yeah, that bothers me. I get high scores on IQ tests, but put a math test infront of me and i'm lucky to get 1 right. I'm barely slipping the the cracks in the system of my school's grading and credit system. sorry, i did guess on a few questions.
You want a real test, take the PAQ (Perceptibilty Acuteness Quotient) test. That would be interesting. It's a test that measures how creative and thought resourceful you are. The government makes me take one every 3 years. Later this August i'll take one. The scale that measures it is the same as the IQ test. given 170 is high and all, I scored 401 on it when i was 9. I've digressed down to about 345 over the years. I was told that if i manage to increase it above 350 this year, i'll get free college and intuitions from the government.
I looked for a PAQ test on the internet, i came up with nothing. Probably because after your done, you've hand-written about 50 pages in answers.
I know ya'guys are wondering. So i'll give you an example question.
A young girl finds a pearl in a nearby river, she reaches in and keeps it to herself and does not show anyone. However, the pearl in her pocket turns black when she talks to a boy she likes, but turns pink when a boy that likes her talks to her. When they both talk to her, the pearl changes blue. When she gets hurt while playing, the pearl turns red. One day the two boys were both talking to her and the pearl was speckled with each color. Explain what might happen in detail.