want to make it a trigger_multiple because then it will trigger when i come back to the door.

Is there a way to trigger that env_fade only when i enter the map?
Posted 3 months ago2024-02-05 17:36:29 UTC
in Transition Doors Post #348552
I wanna make a door where if a player presses use, the screen fades to black and when it fades back in, the player will be in the location behind the door.

So far i've thought of either making use of a teleport trigger that would teleport the player behind the door after pressing use or the same thing but with a changelevel trigger but I'm totally new to mapping so I don't know if there's an easier way to do it.

I know that Cry of Fear uses this type of doors but when i checked the maps it seems that they programmed their own entity and I'd like to do it with the stuff that's already avalible by default in Jack.